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I'm really in love with this girl and she is completley un interested everytime she breaks up with her boyfriends she always gets with another one before I have a chance to tell her how I feel xxxxx

If this girl is jumping from guy to guy, not realizing you are right there, every time she breaks up with someone, then the girl must either be blind or stupid. Not meaning to be harsh, but even if she did find out how you felt for her, she would probably do the same thing as she would do to the other guys, without realizing what kind of a good guy she has right next to her. Hope this helps xxx

my friend died tonight and i cant stop crying.. I want to die too :'(

Stop right there. Don't do it. There are so many people in this world that care about you, and they would be so sad if you left them. I'm sorry about your friend but think about what your friend would say if they saw you in this state. Hope this helps xxxxxxx
Liked by: Eloise Stratford

hi well this guy i know since march i really really like him we started off as bestfriends then we grew feelings for eachother we went out 3 times it never really worked out. I cry a lot about it he used to be really different and now its like he just talks to me cause hes horny .. idk what to do :(

If this guy only talks to you because he is horny, he must be a jerk. If he would care about you, he would talk to you everyday, comfort you and make you feel special. You should ask him about it. Ask him why it all changed . I hope this helps xxx

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It did help, but this time last year I was seeing him but we don't speak anymore:'( its so horrible, I shake everytime I see him.. xxx

Sorry but I'm kind of confused to which person this is asking :L could you please put your initial or somthing I can recognise you with when asking the question? xxx

I really need help, ive liked this boy for years. I still have that butterfly feeling when someone mentions his name. but he has a girlfriend who hates me and always has something to say to me E.G she called me fat! i cry myself to sleep over him loads, im trying to forget about him:'( i.hate.it

I know that feeling. A guy you like has a devil of a girlfriend. Urgh! Maybe you should tell him about his girlfriend? If you and the boy know each other and are good friends, he should listen to you and make the right choice. And don't cry! You should really just confess to him or ask his girlfriend what her problem is. Hope this helps xxxx

I need help hihi :) there's a boy, and all my friends and his friends are saying that he likes me, and I like him too, but he doesn't give any hint or something, he really does acting as 'just friends'... I'm too shy to ask him ... what can I do right now?

Now, most of the time, everyone thinks that it's the guy that should make the first move. Personally I think that both the girl and guy can. I think you have to confront him about it. Ask him if he feels something for you. I mean, what do you have to loose? And also, sometimes guys are completely oblivious to any types of hints from both his friends and you, so you should really ask him straight up. I hope this helps xxx

yeah but i don't know he's going to hurt me.. i'm just to scared to find out:-( xx

I'm sorry but there is no other way of finding out other than confronting him xxx

Addicted to masterbation i need help

Okay, if this is a serious question then you might want to set yourself a challenge or something? If you masturbate everyday, try doing it every other day and gradually start increasing the number of days without masturbating. xx

I need help, I recently got rejected by my crush so I am quite depressed and I am taking it out on the people I care about most, how do I get over her D: (Please answer)

Okay, if you are taking out all your anger on the people you care about then this girl must have been really important to you. But think about it, if this girl rejected you, is she really worth anger? xx

Yeah.... And I'm not being vain or a shitty friend but I think he likes me more. So I would have more of a chance but I don't want to go against her in a way..

I completely understand you. I know how it feels when you have to basically choose between a friendship and a relationship. But you shouldn't break things off with your friend if you don't know if the guy is going to like you. xx
Liked by: Advice girl

im shy around girls how can i get better ?

Well, first of all you have to start speaking to more girls. Weather it's by text, face-to-face or even ask.fm. When you get confident by speaking like that, you can start to experiment with talking face to face. Hope this helps xxx
Liked by: Advice girl

That does help thanks. But seriously, I like him A LOT! And I like someone else as well but one of my besties likes him along with another boy. No idea what to do!

Well it gets pretty bad when you and your best friend like the same boy. All I can suggest is that maybe you speak to your best friend about it? xx

i know but i've never put myself in the position to be hurt by a boy and i really don't plan to:-( i know i need to stop it and that everyone faces rejection but i just dk:-( i just don't wanna sound like a dick or anything.. omg i sound so sad aha x

If you know that you are going to get hurt by this boy, then maybe he isn't the right guy for you? xx

Thank you so much but I don't want to. I feel like an idiot when I tell people and I just hate it... I'm actually surprised I'm not on anon! X

Eloise Stratford
It's all up to you x. And you shouldn't feel like an idiot, many people have the same problem as you. And you can always come here if you need advice, anon or no anon xxx

I Love her but she is in a relationship and i dont think she is getting out of it for a while i love her and she is my world what do i do

Well it depends weather her and her boyfriend are getting along good. If they are not, then you may have a chance if they break up. If there is no sign of breaking up though, I'm sorry but there is nothing that you can really do xx

I spoke to this boy for around a year and we don't talk much anymore but I still really like him. He's so nice to me and my friend likes him now too and I just have no idea! Haha

That is kind of a sticky situation where you and your best friend both like the same guy :L xx

But confidence isn't my strongest point..I'm proper scared of her tbh:/

You have to tell someone then. Or you will have to grow past your fears and confront her xxx

what do girls look for in a boy?

Where to start :P
- Sense of humor
- Trust
- Good appearance
- Great personality
- Someone with a warm heart
- Someone who will comfort them when they are down
These are just some of the things, but every girl is different and every girl will be looking for something different. Hope this helps xxx

Everyone puts me down. I'm already skinny and have an eating disorder..again! I used to cut my legs but I just say they are stretch marks. I have no confidence and no self esteem. I need help and I don't tell my family anything. I don't know what to do and I'm scared and have no friends.

Eloise Stratford
First of all, don't listen to a thing people say. Some people out there are bastards who haven't got a heart and who would do anything to bring a beautiful girl down to make them feel better about themselves. You should also definantly tell your family. They are the people you should be able to trust with anything. You can also go to a doctor who will help you with your eating disorder. Hope this helps xxx

yeah but i really don't wanna say anything first and be rejected or anything as i think that's embarrassing:-( i've meet up with him once and he's so lovely when he's on his own.. but idk i really just don't wanna say anything..i'm scared off getting hurt, omg what do i do?!

I'm sorry but there really is no other way to tell him. And everyone has to face rejection. He probably faced rejection before. It isn't a nice feeling but everyone goes through it. And if he is a lovely guy, maybe he sees the same in you as you see in him? You will never find out unless you confront him about it. xxx

I like him. He's a playa, what do I do.

Players usually go for easy girls. The ones who are just spreading their legs for anyone to enter. If you are not one of them girls (which I am sure you are not) then you can do so much better than him. Hope this helps xxx

awh, glad i can relate to somebody:-) i know he's not a very open person anyways, but i just wanna know haha, i don't want to put myself in the situation where i can get hurt:-( xx

Haha x. Someday you will have to face him about it anyway so better do it sooner than later x. Or, maybe he is just nervous and always thinking what to say? xx


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