
The Architect

Ask @Stichek626

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How have you developed your own unique art style? Was it a natural process or did you do something to get your own style set?

Developing my own art style is a natural process in my case. I don't do anything to make my art style unique.
I used to draw in manga style but I wanted to draw more realistic, so my art style is an effect of slow process of passage from manga to semi-realism/cartoon.
You can see it in a picture below:
How have you developed your own unique art style Was it a natural process or did

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Mogłabyś nie obrażać tak zespołów których nie lubisz. Innym się one podobają, a jak ty masz z nimi problem to zostaw to dla siebie. Po to jest tyle gatunków muzyki, bo nie każdy lubi tylko mocny metal :P

Ale gdzie ja niby obrażam jakieś zespoły i o jakie ci chodzi?

Original question #3: Share your story about how you got into creating art and what motivates you to continue drawing!

How I got into creating art:
It was when I was about 5-7 years old. My older sister inspired me to draw. Her works were beautiful and I wanted to draw as well as her.
What motivates me to continue drawing:
Ambition, desire of express my thoughts, ideas, my impression of that expressing feelings by drawings is better than by writing, music or sculpture.

Original question #2: Who is your favourite member of Slipknot and why?

You propably noticed which member of Slipknot I draw the most often on dA. :D
Yeah, Corey. It was the first member of Slipknot who intrigued me with his voice. I mostly adore him becasue of his unique voice.
He is one of the few screamers, who doesn't sound whiny or ridiculous while screaming/growling... His singing voice is so emotional, gentle and beautiful for a guy who screams most of time with Slipknot.
In 2014 he was discovered for having 5 octaves range. Amazing gift for such a talented vocalist.
He totally deserved an award in category Best Vocalist 2013 during Golden Godes Awards. When he received this awards he was pretty modest and emotional (he started crying a bit) about it.
Besides of his voice, I like his confident appearance, individualism and not being afraid of stating an honest opinion even though it might make him lose a small part of his fans. I like that he appreciates his fans but at the same time he isn't totally dependent on his fans (he plays music which he wants, not which his fans want).
I really appreciate that his lyrics can be pretty simple or symbolic. He also seems to like enrich his vocabulary, because of using by him 'difficult' words.
Except him I appreciate all of Slipknot members. I love how Jim plays guitar and how Mick does it. I like that Jay doesn't copy Joey but he plays in his own, unique way. I like Sid's crazy behavior on stage. I love what Craig do for Slipknot music. He doesn't really do much for Slipknot compared to Corey or Jim for example but he adds a few sounds or he plays a bit on keyboard and because of that Slipknot music is richer and has its own unique mood. Chris and Shawn don't do much either but like Craig they add unique sound for Slipknot's music. I have not really much to say about Alex, he seems to be a pretty quiet guy, but I like his glowing neck of his bass guitar.
Joey is a great drummer and I appreciate that he was enough strong to beat his horrible illness. Paul seemed to be a person who cheered everyone up in Slipknot.
+funny photo which I found on the Internet.

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Original question 2
Who is your favourite member of Slipknot and why

Well, my questions are "very original"... now tell me about your first reactions about Slipknot and how you got into their music (if you don't mind)! :D

Don't worry. There is a lot of moments when I would like to answer questions which I send to a few people.
I think I have to start my story about getting into Slipknot's music from that moment when I finished primary school. At the end of primary school I started to listen to generic, sh*tty pop music but pop music from 90's and 2000's. Earlier I was only listening music of my parents. No one of them listen to metal music or even rock music, but my mom loves Black Sabbath, Rainbow, Led Zeppelin or Deep Purple but she stopped listening to them because family members hates this music. She started listening to them again because I'm the only one person, who likes her music.
But I'll come back to my story.
After listening sh*tty pop music, my friend on YouTube faved "Faint" Linkin Park and I liked that song and I started seeking for more rock songs like that.
I know that when I was at the stage of listening rock music I found Slipknot once and the funniest thing is that it was their demo song from "M.F.K.R" album. It was "Slipknot". A that moment it was horribly heavy for me. It sounds to my ears like some brutal death metal music then. XD
Second time I found their song from "All Hope Is Gone" album. I'm not sure if it was "Gematria" or "All Hope Is Gone" but that song was incredibly brutal and heavy for me then too! XD
Like you see I was lucky to finding less known songs. I have no idea why.
When I got into metal bands like Megadeth, Evile or Pantera I tried Slipknot out again but by accident, because after these two attempts I was avoiding Slipknot.
"Duality" convince me to Slipknot and then I started looking for more songs like that and I ended up listening every single album and every single demo (MFKR and Crowz) within month I think. It would be bad not to mention that while listening their music Corey's voice was REALLY intriguing for me, because I have never heard a voice like that in my whole life.
About reactions there was a moment when I truly believed that they are satanist. Their music was really interesting for me but at the same time it was scary and creepy. I think it was a thing about them which made them unique to my eyes and I still think they play unique music.
It was in 2012, so I've been listening to them for 4 years. Great 4 years... I was 13 years old then and now I will be 18 years old this year. I'm just growing up with them.

