
Renigma Ryuugu

Ask @RenigmaRyuugu

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What are you doing for Halloween/Trick or Treat?

Well, have you ever seen the movie Halloween? It's a little like that but with masks of anime girls, cleavers and more violence.

Rp Prompt: You wake up realizing your in a Groundhog day loop, how do you escape?

I tell the cops to watch the road where murders keep happening at, I investigate anyone remotely related to anything which might be causing the loop, I heavily medicate everyone, I try hiding in all sorts of places every loop and I take every joke I hear EXTREMELY SERIOUSLY!
Are you happy NOW, BP?!

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Make up snappy names for your RP ships.

Uh... I only have one RP ship. And that's already called SigRuko, sorry.
Well, actually, maybe Detective Girls are shipable but that's already a perfect name for their ship so....
Unless I'm misinterpreting, in which case I only have one RP ship. The SS Despair.

If you had the power to Fly for exactly 4 minutes and 22 seconds would you ever fly or would you deem it to dangerous? -DSY

I'd fly up into someone's apartment, kill them, fly back down to mine and clean myself off. All within four minutes.

What is the worst gift you have ever received?

Iunno, I normally get pretty great gifts. Though... I'm pretty sure someone gave me a ScoobyDoo Barbie doll at some point when I was little....

A wild Ace Hobo appears!

I throw a master shirt on him, catch him and tame him. And then I release him on an unsuspecting dinner party. Yes. No shirt, no shoes, no service indeed...
This'll teach those fat cats to reject me from their country club. Well, that and the fire....

RP Prompt: It is the last day before the world ends, what do you do?

Hm... Have you ever heard of this little thing called.... RENA TIEM?

you're trapped in Five Nights At Freddies! How will you survive?

I kill the robots and stuff them in people costumes. I mean, you know, after I killed those five kids and stuck them in the animal costumes I need to go full circle...

Challenge: Find at least ONE good thing from a show/series/etc. that you found to be absolutely awful.

Assuming "it no longer being on air" and the like don't count..
Hm... I'll admit MLP had a good concept with Discord. There. I admit that. Now, get off my property and never breed! >:T

In the Great War of AAO, who will be left standing when the dust clears!?


What fad will strike AAO next?

Hate-trialling. People will make trials that are intentionally terrible and they hate them because that's how they can show what's wrong with trials and also so they can express their complaints about franchises and such.

What RP would you like to see revived?

Slumber Investigations Agency or Fate Notebook. Those were fun. I'd also like to reboot Schrödinger's;Hourglass.
For RP's I didn't make... AoTRP, I suppose. J'ecass had some interesting stuff to her.

Who would win: The cast of PokeRP or the cast of the Pokemon anime?

The cast of the Pokemon Anime. PokeRP characters are the most dysfunctional group ever! You've got a constantly pissed pokemon-hater, a girl obsessed with cuteness to the point of insanity, a semi-psychopathic nut job attention whore, a dead girl... And so on. Say what you like about Ash, Misty, Brock and the rest but at least they know how to fight as a team. The only PokeRP character who could plausibly win is Enthalpy's guy. And that's because he breaks the game!

What traits do you find most admirable in a person?

Being sociable, likable and kind. Someone who genuinely puts others before themselves and truly respects others opinions and feelings.
It's nice if they still have a functional sense of humor on top of that.

What makes you laugh the most?

Hmm... Satire and dark humor. Morbid humor's pretty funny too.
Then again, any kind of joke can make me laugh if it's done well enough.

If you could make a story/game/movie etc, with unlimited resources, what would you make?

Well, since you guys are all so peachy and not idea-stealy...
The game follows a typical accountant who's roped into a plot against these evil creatures who wish to reset the world. He must travel across 9 different worlds to finally confront them and save the universe. Here's the catch, though. You don't play as him. You play as two aliens who are "observers". A non-fighting race who are against the villains. Their job is to control our accountant and guide him through the levels. To do that, they issue commands to him and sometimes take direct control of him through a subtle mind control. Also, the accountant has unlimited lives because whenever he dies the aliens reset time (within a safe bubble so that it doesn't affect the rest of the world) back to the levels start. Of course, here's the thing. Every reset/loop, the level changes it's rules slightly meaning it plays a little different each time. In any case, it's a little tongue-in-cheek look at video games in a meta way. And then it gets dark and morality starts coming into play...

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What is your favorite story your parents told you?

The Communist Manifesto. They'd read it to me every night when I was five.

In your opinion, what is the most evil thing in the world? -DSY

I was going to say myself but then I remembered...
Hersh exists.

RP Prompt: You got invited to play in a game of strip poker, how does it go?

Wait. We strip when we LOSE?! Well, then. I suppose I should put all these clothes back on.... Unless you don't want me, too?
*cut to a shot from behind me realizing I'm playing virtual strip poker with anime girls*

What do your OCs fear most?

Erwing: Being alone/Being forgotten, pain
Kageno: Failure
Dubsy: Himself or, alternatively, his own thoughts and memories.
Kira: Being unable to act, a failure to make the correct choice, fire.
Aether: Death, To end up useless, Futility, Fire.
J'ecass: Hatred
Higami Omocida: [???????]
Glitch: The very termination of his existence

What is your RPG class?

Hm... I'm inclined to say Shadow Mage or Tactician. It's not in my nature for me to fight physically, but it is for me to hang back and plan or to make some sort of unsavory deal for ULTIMATE DARK POWER!


Language: English