

Ask @ReaperInTraining

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You mean like this? *Snaps fingers, causing the ceiling to rain skittles*

TheUltimateShow’s Profile PhotoDimentio
*She stares up at all the skittles and runs around trying to catch them* it's raining candy!! Candy candy! I love candy! Hehe! You like candy?
Liked by: Dimentio

Hello my sweet little pumpkin! How are you today? *Error hates most fankids, but Shino's an exception*

PuppetMasterSans’s Profile PhotoE R R O R
Uncle Error! *she hops over and leaps up to hug him aw* Hehe! I'm okay! How are you? I'm gonna cheer up everyone with a party!
Liked by: E R R O R Ink

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Listen, since Raven is still really sick and your father is still busy can you stay inside the house today? I need to be able to keep an eye on your brother and I'd feel better knowing you were safe inside

DontcallmeSans’s Profile Photo⟥G▫e▫n▫o⟤
*she looks up at her mom* Oh..okay mommy! I can stay inside! I'll draw pictures for you, daddy and my onii-chans so you all feel better!
+5 answers in: “Shino?”

I live for magic! And I'm paid for it! So yes!

TheUltimateShow’s Profile PhotoDimentio
*she blinks and looks up at you* That sounds like fun! I like when you gave me candy with that magic trick! That was so cool!
Liked by: Dimentio

After Karako got a cookie, the pen and the paper he wrote "Yes! And my name is Karako." after that he ate his cookie.

purpleclownchild’s Profile PhotoKarako Pierot
*she smiles and ate her cookie with him* I like your name! Karako! Now I can talk to you! How did you get here?
+11 answers in: “"Honk!" (Hello, little skeleton!) the young Troll said as he looked curious at the small Skeleton that seemed like it would be around his age. Hopefully she could understand more in his word - Honk- like some others he met.”

My brother hurt a friend of mine.... but to be honest now that I'm actually thinking about it, your Dad and Brother probably wouldn't bring him back if he dusted, even if I was the one asking...

My brothers and my daddy are really nice though! I bet they would help you if you really needed it! *she doesn't know what friend Dream is talking about* what does dusted mean..??
+3 answers in: “*The smol Dream Skele is worried* Shino it's me Dream, do you know where your father or brother are, I might need their help”

*The smol Dream Skele is worried* Shino it's me Dream, do you know where your father or brother are, I might need their help

Oh!! Hiii Uncle Dream!! Oh, daddy is out working so is Gothy but Raven is here! He could help you! I can help too! *she smiles up at him, Dream and Shino are both adorable*
+3 answers Read more


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