
Renigma Ryuugu

Ask @RenigmaRyuugu

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Ever get tired of Dropbears?

No. They invite me over to play cards on weekends. We have a mutual respect, since we're both the leading causes of tourist death.

How do you feel about Australian internet?

Imagine a snail. Now imagine that snail is a stoner. And imagine that stoner snail is drunk. And imagine that drunk stoner snail is MORBIDLY OBESE AND COVERED IN GLUE.
It is still faster than Australian Internet

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What's the most annoying commercial?

In Australia we have these commercials for this shoe store called Rivers. Definitely the most annoying and the worst.

Can good ever truly triumph?

Against mediocre? Yes. Against the merely bad? Yes. Against evil? Yes.
Against Enigma? Not a chance.

Most (uninentionally) frustrating game you've ever played?

Please don't make me do the exact same puzzle and read the exact same dialogue with no skip button 50 million times. Thank.

What mystery completely stumped you?

I'm still stumped on Curtains and HSH. They really need to bring out the next part soon.

What's the most hilarious murder mystery you've ever seen?

Hm... Probably Umineko? Unintentionally, though. Basically, after watching a certain video, I realised the intended solution was pretty... silly. It's the Rosatrice 6hour Documentary, for those who are curious about which video made Umi's solution hilarious for me.
For intentionally hilarious, PoB.

If you had to fight anyone on AAO to the death, who would it be?

You really expect me to tell you who on AAO I hate enough to want to kill? Really? I'm not stupid. I know when to not answer.

What's your favorite weapon?

Metal baseball bat. I like the weight of it and how... iunno... cool it is. It's so simple but evokes imagery of swords and power. Also, shiny.


Language: English