
† Twix †

Ask @PhenomFan4Eva

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Post a picture of how powerful you would be if you ate an extra Flintstone vitamin every morning as a kid.

I never ate vitamins as a kid. It could be why I’m short. I rarely ate too. I was a extremely picky eater.
Liked by: Ty † Twix †

I heard The Marix 4 is going out on HBO Max. I'm looking forward to seeing it but i hope its good.....What about y'all? Are y'all looking forward to seeing the Matrix 4??

I didn’t even know it was another Matrix coming out. That tells you how much I watch TV lol.
Liked by: † Twix †

I saw my boyfriend rub another girls back and put his hand on her hip (for 3 seconds) after watching them flirt all night. When I confronted him about it he made me feel like I was over reacting and that I shouldn’t be upset. Am I in the wrong for being upset?

No you’re not wrong for being upset. He’s clearly flirting with that female. It will make me wonder how often do he do it and is he fooling around with other females. A real man won’t even look at a female, let alone touch one if he already has a girl. I’m the type that will retaliate. I will not go as far as cheating, but I will “flirt” with other males just to see his reaction. If he reacts to you doing that. Tell him that’s exactly how he looked when he was drooling all over that tramp.
Liked by: † Twix †

Look I didn’t make the rules a man that was 80 years old told me 100/100. and said that’s why this new generation don’t work.. so sorry I value his opinion more.. he has the wisdom .. not up for debate he was married over 50 years

I didn’t make the rules either, nor did he. My parents were married till death over 40 years. They told me that in a marriage you give and take 50/50. You meet either other half way and meet up to make 100%. There’s no 200% in a relationship. A husband and wife are considered as one. They must work together as one. If you gave 100% in a relationship the other will give nothing. I value my own parents opinions more. I also realized a TV show said the same things my parents said. You have your opinions. I have mines. I give 50 my husband give 50. We meet in the middle and complete our tasks. He cook 50% of the time. I cook 50% of the time. If I cooked 100% of the time. He will do nothing. 50+50=100. We are 100, because we are one.
https://youtu.be/F_8XTbGWqCYPhenomFan4Eva’s Video 163488826860 F_8XTbGWqCYPhenomFan4Eva’s Video 163488826860 F_8XTbGWqCY
Liked by: † Twix †
+2 answers in: “If a man truly loves a women she shouldn’t have to ask he should already COMMIT DO EVERYTHING WITHOUT QUESTION.. off the muscle! Then she’ll easily follow because she trusts him.. Balance relationship.”

A relationship is 100/100 only 50/50 when you get a divorce

Giving and taking is a 50/50 thing in a relationship. You give 50 they give back 50. That makes 100% both are working together. A divorce is a 100/0 thing. She most likely will walk away with everything and leave him with nothing.
Liked by: † Twix †
+2 answers in: “If a man truly loves a women she shouldn’t have to ask he should already COMMIT DO EVERYTHING WITHOUT QUESTION.. off the muscle! Then she’ll easily follow because she trusts him.. Balance relationship.”

What holiday or holy day is best practiced in your home town or home?

Pretty much all holidays and holy days in my home, except for Halloween. In my neighborhood. I believe it’s all holidays.
Liked by: † Twix †

I work in service industry and unfortunately deal with a lot of those entitled folks on a daily basis. I've not seen my parents since march due to my mom having cancer and my father with his own health issues. I have a lot of older/immunocompromised friends and for me it is heartbreaking to see

I’m so sorry you have to be around those human petri dishes. I too have a family member that has autoimmune deficiency and another family member that has health problems. If I was to go out and get infected than bring it home to them. I will be devastated.
Liked by: † Twix †
+1 answer in: “People whom live in western states wear bandanas and buffs for skiing in winter, and when the air quality is poor from the wildfires and/or pollution, so why is wearing a mask in general so difficult?”


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