
Renigma Ryuugu

Ask @RenigmaRyuugu

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If you were to redesign any of your old RP characters, who would it be and what would you change?

Wandering Detective
Hmm... I think I'd like to do some more with Dubsy. I'd start by making him less... Annoying and working on bringing his backstory and how he thinks to the forefront. He'd still be an inane idiot, but I'd treat that more seriously. Make him out to be more like... A little kid who only has a vague idea of what's going on and is bumbling through life, but is stuck within an "adult situation with adult responsibility". He's stupid and constantly optimistic... But that's just his surface, and he's not whole. I'd keep the design similar but maybe add a few more details. For symbolism.

What got you into Higurashi?

Funny story. I was actually looking to see if Umineko was available on the App Store. It wasn't but Higurashi came up, and I had heard that Higurashi was the series before Umi and had listened to Higu music before when I was track searching and... I gave it a go. Needless to say, I was hooked. Especially since it came during a portion of my life where I felt I could really learn from some of the messages in it and it really had an impact on me. Higurashi is the most important piece of fiction I have read, and it really helped me through some stuff. So, yeah. I guess that's the story of how I got into it.

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Rp Prompt: You wake up to find yourself locked in a safe filled with gold. What do you do?

I've been locked in this safe for days. I'm dying. I'm thirsty. I'm hungry. Oh, look. Rena-chan has come to sing to me. And all my RP characters are here too. Hi guys. Do you know what's going on outside this safe? No? Well, shit.
The gold is hard and cold. I wanted my death bed to be soft.
I'm sorry everyone.
Why am I here? How did I get here? What kind of sick bastard did this?
It's funny. Now I'm dying surrounded by all the riches in the world. Others would die to have this gold. And I actually am.
Goodbye, Rena. Goodbye, friends. Goodbye, AAO.
I hope this isn't.... The golden end.
>>BAD END: All That Glitters...<<

What makes a great rp villain?

Ah, I have a theory on that. A great villain should be three things: 1) Threatening 2) Intriguing 3) Understandable on some level.
The threatening aspect is easy enough, if you know what you're doing. The feeling of being threatened comes from power and/or fear. Now, I could go into all the different kinds of power that exists in psychology (physical, social/status, information) but the main two you need to understand are information and physical. Physical is the go to for mooks or "M. bison" type of bad guys. They have strength and we're scared of being hurt. You don't need a bulky brawler to pull this off, though. For example, Glitch had world bending abilities but he wasn't muscley or the sort. Informational power comes into the fear of the unknown. They know things we don't and that frightens us. You can achieve this by having your character be very, very smart. Or, alternatively, keep them vague. We don't know what they know so do they know that you know that they know? These both apply quite heavily to The Owner. He's smarter than the group... But he's also mysterious. Which makes him in a position of informational power. Now, finally, there is the idea of simply conjuring fear. Now, I personally find it cheap to go for evoking the fear of harm or death. I more prefer playing on psychological fears. One way to do this is to... Violate the nostalgia of the viewer. Monokuma is a great example of this. Teddy bears are huggable and something we look at fondly. By twisting that... He becomes a great villain. Another example is my own, DR. Bedlam, he invokes a fear of doctors (who should help us) and twists the emblem of a smiley face, the simple of "everything's good/okay".
To be intriguing, make your character more than two dimensional. Give them a backstory (or don't if that leads to a more thematic villain). Your villain should represent the story in some way, should be a walking talking representation of the problem/conflict. And should give us a reason to care about fighting them.
I think the most important thing is giving your villain some means of being understandable. You would think that villains like, say, Hazama don't count but even they are relatable in some way. They work on the emotion we've all felt of rage and anger and so forth. Adachi reflects our own feelings of upset/pain/rage at being rejected, as another example, though to a horrifying high-degree.Though, they're only okay. It's better to have a villain who has a goal or reason. Kyuubey has goals we can relate to, but still find horrific. I mean, he's essentially looking for oil and fuel. Villains should have goals we can understand or be relatable to our own feelings, you can even make them almost agreeable, but still go to a place that's alien to us. Too far away for us to feel the exact same way, and too horrific for us to ever fully sympathise.
If you can achieve these three things, you'll have a good villain. RP, novel, manga, anime or otherwise!

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Do you think puppies or kittens are cuter?

Kittens! I am very much a cat person. I adore cats and am terrified of dogs. And as cute as puppies are they can't compete with the soft, adorable meek of a little kitten. Kittens even make their hissing cute! Also, kittens are really quite playful and cuddly so the one point dogs have over cats is moot during the kitten stage. (Also, kittens will never bite your leg off.)

