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I have a best friend that i love to bits , but she thinks she hard and always a dick to me what do i do.

Talk to her. Demand why she acts like a dick to you and tell her she isn't as hard as she thinks. It might sound harsh but that's the only way you can get it into her brain xx

my mate jodie thinks shes hard as fok, what can i say to her to make her shut the fuck up?

Hmm, you can talk to her maybe? If I were you though, I would show her she's not hard, aha but that's just my personality :P x

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i shagged a black man and im enbarresed what do i do? its brought shame on me and my family!!!!!!!! :'( xx

First of all, you shouldn't be embarrassed. It doesn't matter what race you are, we are all the same people on the inside. And why did you bring shame on your family?

I was wif a boy 11 months+then we split up+he got with another girl 4 6 monthes or so she treated him like shit,but when i was with him i loved him 2 pieces but i cheated on him.were now getting closer again but he wont get back wif me cuz he dont trust me. i love him + i would never cheat again,???

You either have to talk to him about it or give it some time. I personally think it takes time to gain someone's trust after you lost it xxxx

I was at a party yesterday and me and my girl friend both shaged different people, what do I do?x

Talk to her about it. If both of you had sex with someone else, then you might forgive each other xx

im 13 and my boyfriends 19 ive been with him 3 weeks i let him shag me becouse he kept asking me and asking me for it, since then he hasent spoken to me, i think hes only after me for sex should i end our relationship..but i think i love him cos he took my virginityplease give me advice on wat 2 do

Okay, first of all, I think that 13 and 19 is a little bit too much of a age difference, but that' my opinion. Secondly, I think that yes, he might have used you for sex. As harsh as this might sound, I thin he wanted to get a young girl like yourself whipped about him before using you and throwing you away. Talk him xxxx

13 and my girlfriend wants me 2 meet her fAmily+ what do I do?

If you don't feel comfortable with meeting her family, then talk to her about it. She should understand xxxx

I really want a boyfriend and there's 2 guys I like but I'm not sure on either of them and I keep getting called frigid :( :(

Now, the first thing you have to ask yourself is why do you want a boyfriend. If you just want a bf because people call you frigid, then I think you should wait a while. But if you want a boyfriend to feel loved, then go for it! Get to know one of the guys more, and who knows? Maybe you'll be getting a bf sooner than you think :P xx
Liked by: Advice girl

im 13 and i like a 18 year old, is that bad?

Personally, I don't think it's too bad. You can't help liking someone, and like some people say, age is just a number :P xxx
Liked by: Charz

I think the boy I like hates me?:/

Well something had to make him hate you.... Maybe say sorry and try to become friends before jumping straight into a relationship? xx

im 15 and my girlfriend is 14, me and her are on about losing or virginity's and im rather dreading it because i think i have a small penis, im really worried because what happens if she gets it out and think its small im sooo worried....help!

Don't worry about it! Even if you do have a small penis it shouldn't matter to her. Even if she does see it, she probably won't even know as she's a virgin <3 xx

i've been with my boyfriend for just over 2 weeks, i let him finger me and that but now he wants me to meet his mum and us have sex in her house while she's downstairs:/ i've only met one side of his family but never his mum, do you think it's a weird move for a 15 year old?:/

It depends on if you are comfortable with it. If you're not, then refuse as you will regret it later xx

whats the best way to finger a girl, i mean what wud they like before i went down?

I personally don't know what the best way to finger a girl is as I am not a lesbian but you could ask a guy maybe? xx

many people they like to tease and bully me. What should I do to against this kind of thing?!!!

You need to either stand up for yourself or tell someone. If I lived where you live then I would tell these bullies something but the only thing I can do is give you advice through a computer. Tell someone. It might sem like a cowardly thing to do, but it's for the best xx

is it weird to be 15 and attracted to a 37 year old that ive been seeing since the age of 13?

I guess it's a bit weird that you are attracted to someone who is more than twice your age but it's your choice xx

last night i went round my boyfriends house, and i found him in bed with an aother lad? i didnt know he was gay im so upset!! i need advice on what to do, also ive been cheating on him for the last 3 months of our relationship with his older brother should i come clean?

I personally think that you don't have to. If you saw him CHEATING on you with a GUY, then I think that he's the one who should come speak to you xxxx

All my friends are in commited relationships.. And I'm single have been for a while now since a girl I loved dumped mee

I'm sure the right girl will come round when the time is right :) xxx


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