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How do I approach to a girl? I had a girl friend ages ago(4-5years ago) and she dumped me. I was so deppresed and sad at that time..since then I find it difficult to talk to a girl like I'm afraid of gettin dumped again which I couldn't stand anymore I really hate that feeling.

Okay, this may sound a little harsh but I do not mean it in that way. Get over it. Every single person that walks this earth will face rejection/ dumping at least once in their life. You can practice talking to girls by text or even ask fm! If the girl broke up with you then she didn't realize what a good guy she had beside her. xxx

im 15 years old, im a girl, my friend broke up with her boyfriend, we was at a party (me and her ex boyfriend) and we started kissing, and then he took me upstairs and we had sex, and he fingered me and i sucked him off, now my friend has found out and disowns me what shall i do? it was a mistake!xx

I understand it was a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes. To be fair, it isn't really your friends business anymore as she broke up with him. You should confront her about it and say that you are sorry but she broke up with him, so you had the right to.xxx

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I dont think he wants sex. hasnt mentioned it and hes a virgin, as am i. he's really caring and sweet

I'm sorry but I find it hard to believe that a 20 year old man would be a virgin. No offense of course. I believe you that he is caring and sweet but I don't think people wouldn't accept it. <3 xx

I'm 14 and i love a 20 year old, we really love each other but are worried about what peope wil say. what should i do?

Personally I think that 14 and 20 is a little bit of a difference, but it's your choice. unfortunately, I don't think people like your friends and family will take it as easily as me :L. Also, I think you might want to think about why a twenty year old guy would want from a 14 year old girl. I don't want to offend you or your boyfriend but he might be looking for sex. xx

For that anon before, this sounds so weird but the exact same thing happened to me. What I did, was got a wet tissue or cloth, and put it on the blood and pressed down and then released. It "sucked up" all the blood, and if you don't know what I mean by that, you can just wipe it, too.

Aha, that works as well xx

this aint a troll thingy but ermm i was sleeping at my boyfriends last night he hasnt woken up yet but im on my period and i leaked on his sheetts omg what do i do help quick time:/xx

Okay, you can't really clean it up without making too much noise so I would recommend grabbing a towel and laying it down on the blood. After he wakes up, pretend to be asleep and cover yourself with the cover so that he won't notice the towel. When he goes to the toilet or something, quickly strip the bed from the sheets and hide them? I don't know D: xxx
Liked by: Advice girl

Right so me and a guy really like eachother but our friends keep trying to make us get together but tbh we like it how we are now but we don't wanna lose our friends by telling them to back off.. What should I/we do?

Right, all I can say to this is that you have to either tell your friends that nothing serious is going on between you and the guy, or get a boyfriend. By getting a boyfriend you would show your friends that you haven't got anything more than a friendship going on with the guy :) xx

Me and a lad had sex last weekend but we didnt use anything and i had just come off (sorry for details) i took my pill on the monday and i was wondering if i could be pregnant? X

Is it okay if I pass you over to this girl? >>>>http://ask.fm/Advicegirl12 xxx

How do you know I have a laptop and I'm in the middle of the ocean, with a hairy bloke strapped to the steering wheel:/

I though it was an advice page... What now? -_-

And somehow your laptop ended up in the boat with you? And instead of trying to get the hell out of there you decided to check your ask account?

but what if im too scared to do that? if i was to message him it whats the best sstuff i could write?<3

You could say something like this:
"You know we have been friends for a really long time?"
Or, you could do something like this:
"I have liked you this entire time."
Either way, it's going to have the same effect. Don't beat around the bush :D xx

The other day I was eating my food in my room and I heard a loud bang downstairs, I went down to fin the house was flooded, I tried to drink the water through a straw it did nothing, so I decided to run around screaming, I fell over and hit my head on the table, woke up in a boat, what do I do now?

-_- Wow.
Liked by: Advice girl

so i like this guy yeah, but things have changed between us and i wana tell him how i feel but whats the best way to do it?

Just walk straight up to him and ask. I know that you might be thinking "Is this girl on crack? I can't do that!" But trust me, it is the easiest and most efficient way. If he likes you back, he will be the happiest guy on the planet. Now, many people still think that the guy should make the first move, personally I don't agree with that. Just go for it! :D xxx

I get hate alot, and it causes me to cut myself. once it got so bad that i tired to kill myself, im only 13.

Well all I can say is for you to either ignore them or tell someone. I know that line seems greatly overrated but it's the only way out of the situation. You shouldn't give these people the satisfaction. They are nothing more than heartless idiots just looking for another person to bully. Please, don't cut. It kills me even reading this and I can't imagine how hard it is for your family. xx

Thank you. I will try that. But people will still find out x

If they do find out, ignore them. If they have a heart then they will understand and not take the piss. And no problem xxx
Liked by: Advice girl

When I'm in public I'm always afraid if some psyco person attacks me kills me. Ever since I have that kind of negative idea, I just want to stay in my parents house all day and have actually lived my life in this way for years now. I'm sick of having my life like this but I'm too scared to go out.

Okay, if you are being serious then don't be scared! People go out there everyday and there is no reason to be scared. Not every person is a psycho which will try to get every chance to kill you. If you are not serious and this is a joke then bye? x

Basically, I cut my thighs a few years ago and they look like stretch marks so I call them stretch marks and I think someone has found out that they aren't and I'm really scared incase loads of people find out and take the piss out of me :( I want to cut again xx

DO NOT CUT. Not only it leaves your body scarred, but it leaves both your mind and heart scarred too. If you wish, keep calling them stretchmarks, but the best way to prove that you are stronger than the person who found out is by not cutting anymore. It might seem like the pain is gone, but it's only for seconds. It's really not worth it. If you wish, you can try the elastic band method where every time you have an urge to cut, you ping an elastic band on your wrist. It has the same effect but doesn't leave scars. <3 xxx


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