
Renigma Ryuugu

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If AAO was a battleground, where would your base of operations be?

I'd go simple. Abandoned apartment. Everything's in order. Small. Strong walls. No windows, one door. Internet connection. Shit-ton of weapons. Cleaver in hand. Plumbing. One entrance. If anyone comes in, they're stuck in there. Stuck in there... With me. >:3

What RP character has the coolest powers?

Hm... I'm going to have to go for Sleuth's character in SIA. Dying makes their brain work better.

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The inner workings of my mind are an enigma.. So does that mean you are a manifestation of my thoughts? -DSY

My thoughts become dizzy sometimes. Are you a manifestation of my thoughts?
Because that's silly. You're nothing like me and never will be. You fool.

I'm pretty sure the answer is yes but... Did you break into my house last night to steal my cat? -DSY

No. I broke into your house to eat yogurt and watch Sleuth sleep.

RP Prompt: You know have your own sitcom based off of you, what is it like?

Welcome back to... Omniscient Time Travelling Serial Killer....AND FRIENDS!
[Scene: Enigma's House, Lounge]
Enigma: this is my realm. This is my reality. Do you like it? Do you enjoy this darkness?
Rena-chan: Oh, Enigma-Kun. You're so wacky.
Enigma: you are only real in my mind, 2D is life. 2D is the only world that should be.
Rena-chan: Remember, Enigma-San. We're having the devil over for dinner tonight.
Enigma: OOH! Hersh is coming over?!
*laughter and applause from audience. Door opens. Enter Hershel.*
Hersh: Hai, hai! Have BP and Rune arrived yet?
Enigma: iunno. Have you checked the study?
Rena-chan: Oh, I went up there earlier, but it was locked.
*Rune comes down the stairs. He is covered in blood and is wearing a maid costume*
*laughter. Laughter. Laughter. Are you enjoying this? ARE YOU YOU MONSTERS?!*
Enigma: shame. I wanted to get to keep his clothes.
Rune: Oh, you can. He handed them to me during NAKEY TIEM!
*keep laughing you sick demons*
Enigma: Oh, by the way. Dinner is ready.
Rune: Oh, what is it?
Enigma: darkness.
DWaM: I cooked it myself, guys!
*laughter, DWaM winks at the screen. He's a fan favourite.*
Suddenly, the house explodes and the screen cuts to static. Everyone is dead.
*Laughter. Credits roll.*
[alternatively, here you go: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-vsynsE8RQRenigmaRyuugu’s Video 119137186328 3-vsynsE8RQRenigmaRyuugu’s Video 119137186328 3-vsynsE8RQ ]

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RenigmaRyuugu’s Video 119137186328 3-vsynsE8RQRenigmaRyuugu’s Video 119137186328 3-vsynsE8RQ
Liked by: DWaM

Best quote from any movie?

I'm sure you didn't really want to know the truth. And yet, you couldn't bear not to search for it. It just goes to show how illogical human curiosity is.

What is the weirdest word in your language?

Weirdest word: The word (a combination of letters to create a generally accepted meaning) which is considered the most unnatural or most different to the other elements within it's set. The most unusual lexeme.

So regarding you "worship me with your offerings of questions". Do you, like, consume the questions for nourishment? Or like absorb them? Do you just like questions? Or is it just a silly joke and I'm an idiot? -DSY

Simple. By sending me questions, you acknowledge my existence. This furthers the belief that I exist and keeps me as being "real".
The questions do also taste good.

How do you solve a problem like maria?

Draw a circle. That represents witches and death. Now sing happy songs. That represents the darkness in your soul. Put the candy in the circle. You have now summoned a witch from the depths of hell. Nice job ruining our vacation, psycho brat.
Extra step: Get slapped by Rosa! Uu~ Uu~

Hey Doc. Let me just say that medicine you gave me REALLY helped! I haven't felt this good in years! I just wanted to say "thanks!". I swear, you like, the best doctor around!

