
Renigma Ryuugu

Ask @RenigmaRyuugu

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What fictional character annoys you the most? (By their own personality/actions)

Fleabag Monkeyface. In fact, I hate that show more than anything else in the world. It disgusts me. It is vile tripe covered in the fecal matter of a diseased elephant and then personified and then told to write a show AND IT WROTE A SELF INSERT FANFIC OF ITSELF THAT IS ITSELF AND THAT IS THAT SHOW!

If knowing is half the battle, what's the other half?

Exploiting that knowledge until all your enemies are so broken they WISH you had killed then.

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Which of your OCs hate each other the most?

I suppose it would have to be... Kira and Yomotsu, I suppose. But it's one sided. Yomotsu doesn't really... Hate. He's just a bratty kid who "will hate you forever, loser!"
Though, Higami would probably have quite a few bones to pick with Bedlam or The Owner...

What's the weirdest ship you've ever seen?

Well, someone once told me they shipped me and GD. O_o
But, if you mean exclusively with fictional characters... I'd have to go for BattlerXHatstand/Coatstand. I mean... Seriously. Wut?!

What happens when the unstoppable force meets the immovable object?

The immovable object turns into a jelly like state and allows the unstoppable force simple and easy passage without the immovable object having to move in any way.
Alternatively, zero gets divided.

Most anticipated game?

I'll go one further. Top 3 games!
1. Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni.
2. Dai Gyakuten Saiban
3. Persona 5

Do you have any pets?

I used to have two cats called Sox and Little Grey. Sox was every stereotypical cat ever. Uninterested unless she wanted something, constantly picky about food, sleeping all over the place... But she was lovable and cute, anyway. Little Grey, however, was the kindest, most adorable cat ever. It was tiny and stuck in a constant state of being a kitten. And it liked being petted and it was just... So lovable! But then I moved and we had to give them away...

Actually that last question was stuid but I do have another question that I legitimately want to know. What do you think of me? Like when you hear, DSY, what do you think of? -DSY

Eh. You seem like a nice enough guy. Like, I haven't seen you ever be... Like a jerk. I suppose when I hear DSY I think mudkip or Don't aSk whY but besides that... Yeah. That's it. ^_^"

As a follow up, Yes. I AM a manifestation of your thoughts. But also, myself. So does that mean you are me and I am you? but at the same time, not? -DSY

I am a shadow. The true self.

You aren't good at riddles? But I could have sworn you were the riddle solver who can't solve riddles.

But I am good at riddles. :<

*hurls self through window* Is room service here?

Yes. Here's your hobo. Roasted to perfection and stuffed with chicken.

RP Roulette Write-Up Challenge: Take some of your characters, and throw them into a name selector. Whoever is picked, write about that characters's personality and traits, and how they've changed from when you first started out with them.

Erwing is a very confused and arrogant kid who's never been wrong before and is adored by everyone he knows. Now he's been taken out of that "bubble" and placed in an environment where he's set up to fail. I like to think he's inwardly panicking a little and that manifests as an even more arrogant attitude. There's also the fact that his morality is completely out of whack. He's always gotten where he is by cheating and lying and, well, he doesn't really get what's wrong. He's also an attention seeker of a very high level. That's partly because of his backstory/previous life where he grew up in an orphanage with MANY kids and, thus, didn't recieve very much attention. But also because of his life as a very little kid before the orphanage, which I haven't discussed in the RP. Let me just say that, in the Enigmaverse (which is the proper "canon" of all my characters) Erwing's real name was D'mass. In any case, Erwing's life has shaped him to desperately crave the love and attention of all those around him... Which results in this wacky, over the top, Cartoonish caricature of a guy.
When I first started writing Erwing I was going to write him much more subtle, less over the top. And, I mean, while the first two or so posts are written in a fairly normal way (with a slight bit of silliness and exaggeration) it isn't until Erwing gets into his first Pokebattle that things start getting weird. Though, here's the thing, the actual events of that battle aren't THAT strange. He just tricks a communist/weird kid into defeating themselves. But it served as the first emergence of Erwing's more... Unhinged personality. That came out even more in the battle against a Serial Killer Jimabobamothy. This is where he starts taking increasingly bizarre Pokebattle techniques. Such as riding the onix. It also serves to reveal Erwing's villainous side. See how he stole the guys wallet and hat? Original!Erwing wasn't that much of a jerkass. And then in the next battle everything goes to hell and the writing goes into full blown insanity and Erwing emerges as some sort of bizarre idiot that is the Erwing we know and tolerate!
Just as a final aside, I personally like to believe that those bizarre pokebattles are more or less all in Erwing's head. He panics when faced with a real battle and so recedes into his own insane delusions of communists and aliens so that he can successfully win the battle in real life. Of course, this is intentionally vague and so it's entirely up to you whether this is so.

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RP Prompt: Your on the first day working at a car wash, what could possibly go wrong?

Boss: Wow, Enigma. You're so good at cleaning cars. What's your secret?
Enigma: Elbow grease
Boss: Ahaha. A bit of hardwork, eh?
Enigma: No. Literal elbow grease.
Boss: Uh... What?
Enigma: Let me spell it out for you. The grease extracted from the elbows.

So if you're Means, are you also a Saturday Morning Cartoon Villain?!

I also produce Meme-ingful results. Wow. Such villain. Very murderer.

RP Promp: Your best friend is about to jump from tall building, what do you do?

Bro, I know we agreed to go bungee jumping but couldn't we do this somewhere safer?

Why are you so mean!?

Because I am Professor Means and I always say what I mean and mean what I say by all means.
Also, because I'm a dangerous sociopath. How have you forgotten that?

What's the most epic thing you've ever done in a video game?

If by epic, you mean wildly irresponsible and dangerous... Then my driving in LA Noire might count. Go ask Hersh, I'm pretty.... Amazingly incompetent.
Alternatively, how I play every trivia game might count. Not to toot my own horn, but I've never lost at one of those. I'm just... Very good at them to the point where I answered a question right before the first word of the actual question had come up.

Most Overrated Character?

Chihiro. Hands down. The main issue with them is that they cheat storytelling wise. Twice. Character development should rarely be done... Post-mortem. Show, don't tell. But everything that made Chihiro Chihiro and is so loved about them... Was delivered post-mortem. And it would be nice if their death meant something. But, no. Through Alter Ego they're pretty much brought back from the dead straight away, only to be killed again. And then they return to save Naegi but it's questionable if they're still "alive". And then they return in SDR2. Yeah... Don't do the whole dramatic death, if you're just going to drag their corpse out of the grave to make them dance a jig every five seconds.
Honestly, Chihiro is the character I hate the most in DR. No contest.

Who would win: The Justice Riders or the Power Rangers?

Justice Riders. Power Rangers are stuck with a single theme and have, more or less, semi-realistic powers and attacks. Whereas Jr is full anime. I mean, holy crap. The powers in Jr are crazy! Rangers didn't even stand a chance!


Language: English