
Renigma Ryuugu

Ask @RenigmaRyuugu

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What's the worst thing you've ever had to write?

I once had to write an essay on "The Collector" which is... a very... very... icky book. Actually, most school essays where I had to write on something I hated or didn't enjoy or didn't believe in or didn't feel any passion/inspiration for probably count.

What are you fighting for!?

"I'm fighting for love and peace. Because peace is only achieved through violence and brainwashing." ~Nanoha, 20XX

Do you like comics?

only deadpool. deadpool is love. deadpool is life.
(Actually, I really like the Alan Moore stuff. Specifically, Watchmen and V for Vendetta. He writes some really cool stuff.)

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Why won't you let me in? I'm only trying to help.

BECAUSE YOUR STICKING YOUR HAND THROUGH THE GAP IN MY DOOR AND IT IS SUPER CREEPY! Also, because your ohagi had needles in it. That was... That wasn't tasty.

Have you ever tried not to ship something, but been sucked in anyways?

No. In fact, the harder a ship tries to suck me in the more likely I'll hate it and disagree with it.

What celebrity have you never liked?

uh... I don't know. I mean, I've never liked the OBVIOUS answers to this question. You know, the boy bandy types and THAT singing guy with the annoying voice but... uh... Nothing really out of the ordinary to never like.

What's the coolest form of combat?

The sort of mental chess game combat between two super geniuses. Or really any sort of tactical combat that focuses more on the mental than the physical.

Have you ever enacted revenge on someone?

Not really? I'm generally a pretty passive guy. I'll make a few passive agressive remarks but anyone can tell they're all in good fun. Nothing... super, intentionally malicious. I try and be nice enough. Unless I'm under a lot of stress because of things. Then I can get much more grumpy and am more prone to exploding. But, overall, I'm just your typical friendly neighbourhood serial killer. And any murders I make are totally not personal.

Which murder weapon is best for a silent kill?

Hydrogen Peroxide, I suppose? Whatever that gas that knocks you out and then suffocates you is.

Explain Umineko to a small child without using any proper nouns.

Once upon a time there was a man, and then the man's family died. And then he died. And it was all because of witches. Except not really. It was because of a stupid lady. Because the stupid lady loved the man and thought he would love her if she murdered his family and blew up the island. And it worked. And the lady is also a man but not. Anyhoo... Basically, a bunch of people died and then some idiots made weird stories about that but with witches in them. So, yeah. Basically, Umineko is just all a dream but also not.
Don't do drugs, kids.

If you could be immortal, would you choose to be?

The "smart" and "correct" answer is no. But I became immortal a loooong time ago. And you know what? It's pretty sweet. Pre-tty sweeeet~

What is the best thing to do on a first date?

Double homicide locked room murder. I don't get invited to dates, I just crash other peoples.
(One looked like it was going to be a TRIPLE HOMICIDE! But then the guy ate all the food and got kicked out by his date before I could, you know... ;_; )

Would you rather be a vampire or a werewolf?

Vampire. They have some kind of diplomatic immunity when it comes to stalking and breaking and entering and I want to see if that applies to murder too.

Which word do you want everyone to stop using?

L*li. I censored the O because I'm not writing that crap. Seriously. It's a really creepy word. It's all pedo-y and fetishisize little girls-y. It makes my skin crawl. Ew. ;_;


Language: English