Glad to hear that. Especially since what I gave you turned out to actually be a fatally high dose of potassium cyanide. But you know what they say, you lose a few, you win a few. Hahaha.
Yeah, I'm not even a real doctor. I was just in the hospital to nab some pills...

Is it true that you can't juggle on a full moon?

Absolutely! Provided you can't juggle during any of the other phases, either. Or the day.

RP Prompt: Its your first day at a new school and all the cute girls/hot guys are attracted to you and it rapidly becomes like a harem anime where the all fight each other for you. What do you do?

Simple. Kill them all and return to my waifus. Only the heart of a good 2D lover can understand the dark madness of the ancient one I have become. Also, Rena-chan will never place me in a socially awkward position. Nope!

RP Prompt: You are on your first date with a friend you knew since preschool. Your about to kiss when all of a sudden his/her super conservative parents walk in. How do they respond and how do you react?

Parents: "Well, kid. Since this is Australia, I completely believe that and am going to go get the anti-snake stuff."
And then we all die from spiders.

When will people stop expecting me to reveal Phineas has a brother named Ferb?

When Kira is revealed to have a Death Note hidden in her dress.

Favorite YGO card?

Despair from the Dark. I just... Really love that card. No reason in particular. It just looks nice and I like zombies and it's pretty strong. Also, it's the REAL proof that I am the Monokuma.

If you could meet anyone currently living on Earth, who would it be?

DWaM or Got. They seem like fun guys to hang out with. Though, of my Japanese was up to scratch, I would have to choose between Ryuikishi07 or Gen Urobuchi. Madoka is amazing, but Higurashi is super special awesome for me.

Favorite RP villain? Must be from another player.

Oh, easy. Akai Sabakana.
(Being serious, I don't really think there's been any RP villains I've particularly been interested in... Uh... I would DEFINITELY choose The Inquisitor if he counts because I adore the... Dark humor in him. I also particularly loved Sigmund, but again, he's not a main villain. However, I feel AAO villains tend to either be too cartoonish or too "sympathetic" to be threatening...)

Rp Prompt: You are battling Papasbuddy with a cleaver while he holds a baseball bat.

"Papas! You left AAO when we most needed you!"
I swing my cleaver, but Papas blocks it.
"You gave up the fight while Monobear was running rampant, causing destruction and framing you! You could have stopped him! But you didn't! WE NEEDED YOU!"
I slam my cleaver down, but Papas dodges it with a slide.
"Do you even care!? Only you could have saved us! Only you could have fixed everything! You monster! Leaving us to die, is just as bad as killing us! DAAAAAAMN YOU!"
I swing at the wrong time and miss. Papas slams the metal bat to my gut and I collapse. Gagging. He stands above me and raises his bat, wind blows his hair and a dark shadow appears on his face. He smiles.
And then the bat comes down upon my skull.

RP Prompt: You are Rena in "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?"

"For one million dollars..."
The spotlights shone down on Rena and the announcer. He wiped the sweat from his brow. This was it. The final question. All or nothing.
"Who created Earthbound?"
A) Shigeru Miyamoto
B) Shigesato Itoi
C) A Cat
D) Shu Takumi
Rena pressed the button.
"Are you sure this is your final answer?"
Rena nodded.
"Very well, then... It's a shame you chose B, because...
Cheering. Laughter. Rena had won. They put the microphone to her.
"Now, then. What are you going to do with that million dollars?"
The host smiled but Rena looked directly at the camera. Completely serious. She opened her mouth and said a single word.

Favorite RP you've participated in so far?

Wandering Detective
If participate includes GMing, then it would be Manifest. Otherwise.... PokeRP, I suppose? Erwing is fun to write. I don't really RP that much, do I? Just GM.... Hrmmmm...

What RP characters would you like to interact with more?

Wandering Detective
Hmm... I'd like to interact with Charlotte in JR, for one. I definitely want to have Aether and Kageno meet Kenshin and Wakana... Oh! And I want Erwing to meet Isis even though that's unlikely to happen any time soon.


Language: English