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My 'bestfriend' chats shit about me&bullys me by calling me death&blind&much more.I really wana tell her how I feel and end the friendship but I'm not confident&im shy+if I end it she will tell everyone lies about me and make my life a living hell,what can I do!?

You should never let anyone say such things about you. Confront her. There is no other way out of the situation. And if she decides to tell people lies about you after the friendship is over, tell someone (however cliche that sounds -_-). This girl is not your best friend if she says these kinds of things. The only way out of this sticky situation is by standing up to her and getting over your shyness. Hope this helps xxx

yeah i will:) i wish he never started talking to me though because i just can't seem to get him off my mind-.- omg how soppy dose that sound-.- i just think he's always talking to someone better than me and if he has feelings for me i just want him to tell me so i know where i stand-.- make sense?x

Sure it makes sense! Haha, I've had a time period where I couldn't stop thinking about the guy I was texting. Practically the same situation as you are in now xx

aw that did help, i just get concerned if he's talking to someone better than me or i'm annoying him:/ xx

If he keeps on starting the conversation, then of course he isn't annoyed with you. And never think that there is someone better than you that he is talking to. If it takes hours for him to reply, then I really do think you should confront him about it xxx

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I snogged a girl and she likes me but i dont like her and one of my my mates like her what shouod i do not to blow this out of proportion?

Woah, you are in trouble. Maybe introduce them to each other? If she is proper hooked to you though, it ight end up in yours and your friends friendship ending :L I'm sorry but I have no idea what to say to this D: xxx

Thank you so much, (I'm the one who asked about the guy I love) I asked this guy out in abouy September, do you think I should ask him out again one day, if so, when? Thank you so much beautiful.

I think that you should. If he says no, then he probably doesn't see what a kind and beautiful girl he has had by his side all this time, and if he says yes, then WOOHOO! I think you should go straight up to him, maybe even the next time you see him? No problem and thanks xxxxx

i've been texting this boy for waaay over a month now and i really do like him :3 but he usually texts me first and everything but he always take ages to reply?:/ what do i do??

I have been in this situation before so I know what you are going through. If you know the guy, why not talk to him about it? But don't shout at him because from what I can see, if he texts you first it usually means he wants to talk to you. Hope this helps xxx

u fink ur englis is betta den mine or sumting. ur obvo stopid bbygyal XD

... Only advice I have for you now is to grow up.

r u tryna par ma englis skillz? ur fokin stoopid blud

Yep I think I am. And the only advice I have for you is to go to your English teacher and slap them.
Liked by: Advice girl

There's this guy, he is so beautiful and I love him with all my heart, it's been about a year now, he is sweet to me and nice but doesn't realise how good I'd be to him, and he keeps dating these other stuipd girls...How do I prove that I'm best for him? And love me back? He become single 3 days ago

I personally think that you should be straight up honest with him. Tell him that you see something more in him than a friend but don't say anything about the stupid girls. Don't be like "I'm so much better for you than all the stupid chicks you are dating" as he will think you think low of him. You can prove to him that you are better by always standing by his side when he needs you and always being there to brighten the moment when he is down. Hope this helps xxx

my boyfriend is best friends with someone that made me try suicide. what do i do?

You should defiantly talk to your boyfriend and tell him why you dislike his best friend. If your boyfriend doesn't take this into consideration then you might want to talk to the best friend. If the best friend does something that will make you sad, be sure to tell your boyfriend and if he doesn't care then maybe he isn't the right guy for you xx
Liked by: Sammi

Language: English