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I don't feel like I'll ever get a guy to even look twice at me. help

Of course you will. You are beautiful! xxxxxxxxxxx

i despretly need a relationship i have not had one and im 14,another thing is that im bisexual as well

I know people who are 18 and haven't had a relationship yet! It doesn't matter if you are bisexual. There are plenty of people who would love to go out with you xxx

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im thinking about comitting suicide because of the amount of bullying im getting and my dad and teachers dont do anything about it,i cry myself to sleep nearly every night and im fed up

the thing is, it was my friends who made me try it:(, they wanted me to do weed, but i was already drunk and upset about the cigarettes, since then, i've had sex with my boy best friend 2 more times, i dont mean to do it, it just happens:/ this is one big mess!xxxx

Indeed it is :L You can't let your friends pressure you into doing things xx

I'm 16 and I really like this boy and he likes me, he doesnt know I feel the same, but the trouble is he's 12:/ should I go for it with him or should I keep quite about my feelings?

It depends if you are comfortable about your age. Guys usually like older girls, and feel somewhat proud when they have an older girlfriend, so I think you can give it a shot :) xx

But surely telling the girl will come across weird seeing as she's with someone right now

What do you have to loose? Maybe she likes you back? You will never know unless you talk to her xx

thanks,im gonna chat to her later and hopefully try and get her to give them to me,if not im gonna let her put them up for adoption

Good choice :D xx

I suffer from Trichotillomania, I'm bipolar, I have low confidence and self esteem. I'm isolated from everyone. I make all the effort with all of my so called friends. I'm useless. I'm unable to do anything right. The girl I've loved since year 7 (we're in year 11 now) is (to be continued)


(continued) is with someone and I cry to sleep over it. I'm always there for everyone yet no one is there for me. I'm on the verge of self harming or even worse, killing myself. I don't see myself doing anything useful, help me :'(

Don't you dare self harm. Self harming is a cowardly option, like running away from your problems without solving them. You should confess to the girl. And it is great that you are there for everyone, but I am here for you <3 xxxx

but i love my boyfriend but im not sure if i want to go through with the things he wants me to what am i suposed to say?

Say that you don't want to do things with him and that if he is a true boyfriend he will respect your opinion xx

my girlfreind is pregnent,and its twins,its to late to abort but shes only 15 and dosent want to raise them and wants adopt them,help

Even if it wouldn't be too early for an abortion, your girlfriend shouldn't even think about such a thing. It's her choice if she wants to give them into adoption, but I think that if she got into this mess, she has to live the consequences. xx

im a 16 year old girl the other day, i was at a party, and we was all drunk, i had sex with my bestfriend and i had a few cigarettes, but if my .mum found out she'd kill me, but now im off to another party tomorrow and im scared it might happen again:( you'll say 'tell her' but im not:( help me?

Hmm, try and stay sober or have one of your friends look out for you. Cigarettes are a thing you can easily get addicted to, and it would be a shame to see you get addicted :) xx

im in a lot of shit, i self harm, and im still a bit deppresed, i dont know what to do? and to top it of my boyfriend is kond of presuring me into doing things with him. im not evan a teenager yet i dont know what to do?:(

Defiantly talk to somebody. You shouldn't be letting your boyfriend do such things without your permission. And don't self harm. Whatever happened, a young girl like yourself shouldn't be under such stress <3 xxx

i had sex with my boyfriend on friday for the first time, he fingered me, i sucked him off, and obviously we had sex for 3 hours, now he's avoiding me? what shall i do? what did i do wrong?

I think you should talk to him about it. Maybe he's just confused or something? xx

my boyfriend and I have been going out for almost 8 months,we don't talk as much as we used to and we've never kissed/hugged. what should I do?xxx

I think you and your boyfriend should go out more and make more physical contact to be honest. Just go on a date or something :D xx

Would you consider any alternative ways for people to contact you?

Sorry but no. I only have ask and I like it that way xx


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