
Renigma Ryuugu

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What's the TRUE meaning of "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer"?

Getting drunk off your ass and then driving with an internationally renowned figure opens business opportunities.

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why does everyone want to conquer the world nowadays?

Because people forget that to do that they'll have to somehow defeat me. Then again, I have been residing at Hersh's place for a while... I mean, hell's nice and all but Hersh never stocks any good chocolate milk. So, maybe it is time I head out of this boiling hot wasteland and take over the earth...
Liked by: Hershies Layton

What's the true meaning of Christmas?

Working for other's happiness, rather than your own. Sharing good feelings. And generally appreciating all that's good about mankind and the world.

What is TRUE power?

The ability to do whatever you want, whenever and however you want with zero consequences in a situation where none can stop you and all work to your whim and will.

Do you have a favorite cartoon, and if so, what is it? What was it when you were young?

Wandering Detective
Got, you fool. You know the answer better than anyone. XP
(As for when I was young, Scooby-Doo, Billy and Mandy and Zim mainly. Also Darkwing Duck. But mainly Scooby Doo.)

Do you think having a distinctive design is important to a character?

Definitely! I am very big on character design. This is because so much of a character can get shown just through their design, you can truly get a feel for the character just from how they look. Take, say, the characters in Megaman. They had to convey personality with no dialogue and tiny pixel sprites. And, yet, I can remember how each of the characters look and what sort of feel they provide. Airman, for one, really conveys the sense of not wanting to fight that guy. He's big and bulky and he has angry eyes. You can tell he's going to enjoy kicking your ass. Or, to move away from that, look at Phoenix Wright. He's a very muted design. Suit, tie, badge. But he has that spiky hair that makes him so distinct. This also doubles as a way of conveying to us that, yes. Phoenix is an ordinary guy and he's here to play the sane man. But he can also have a goofier side to him. One last example. The magical girls in Madoka have wonderful character design. So much so, that even Homura's plain grey outfit which is rather....unextravagant, becomes striking as a contrast and really gives us that feel that she's the dark, dull and tragic one. Whereas, say, Kyoko is in a fiery red costume with martial arts elements to convey that she's aggressive and violent.
A good rule of the thumb for checking how good your character design is, is if you can draw a bowling pin style "stick figure" and still have it be clear who the character is.

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Favorite art style?

Wandering Detective
Probably would have to be pixel art, because it tends to be simple but as a result forces a nice use of colour and clever/interesting character designs. I like art styles that are simple but appealing/cute and encourage creativity.

What meanings do the names of your characters have?

Kira Fuderu: Lazy anagram of Rika Furude
Akai Sabakana: Akai means red. Saba means mackerel and sakana means fish. So his name is sort of like red fish. Red Herring, since he's not a red herring.
Animatricky: Animatronic + Tricky. An animatronic trickster.
Schrödinger: Comes from Schrödinger's cat, since he's both alive and dead
Annie May: Pun on anime
Erwing: Originally called Erwin, but it didn't sound right. The joke is that you reverse the parts of it to make: Win er. Winner.
Kere Tokami: A pun on care taker and a joke on the names of the Higurashi main characters. Ke(ichi) Re(na) (sa)To(ko) (ri)Ka Mi(on)
Namu: A cross between aquamans real name and shamu the whale.
Kageno Kumori: Kage no Kumori roughly means Shadowy cloud. This is because Kageno is blatantly evil, but also because he was originally supposed to be a creepy downer. Hence cloud.
Aether: Because she just "popped out of the Aether"
Neurosquid: A joke on the Monobear naming style
Higami Omocida: There is a meaning but I'm not saying~
Yomotsu Kagutsuchi: Kagutsuchi is the god of fire in Japanese mythology, alluding to Yomotsu's alter ego as the arsonist Hinotama. Yomotsu-Hirasaka is the path to hell and the underworld, which is where everyone starts the game and alludes to the theme of purgatory and death in the story.
Don Joe: A joke on John Doe, since he's a blank characterless puppet for people to use.
Enigma-chan: Because Alt.U.
J'ecass: Pun on jerkass. An intentional contrast to her hyper and friendly personality.
Subject #4: He's a ghost so 4 is appropriate. Don't know why? Ask Hazama.
Dubsy: iunno. Ask 5yo me.
Glitch: Because that's what he is.

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What are your thoughts about your RP Character Higami Omocida?

Interesting question. Without spoiling anything, he's a character who is quite... Duplicitous. He's a character who has chosen the role of the villain in a story which, well, already clearly has one. There's a level of... Ambiguity about everything he does and why he does it, and let me tell you something, most of the stuff he'd say he planned most certainly isn't but a lot lf the stuff he'd say wasn't was. Or, to put it simply, Higami's motives are much more layered and complex than he'd have you believe.
Overall, he's sort of a take that to certain ideologies DRRP's like to breed as well as a... Sort of take that to Komaeda, as well.
All this said, I don't think he's a bad person. He's just a product of the world around him, and a horribly misguided and mistaken character. He's stepped onto the wrong path and now he's going to walk down it. Ironically, for all the many sides he sees within others and for all that he can theories about others... Maybe he doesn't really truly understand himself.

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If you had to get on a 14 hour flight, who would you want to sit next to?

L. He probably has the most interesting stories to tell and I wanna mooch some of his cakes.

Do you ever feel that people misunderstand or misinterpret your characters?

Frequently. I think, to be honest, this is mainly my own fault. I tend not to clearly show my own intents with characters. I'll creak down a few of the one's I feel are most prominent:
Dubsy: Dubsy wasn't meant to be an annoying idiot, per se. He was supposed to be a reference to a childish/childlike mindset and was overall supposed to be equivalent to a child with too much responsibility forced on them. He's hyperactive, stupid and latches on to jokes because he's still really just a child and he's running away from his responsibilities by refusing to stop being a child.
Kira: People seem to get the idea that Kira is some sort of psychopathic monster with ungodly high amounts of power. In fact, the opposite is true. Kira's story is supposed to be about how powerless she is, despite her abilities, and how she tries to see the world with black and white morality but just can't. She probably she's herself as THAT other Kira, but that is incredibly far from the truth. Of course,being how she is she can handle doing things indirectly. But if she actually has to be put in a situation where she can see and has to deal with her actions, she breaks down. She would never kill a person while directly interacting with them.
Higami: Higami is more of a take that to Komaeda than anything. Not an expy or a ripoff, but a subversion of many things. Also, he's not stupid or gullible. His "theories" were all intended to make himself the most suspicious man alive.
The rejected UDR guy: He's a satirical metaphor for things like the NSA and other perversions of privacy.

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Language: English