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I am going to ask back: how are you? :D Tell me about your plans for summer too!

I feel pretty good now. It's been a really good day.
I never plan anything for summer but I'm sure that I will be working hard on anatomy and drawing skill. I checked that I have no problem with proportion, so the only problem is drawing poses.
I will do something special for fanpage on FB because 1k likes are coming really soon, but besides of that I will be just writing interesting posts there. Same thing with group on FB.
I have a lot of ideas for new art. I have another idea for new (dumb XD) comic about Slipknot. I think I will just drawing joke-drawings about Slipknot or Stone sour - some of them might be parodies of memes or movies.
This summer I will also listen to Slipknot and Stone sour a lot, but I will check new bands too! I'm gonna try out some subgenres of metal, which I really don't know (like gothic metal or progressive metal).

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Stichek626’s Profile PhotoThe Architect
Żeby ogarnąć anatomię w rysunkach najpierw sprawdziłam na jaką ilość głów rysuję ludzi (a robię to totalnie na czuja, jedynie mniej więcej wiem na jakiej wysokości powinny znajdować się dłonie, na jakiej wysokości są oczy i na jaką szerokość itp.).
Rysując na czuja udaje mi się zawsze narysować człeka na wysokość 7,5 głów. Ponoć 7,5-8 głów to idealna wysokość.
Rysując na czuja mi się to udało uczynić. XDXDXDXD
Szkoda, że za to pozy mi wychodzą dosyć rakowo.

Oto wracam na Aska xD #obs: Czujesz już, że zaczęły się wakacje, czy nadal żyjesz szkołą? Jak myślisz, te dwa miesiące będą dla Ciebie udane? :D

Dzisiaj mi się śniło, że napisałam sprawdzian na 1. Widocznie podświadomie jeszcze żyję szkołą, ale tak poza tym, to powoli zaczynam wchodzić w klimaty wakacji.
A co do tego czy te 2 miesiące będą udane, to nie wiadomo. Fajnie by było, gdyby były.
Wczoraj dawałam to na grupę, dziś dam na aska.
Coreya okradli ze spodni. #potwierdzoneinfo
Oto wracam na Aska xD obs Czujesz już że zaczęły się wakacje czy nadal żyjesz

15 lat ciężkich robót... dał(a)byś radę?

UWAGA! Skierowane do ludzi mających konta na FB.
Po Facebooku krąży wirus (skrypt, więc antywirus tego nie wykryje) pod postacią powiadomienia "[imię i nazwisko] wspomniał o Tobie w komentarzu". Po kliknięciu tego powiadomienia zamiast przejść do rzekomego komentarza, pobiera się wam skrypt, który sprawia, że wasze konto zaczyna rozsyłać spam pod postacią linków na pw do waszych znajomych oraz kolejne powiadomienia o rzekomym wspomnieniu kogoś z waszych znajomych w komentarzu.
Jeśli zobaczyć, że ktoś niby o was wspomniał w komentarzu, zwłaszcza gdy nie prowadziliście żadnych rozmów w komach itp NIE KLIKAJCIE TEGO.
A jeśli złapiecie ten syf, to w moim przypadku wystarczyło szybkie usunięcie tego ustrojstwa nim zaczęło czynić spustoszenie. Sprawdzajcie również czy nie macie jakichś dziwnych plików przy rozszerzeniach przeglądarek itp.

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Jaką najbardziej ekscytującą rzecz planujesz zrobić tego lata?

Jak zwykle przed wakacjami nie mam wielkich, ekscytujących planów. Pewnie wszystko wyjdzie bardzo spontanicznie.
Jedynymi rzeczami, jakie planuję robić w te wakacje, to:
- pracować nad poprawną anatomią w rysunkach;
- ćwiczyć ogólnie rysowanie;
- regularnie prowadzić mojego deviantArta;
- regularnie prowadzić na fanpage'a;
- przetłumaczyć dla własnych celów tą całą fabuła płyty "The House Of Gold and Bones" Stone sour; ewentualnie podzielę się tłumaczeniem z innymi;
- coś uczynić ciekawego w związku z grupą;


Language: English