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i've been cutting for a year now, and my boyfriend of a year(before i started) has recently found out about my cuts, he told me to stop it, but i seriously can't, he tried throwing my blades away but i stopped him, i am scared he will tell my mum and everyone! what shall i do?

Ask him not to tell anyone, but most important of all, stop cutting. This song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fn4gXdCIPRYNeedAdviceBro’s Video 16768362259 Fn4gXdCIPRYNeedAdviceBro’s Video 16768362259 Fn4gXdCIPRY, please listen to it <3

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I had an eating disorder and I have it again. I feel the need to cut and I have been suicidal twice. No one believe me when I say I used to cut and no one believes me when I say I had and do have an eating disorder.

I suggest going to a doctor. They will give you medicine which will help you get over your eating disorder. As for cutting and thought of suicide, please don't. All you are achieving by doing so is scarring your body, mind and hearts of the ones that love you. xxx

My best friend is moving 2000 miles away. She's like an absolute sister to me and I keep panicking because I only have two weeks left with her. I keep on thinking really pessimistically and I can't calm down, what should I do?

Enjoy every moment you have left with your friend to the fullest. Make sure you have her e-mail address and her house address as you will be able to keep contact. xxx

i do i love him so much, i just can't say it to him yet, and i tell him via text, but when were on the phone/face to face, i just cant! i dont know whats wrong with me! he says it to me all the time, i feel a bitch for not saying it back:(xxxxx

You might have to talk to him about it then as he might become upset. <3 xxx

thanks,i realy need to get out of this house and into my mums,i love her and im losing faith in my dad thanks to the arguring and false promises

Good choice <3 xxxx

i spoke to my mum a couple of weeks ago and she said the exact same as what you said but i will speak to her again

Okay, stay strong xxxx

but then my dad will shout at me and,i dont want him to get upset,i want to live with my mum but i dont want to leave my dad upset

Talk to your Mum then. Ask her to talk to your Dad if you don't want to xx

i feel the need to self harm everyday evan when im not upset whats wrong with me?

Please don't. It kills me reading questions like these. You are on this earth for a reason. And that reason is not to make you self harm. I understand that you might be upset but self harm only takes the pain away for a moment. You can't run away from problems xxx Stay strong x

i think my boyfriends cheated on me what do i do ?

Confront him about it. There is no other way of finding out. xxx

my step mum and dad are always arguing,i want to live with my bio mum and step dad cause at least that way i will be away from the arguring

Talk to your parents. Go over why you want to live with your Mum and step dad and why you don't feel like living with your step Mum and dad xxx

my girlfreind had a child and it was born mute,meaning it cant speak and she feels she does not want the baby

Okay, this sounds as if she's going to throw the baby away or something.
Your girlfriend can't just get rid of a child. It is your child and you have to either deal with it or give it into adoption. xx

hey im 14 years old and noone wants to be my freind,no one,i dont get along with anyone and cant get along with anyone,the longest freindship i have ever has is 2 months,help

First of all, you don't need friends to be a happy person. I'm pretty sure tons of people would love to be your friend. Why don't you join a club or something? That would provide you with new people who might want to be your friends xxx

my familys torn apart and i have no one to speak to except my friends, i find it hard to talk to my mum and my dads normally upset?

I'm always here for you to talk to <3 xxx

Meh, I doubt I'll come across as anything positive to her, I know what I feel towards her, but I can't express it

You don't know that! Just give it a try please? xx

my boyfriend told me he loved me the other day, but the thing is, i can't say it back, is this a problem? am i weird?

No you are not weird. Maybe you just aren't sure of what you are feeling? Give it some time and I'm sure you'll be able to say it back.... Unless, you don't love him? xx


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