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Me and my best friend have fallen for eachother, but people keep getting in the way of us getting together so for now were just fwb. i want us to be together, because we honestly love each other, the sex and everything is amazing, but the talking side is good too. what should i do?x

In my opinion, you should ignore all the people that are getting in the way. If your best friend want you to be more than friends with benefits, then talk to him. Tell him that you don't want want it to carry on this way and that you want to be something more. Hope I helped xxx
Liked by: Lo

me and this girl have been bestfriends for years and recently due to her relationship we have ended up in constant arguments and i've basically been left with no choice except agreeing to leave her to her life but it still hurts, what should i do? just wanted another persons view on my situation.

You shouldn't let her relationship ruin your friendship. Arguments or no arguments, it shouldn't be the judge of weather you two are still best friends. Talk to her. Confront her when she is alone, not with her boyfriend. Maybe she is just stuck in the moment, happy about having a boyfriend that she doesn't have time for other people like you. My only advice is for you to confront her about it. Hope I helped xxx

no one cares about me though. the world will be better if i was dead.

There is always someone in this world that cares about you. I care about you! And no, the world wouldn't be better if you were dead. All the people who like and love you would become so sad, and maybe even angry at you for stepping out of the crisis like this. I don't know what the reason for you to think this way is, but nothing and no one should have this kind of affect on you. xxxx
Liked by: Advice girl

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My mum drinks a lot when she drinks theres always an argument between her + my dad or her + me. Its really horrible. sometimes she start arguing at 3am so I'm tired till the weekend. I told her I'm bi, but my dad doesn't know I'm scared she'll tell him. I've cut/scratched myself. I'm scared pls help

It must be really hard to live with your Mum if she drinks. I'm not going to say that I know how it feels like as neither of my parents drink or smoke, but you shouldn't let this affect you. If it makes you feel happy, talk to your dad about moving to a family relative maybe? And don't scratch/ cut yourself. It might feel like the right way to wash the pain away but it only lasts for a moment. Also, talk to your Mum when she is sober. Tell her that you don't want her telling your father that you are bisexual. I hope this helps xxx

i'm going to kill myself.

If this is a joke then you are a sick person for joking about something so serious, but if it is not then don't you dare. So many people care about you and imagine how they would feel if you left them. Death is no way out and only makes you look like a coward. It is unfair towards the people that love you, and you shouldn't even be thinking about such things. xxx

I self harm, I cut my wrists a lot, I don't know how to deal with everything and cutting's the only way I can help my pain, I don't know what to do anymore?..

I understand how you feel. By cutting your wrists, you feel as if the pain just washes away. But if you think about it, all cutting your wrists does is leaves you with scars and a broken mind. And you are not helping the pain by cutting, you are taking your mind off it. Try doing something else to take your mind off the pain. Something you are good at and something you enjoy. Just please, don't cut xxx

i feel awkward around girlas

I used to be awkward around guys but I got over it. All you have to do is practice. I'm not saying, face to face practice, but maybe on ask.fm or by text? You will gradually learn which things are right to say in the moment given and which things you shouldn't say. I hope this helps xxx

How do you tell if you're gay or not, I've done stuff with girls before but I don't know if I am gay because the thought of having sex with a guy to me is disgusting, I've been called gay my whole life and maybe they're right. Could it just be that I don't fancy anyone at the moment? I'm a guy xxx

Oh, sorry >.<. If the thought of being with a guy disgusts you, then you must be straight. It also depends if you enjoyed doing things with girls. Sorry about that xxx

how can i be pretty??

Okay, i'm sure you are already a beautiful girl. Don't let society lead you to thinking that you have to look like a model. Everyone is beautiful. But think about it, many (not all) girls who are "pretty" have very bad personalities while other girls which are pretty on the inside are the nicest people walking this earth. I'm sure you are a beautiful girl xxxxxxx
Liked by: Advice girl

i do and all she does is make fun of me more :'(

You shouldn't let her. I don't advise you to do the same to her but be firm while talking to her. Maybe even shout at her. xxx

How do you tell if you're gay or not, I've done stuff with girls before but I don't know if I am gay because the thought of having sex with a guy to me is disgusting, I've been called gay my whole life and maybe they're right. Could it just be that I don't fancy anyone at the moment? Xxxx

I'm guessing you are a girl... Hmm, it all depends what age you are too. If you are 13/14/15 around that age, you are confused with your sexual preferences. If you are older and still are disgusted by going to bed with a guy, then I think you might be. I hope this helps xxx

I like this girl but she likes someone else and this other girls likes me what should i do??

