
Need Advice? xxx

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Good loosing weight tipss?

Exercise a lot. Maybe change your diet into a more healthy one? I'm sorry but I'm not the best at weight loss tips :L Hope I helped anyways xxx

ok, well nice talking to you whoever you are ;) maybe you'll tell me your name but it dose'nt matter i'll just call you lets see "Need Advice sophia" i'm guessing Sophia is your name, nice one by the way ;) good night! ;) x

It was nice talking to you too :) And you call me Need Advice Sophia :D when you want to talk to me, yeah? And thanks :3 Night xx

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same,screamo rock heavy rock gothic all that lot

I like that type of music and people call me an emo and stuff but they don't dare bully me. You shouldn't care about what people think and if you do then stand up to them. Nobody should judge you by the type of music you listen to. Self harm is never the right way out though xxx

you've never heard of stratford have you? it dose'nt matter its not a big place, no where near as big as brighton but it was were Shakepeare was born so its sorta famous.

Aha, yeah I heard it somewhere before :) xx

hey,i keep thinking that if i dart my tounge into the back of my thorat my gag reflex will go off,and i have a phobia of being sick,any help

I don't think it's possible for someone to dart their tongue That far down their throat xxx

hey seen your link on my mates page,and i need some advice,im getting bullied everyday cause of shit and the music i listen to,im serouisly thinking about commiting self harm,is there any advice you could give me

Okay, first of all never listen to anyone. There is always someone there that can help you and self harm is never the right option. Music is something everyone should love. Weather it's screamo, pop, dubstep or country. Personally I love screamo and rock bands. What do you like?

me i live in stratford upon avon in warwickshire. oh and i did answer your qustion earlier sorry i was a bit in a bad mood and over reacted.

Cool and it's okay :) xx

aw okay thank you! but she's always busy and like always working and stuff and never really has the time?:( xxx

Hmmm, just try to find a moment but if you can't then maybe text her? Might not be the best method but it's worth a try xxxx

Hi, I've been depressed before and tried to comit suiside 2 times but a saw a cousiler for like a yearand then I was ok but now I'm really depressed and I'm doubting everything my freinds and everything it just feels like lifes not worth liveing anymore, help? Xxx

Don't you ever feel like your life is worthless. There is always someone you can turn to. And if the counsiller helped you once, they can do it again for sure. Just never question your life again xxxxxxxxx

ahhh brighton, a little way from me then ;) but i'm british too so i trust you and if i need any advice i know who to come to thanks alot.! xxxx

Aha, okay :) Where do you live? xx

how do i tell my mum that i have a bf? im 15 and ive never actually been out with anyone, so i dont know what to do and i dont know how she will react? help me pleaaase?xxx

Okay, wait until a moment when she is relaxed and has nothing on her mind. She can't be stressed or angry as she'll just take it all out on you. Sit down with her and just tell her. Both you and her know that you won't be single forever and that you have to have your first boyfriend sometime. Hope this helps xxx

I'm really shy though and if I get rejected everyone will take the piss out of me like they do already. One advice person to the other! This is my second account too!

Sorry but can you please let me know who this is by putting your initials or something as I have no idea which question this has come from lolxx

are you a teenager? just out of intrest i'll understand if you don't want to say over ask.fm ;)

Why wouldn't I say? And yes I am a teenager xxxx

exuse me, but i don't mean to be rude, but why are you doing this? i think its a good thing by the way, giving up your time to listen to other peoples problems

You aren't being rude :) I decided to do this as I think that many people don't have anyone to come to for advice, and I figured that Askfm was a great way as you don't have to make it public about who you are while still gaining advice xxx

I fucked my girlfriend till she started crying and loads of other great sexual stuff. Her parents somehow found out and her dad wants to have a go at me. He's like massive, he goes to gym and stuff. What the actual fuck should I do? I can't fucking sleep or anything.

Okay, first of all, why did she start crying? And second, you should face her dad as you can;t keep in the hiding forever. If you come out on your own, maybe her dad will gain some respect for you not being a coward? Hope this helps xxx
Liked by: Advice girl

that helped a lot no she has no idea she thinks I want nothing more than to be her friends she only jumped from one guy to another once so I never really had much of a chance now I sit on Skype calls with her 24/7 hearing about her boyfriend I want to be there for her but it hurts hearing about him

Tell her about it. She can't read your mind unless she's telepathic. You need to give her hints on your feelings. xxx

Do I ask him out or wait and be single forever because I don't believe in girls asking boys out...

Well you should start believing because we are in the twenty first century! You should ask him out right now. Or tomorrow, depending if you have his number. I mean, what can happen? If he says no, he is missing out on so much xxx

Sorry, Its the one with the boy who has the bitch of a girlfriend.. my initials are E.F xxx

Ahh, okay. You should start speaking to him again and completely ignore his girlfriend, or somehow make him realize what kind of a bitch he has for a girlfriend. Also, if he would care for you he would take the mean words from his girlfriend into consideration and stand up for you.xxx


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