Who all do you follow?

I follow BP, Got and Chaos. I might follow some more people later... If I feel like it.

What would be your Persona?

BakaNeko [Death Arcana]
BakaNeko represents the death of self and the idea of boredom. Bakaneko is a black cat that wears a red bandana over it's head, with an idiot swirl/ahoge sticking out from under it. It mainly looks simply being a very large cat standing on two legs, but with two tails. Wears a loose fitting tie.

What's your Fighting Game Finisher?

[RENA TIEM] (A+B when gauge is full)
Enigma knocks out the opponent with the back of his cleaver. Then, Enigma walks towards the screen with a slasher smile while a distorted, music box version of a "Dear You"-esque song plays. Static keeps cutting out the image. When he's, more or less, in front of the camera he raises he raises and slams down a cleaver that proceeds to smash the camera and cut out the feed.

Given the chance to enter another RP Tourney, who would you enter?

Kira's my creators pet, so definitely her. I honestly adore writing her and she's definitely a character I want to explore more. Shame she gets zero interaction.
Higami would be my definite second pick, even if he can't really fight. He'd be tons of fun to get to write again.
Third choice would have to be a tie between Annie and Erwing. They're easy to write and just super fun to explore. Even though I consider Annie a serious character...

r u reddy 4 freddie

Yes. I am ready to be mildly surprised by animatronic animals.
Though, the hidden story is pretty interesting I'll admit. Shame the sequel is gonna ruin that.

Did you kill that guy

Which guy? You gotta be specific. I mean, it'd be easy enough for me to go yes but then you might say L and I'll be like "NO! That was KIRA!" He's a small fish in the world of supernatural killers. I mean, you know who he is. Which makes him a loser. Seem now I'm immortal and I'm never gonna be caught because I keep all my rampage to the AAO. I mean, you know Rune? Guys been dead for months. Why do you think he hasn't been making trials? Killed him and stole his identity AGES ago. That's the joy of being the Runigma.

Do you gotta GO GO GO GO GO GO GO gotta GO fast!?

No. I just busted my leg by shaking it and now all I can do is GO GO GO GO GO GO SCREAM IN PAIN!

Up for a soul successor to Crossover Central (Basically would you be up to playing another crossover central~esque game... and no, I'm not Enigma >_>)

Hmm... Depends who'd be running it and If it was a direct sequel (which I'd totally allow and would be willing to help with if they gave me a heads up), a proper soul successor (it would be nice if they gave me a heads up, like I did to Got when making Psycho/SYS/) or if it's simply a crossover RP with no relation (go wild, buddy).
Homura Akemi, of course.
(And, of course, you're not Enigma, silly! I'M THE ENIGMA!)

How do each of your characters handle romance/love interests?

Hmm... Good question. Well, Erwing's too immature to actually hold a stable romance or really understand love. J'Ecass does not feel romantic love, and Higami... Well, Higami doesn't believe he can feel love. Aether and Kageno are an interesting pair. While they're both inherently unstable, I like to believe there is actually some sort of genuine affection for eachother. They just need to learn to fix their personality issues. Kira's just a kid so she doesn't understand love. She's still, subconsciously, in her "boys are icky" phase and so would basically act like a massive tsundere around a guy she liked. Though, keep in mind, she's also disillusioned so even after she got past that she'd just head into "angst ing" territory. AU!Enigma is totally into her catgirl friend but would never admit it. Yomotsu... Is sort of a "xenophile", as in into aliens and demons and stuff. If he'd ever be interested in a girl, they'd probably be some satanic hell beast and he'd try and wow them by killing ALL THE ANTS or something. And Dubsy and Glitch are just programs, they don't get romance.
I think that's everyone. Except Akai, who was in a perfectly healthy relationship until Akane ruined it and drove him insane, canonically. Also, he's gender blind...

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Best AAO RP/Fancase shipping?

SigRuko. It is the only ship I actively ship and even if one half of the ship is dead I will still ship it until the end of time. >:3

Who is your favorite character in all of media?

Wandering Detective
Homura Akemi.

How soon till we run out of questions?

I give it a month or less. If this is still going on by December, I will be genuinely impressed and will make a cake in tribute.

Is Attack on Titan objectively good, or does it fall in the same pit hole of extremely popular bad anime such as SAO?

I wouldn't say it's objectively good, it definitely has some issues that it could work on. But, at the same time, it's an interesting concept and there is clear effort put into it. It's a shame the Titans look so distractingly derpy because it's impossible for it to be scary... But, otherwise, it's worth looking at before forming an opinion.


Language: English