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right problem my mate is not gay,he has a wife and 2 children yet he still manages to watch gay porn,i have tried to tell him to stop plenty of times as his kids will find out what it is,but he is ignoring my advice

I think that if your friend likes watching gay porn, it's his choice and he will face the consequences if his children find out. You are trying to be a good friend but if he is not listening to you, then there is nothing you can really do xxx

My friend is threatening to commit suicide and I feel as if I have to step over eggshells to stop myself from saying hurtful things. Advice?x

Before I can give you advice, can you please tell me why you want to say hurtful things? xx

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my mate smokes weed and he is only 13,i dont want to tell him to stop because we wont be freinds anymore

I know people who smoke weed and are thirteen, and I worry too. And every time I tell them to maybe stop doing it, I can see something like guilt in their eyes before they cover it up again. Your friends probably don't know what they are doing yet, or just got addicted from the first time. Even though you don't want to loose friends, I think you should talk to them about it. If they are true friends they will take your opinion into consideration xxx

If you aren't sure on an answer they can ask me. I am NOT stealing your questions I just want to help :) I'm not twelve, that's my birthday..haha. X

Advice girl
Liked by: Advice girl

ok major advice,i want to become a wrestler and have looked into all the wrestling academys,but i dont want to tell my dad as last time i wanted to do something this badly he shouted at me and i got seroiusly upset

I think that whatever you do, you shouldn't hide it from your dad. He is your father and he will find out someway, so better tell him rather than him finding out himself and shouting at you xx

If you ever feel really depressed or upset what the best way to deal with it? Cos self harming addictive and i dont know what to do?/: also how do u know it your depressed?xx

The best way to deal with it is to take your mind off it. Do anything, listen to music, go shopping, or just do something that makes you joyful. Self harming is never the right way out and you shouldn't do it because as you said yourself, it is addictive and it is very hard to fight this certain addiction. You know you are depressed when you are always sad, never feel like doing anything you would usually do, loss of appetite, recurrent thoughts of death.xxxx

Is making yourself sick self harming?

I guess so. You are making the body do something it wouldn't do naturally so I think so. x

help,my girlfreind was raped and she is pregnent,she does not know whether to abort the baby or keep it,advice?

I personally don't believe in abortion. This is a very hard question as the baby is from a man she doesn't know, but you shouldn't take someone's life away before they got to live it x

I have tried no one wil help me

I wouldn't suggest talking to your Dad. But you have to tell a teacher, your Mum anyone. If they won't help you then at least you tried. If they don't do anything about it, go to the police x

My dad abuses me :'(

Definatly talk to someone. There is nothing else that IO can say. Just tell your Mum or someone you can definatly trust. xxx

i kissed my friends girlfriend, they then broke up for reason unrelated, then me and her did things, now he is saying im not allowed to talk to her or him because i am making her cry, last time i talked to her she was crying because i wasnt allowed to talk to her, what do i do

Maybe she told him that you kissed her and that is why they broke up? Maybe your friend thinks you hurt her and that is why he doesn't allow you to talk to her? xx

i hate my dad and want to live with my mum

Talk to your mum and dad and go over why you want to move out. Your parents should respect your decision xx

I am pregnant and dont know how to tell my mum, I am,16

Okay, you don't want to rush into telling her. Wait until she is relaxed and calm before sitting down with her and telling her calmly. Now, don't expect for her to be happy and alright with it, she will be mad at you but in the end she will have to deal with it xxx

i like this girl,but the only problem is that she is 2 years younger then me and already goes out with someone,im 15 and have not had a girlfreind yet but i have known this girl all my life and i realy fancy here

There is no problem with someone being two years younger than you. If you know this girl well and think something special is going on, give it a shot :) xx

haha thanks dudeie,im 14 though so sleeping pills are not a option

Oh, well you might want to see a doctor if it's really serious then :) xx

cant get to bed at night

It can be an illness so you may have to see a doctor but sleeping pills might be a good way out? But only one! xxx


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