It all depends weather you like the girl who likes you. And weather the girl you like knows you and knows you like her. This sounds complicated so do you mind if I pass you over to this girl>> http://ask.fm/Advicegirl12 she's great at giving advice xxxx

i get bullied, i have family problems i tried to commit suicide a few times i cut and im 13 what should i do?

Do not attempt to commit suicide. That is my number one advice to you. Ignore everyone and do the things that bring out joy in you. Get your mind of family problems by doing something fun. If the bullying carries on, then you might want to tell an adult. I know that you might think it will make it worse, but trust me, they are there to help you get through tough moments. Hope this helps xxx Stay strong :)
Liked by: Advice girl

i like this girl but she always makes fun of me?

Talk to her. Ask her why she makes fun of you and just confront her about it. There is no other way. If she says something like "Dunno" then make her feel guilty. Tell her how you feel about it. If you two become closer then tell her you have feelings for her. Hope this helps xxxx

Me and my girlfriend gonna have sex, give me advice

Okay, well is it your first time? If it is then all the advice I can give you is just to "go with the flow". Both of you will know when the right moment is. Hope this helps xxx

I'm gay, there's this boy I fancy but his got a girlfriend, I don't know if he is bi-sexual, gay, straight or w/e. What do I do?

Okay, from what it sounds like, the boy you fancy is straight. He has a girlfriend. And the only way to find out is by confronting him about it. It all depends weather he knows you are gay too. If people don't know that you like guys, then make sure he promises not to tell anyone that you asked. If people know though, then just find a moment alone with him. Hope this helps xxxx

How should I deal with anxiety I get so often.

Okay here are some of my personal tips:
- Get a lot of sleep, nutrition and air
- Do something fun; Shopping, drawing, cinema anything!
- Always think positive, don't let your mind wander to the things that are negative.
I hope this helps xxx. Stay strong

me and this guy have been talking for a while, he's just split up with his girlfriend. he's told me loads of times he really likes me. but he keeps going moody with me for no reason. and he always brings up sex? I really like him but I'm scared of being used. What do i do now?

Okay, from what it sounds like then the guy is looking for one thing. And I think that both you and me know what that thing is. If he goes moody for no reason, maybe it's because you are oblivious of the hints he's giving you. Hope this helps xxxx

my boyfriend said he wants to have a sexual relationship, so i said yes, he fingered me, and licked me out while i sucked him off, now he wants me to have sexual intercourse, but im unsure:/ ive done it before, but im scared of what he will think of my body? please help me??xxx

In my opinion, you should be 100% sure about sexual intercourse. It shouldn't be forced and you shouldn't be afraid to show your body as he should like it for the way it is (which I am sure it's beautiful). So my tip is that you talk to him about it all. Don't hide the things that float in your mind away from him. Hope this helps xxx

ive recently been cutting on my wrist/arm's, and i live in jumpers, but im glad its winter so i can say 'im cold' when im hiding my scars away, i sit in the shower/bath crying my eyes out cutting myself, imagining everyone laughing at me:'( i just don't know what to do anymore, i hate my life:'(xxxx

I am going to say this one FINAL time. Stop cutting. It doesn't do any good to you, your health or the people you love. Don't imagine people laughing at you because I'm sure many of them people would be crying their eyes out if they saw the scars. Keep strong, and if you want to tell someone about this. xxxxxx

my friend has a bf and i kinda like him, help? btw she knows i like him xxxx

It gets kind of hard when you like your best friends boyfriend and many times it can either ruin your friendship or her relationship. But if she knows that you like him, and doesn't do anything about it then maybe she doesn't care about her boyfriend as much as she should do? It's hard to tell if I don't know what her boyfriend is like :) xxxx


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