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14 xxxxxxx

Erm, this might sound offensive but I don't exactly think that at 14 you should be wondering about what to do if the guy you like lives in a different country. And if he looked like such a romantic guy, you could have started a conversation xx

And plus I don't get to see my dad because he's got a girlfriend and she's gotten 3 children and my dads gotten 5 but he doesn't want to see us, and he would rather spend time with them. I wonder , sometimes I wonder is it because of me what's all happened? I don't know

Sorry but which question is this from? I'm totally confused xx

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My best friend, she keeps talking to other girls boyfriends, and it really bugs them, and it bugs me as well,but she's doing it to my boyfriend as well, and I don't know if I should say anything, and my boyfriend flirts with girls as well, should u break up with him?please, I need advice!x

Hmm, if your best friend flirts with your boyfriend then you should definitly talk to her. It's not something a best friend should be doing. And as for your boyfriend flirting with other girls, you should talk to him too. Say that if he's in a serious relationship with you he shouldn't flirt with other girls xx
Liked by: Nisha Rafiq

Yh xx pretty much x

If you've never spoken to the guy then how do you know if you like him? Sometimes people turn out completely different than what they are like online. xx

There's this boy who always calls me slut, and that and like its my boyfriends best friend, and its awkward but I act like I don't care but I do, and cause of it, I tried to self harm, but failed. I wanted to tell someone but i couldn't cause i felt dirty, and I don't know why:/

Don't self harm! Don't let that idiot put you down. And the next time he calls you a slut, tell him what you think about him. say it right to his face. He might just be jealous that his best friend is spending more time with his girlfriend? xx

I can't I have break downs and the only other thing is taking drugs

abbieeee x
Don't even go down that road! You don't have to self harm or take drugs. I understand it's very, very hard to stop but do it for the people that love you like your family and friends. Self harm only takes away the pain for a couple moments, it doesn't make it disapear xx
Liked by: Nisha Rafiq

Right I can't throw away my razor I need to cut

abbieeee x
You don't need to cut. You don't have to throw away your razor, but maybe just get your mind off it? Do something that makes you happy and every time your mind goes back to self harm, force yourself to do something physical or fun xxx

I need to stop cutting, how do I do this?

abbieeee x
I understand that it might be hard to stop straight away, but just try. Throw away your razor, try the butterfly project and the elastic band method. It should help xx

I used to be really close to this girl, but I fell out with her, she has these two best friends who are the bitches, they decided to get involved when I fell out with her, they sent me horrible things on Facebook and Called me horrible things, I cried and cut and was scared 2go2 school &wanted2die

Don't let them girls get beneath your skin. You are so much stronger than they are and they should be ashamed that they drove you into self harming. If the facebook thing gets out of control, you may either want to report them or even go to the police. As long as you have proof that it's them they should get a punishment xx

How to get a guy to talk to you??

Well, my advice would be to just walk right up to him and talk. But not as a girlfriend type, don't start flirting with him, just talk to him as a friend. Or, you could start by grabbing his attention by doing something? xx

I told my mum ,teacher ,sister and.they never belived.me people juge me and people.are.saying kill your self your worthless everyone hates.you and.ita true they do I tried to kill my self before but it never worked I just cant.take it.im 12 and.getting more hate than you will ever get in your life

Rebekah Cran
If it gets really bad, you might want to go see the police. What people are doing is bullying you and it's an offence. Don't listen to the haters. You are 12 and have your entire life ahead of you x
Liked by: kate

Im only 12 aswell and people hurt me and.nobody cares

Rebekah Cran
Tell someone. It might be hard but from your profile picture I see a girl who clearly looks like she cares about you. You shouldn't experience something like this at 12 and you shouldn't let people hurt you. Please just tell someone whether it's a parent, teacher a counselor anyone! Just please don't turn towards suicide or self harm. It's not a good way out xxxx

Well this is realy hard to say but here it goes Im not pretty I not thin Im not smart But everyone eles is !! Now please Doñt think of me as a randomer wanting sympathy because. Doñt I Doñt think I can take it !! There id 12300 people is my.school and I Doñt have one friend I get laughed a

Look, friends and appearance have nothing in common. I'm not the prettiest of people out there but I have friends? And there are just about a million gorgeous girls in my school, but do you know what I do. This might sound mean but I say Fuck you to these girls. You just have to love yourself for who you are and trust me, there are people who maybe even wish they were your friends. You don't have to be pretty or thin to have friends. I'm not thin but I don't care because I love myself for who I am and I think you should too xx

theres this guy i really like. we talk a fair bit, we hang around at lunch and he knows about my depression and self harm, he was worried about me once, he hugs me alot, but some days he doesnt talk to me... what do i do?

Okay, I don't think there's much you can do. A guy doesn't have to talk to you every single day of your life. If he's worried about you, hangs around with you and hugs you, it must mean you mean something to him xx


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