
Renigma Ryuugu

Ask @RenigmaRyuugu

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What plans did you have for a character that just didn't work out?

I had so any plans in place for Higami... so many plans.

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What is the coolest band name?

Um... Band names... Band names... Ah... Uh......... The Who? Because, like, if someone say's "hey, I'm going to see a band" and you go "who" they go "exactly" and that's pretty cool i guess

Is it better to have one big homework or a lot of small homework?

One big homework! That way you can plug away at it for days OR do it all at once in a big rush of adrenaline at the last second. Small homework is too easy to forget to do and so... ugh. Irritating.

Have you ever had a near-death experience

Not really.... I do distinctly remember diving to the bottom of a pool and then having a little less air than I thought I did, but nothing really... near-death.

How do you think your favorite shows/movies/etc influence your own work

I think I take levels of tone and creativity from my favorite works. Typically aesthetic stuff. I like to have the weirdness and openness of games like OFF, the creeping sense of paranoia/wrongness of Higurashi and the creativity/uniqueness of games like Katamari in what I do. Of course, some of my work is more... directly influenced. For example, Caster and Manabu are meant to bring thoughts of Calvin and Hobbes.

have you ever noticed kouhai

This is so weird. I just received a blank ask with no sender! What the heeeeeeeeeeeck

Favorite guilty pleasure video game

I don't really have one... Maybe Abobo's Big Adventure? I have no idea.

what is your favorite unplanned RP character development?

Hm... That's an interesting one. I think, in all honesty, I'd say Lovecraft Game. Not any particular character, but just it in itself. It was interesting to see what started as a mystery grow into a battle of wits that spanned generations, as well as seeing how the players reacted to certain characters feelings and the like.

Who's your most "against-type" character

I'd say Fuyuhi is as she's intentionally created as me trying something new. She's a genuine genki girl without some sort of horrible, tragic life (not to say everything is sunshine and roses, this IS Persona.)
Alternatively, Dubsy is very different to my current characters. He genuinely wants to help and is a simple, energetic guy. I don't tend to write "happy" characters.
I suppose Caster is also different to my norm, too, as I typically write insane or evil characters. Or, at least, assholes. Caster's way of thinking/doing things is... dubious, to say the least. However, as he is based off a real person, I've been doing my best to write him in a way that fits both the real and mythological side of the real Caster. As a result, I've been portraying him as sane and empathetic, but with a pseudo-ends justify the means attitude. Overall, I've been writing him as level headed and with his heart genuinely in the right place. I don't think I have many of those kinds of characters...
And that's that, I suppose!

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All of your RP characters become real. How screwed is the world?


is the owner of a lonely heart much better than the owner of a broken heart

Well, Parasyte's OP taught me that broken hearts are useless so...

Have you ever been noticed by sempai

Yog-Sogoth is a big meanie who never notices me! But one day... One day he will. And then I WILL BE THE SEMPAI!

IS the pen mightier than the sword

Well, I don't know about you, but Dubsy's pen is both and it can make stuff appear from thin air. So, obviously, the pen.

If you could only keep five possessions, what would they be?

Pretty sure that's not how Temsik radiation works, bub.

Do you think you'll make a living

Hm... I'm more used to doing the opposite, but I guess I could try. *opens necronomicon*

What song is your biggest guilty pleasure

...all the K-On songs. I don't even watch the anime and I didn't even like the manga. What is wrong with me?!

what crossovers do you want

Oh boy, oh boy! Sometimes I think people think I hate crossovers, but in all honesty, I love them. The one stipulation be that they're crossovers that make sense! So, to answer your question, I can think of a few. Considering how much I adored PL Vs AA, I'd like to see a Ghost Trick/Ace Attorney crossover. Yes, it probably wouldn't expand the overarching plot of Ghost Trick but with Takumi at the helm it would still be a great story and something interesting. For something pure fanservice, I'd love a persona Q-style (or P4AU-style) Umineko/Higurashi crossover. That could be fun! And, finally, not really a crossover but I want a Layton Brothers sequel with Professor Layton actually appearing in it.


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