
Brandon "Corosar"

Ask @andethir

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untraumatizing... huh... if you had to have sex with one of the current RP chars, feather and vinely don't count! it has to be someone who has been introduced.

almost anyone if she is forced into it her body is litterally compatible with anyone anywhere if they had to..... but preferably she would choose someone very very close to her

what do you think the Vartan homeworld is like and why do they not leave it?

it must be some kind of paradise that lacks high amounts of space based metals i would expect they would not need anything extraterrestrial

how would Coro have treated Rose's injuries had there not been a hospital to take care of her?

she would have used the natural materials to heal the injuries she would not have healed as quickly but she would have also have used her medical tools she always has on her at any time

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will you answer NSFW questions? oWo

depends on the question.... more likely than not if i find it untramatizing to people

If you intend to/could go to college, what are your plans for a career? If you're already going to college, what career are you aiming for?

i plan to go to college to try and get into 3 dimensional computer animation i have always enjoyed making 3d animations.... but i am not good at it really.... its making the models that tend to drive me nuts... but i know how to make them sometimes

(IC and NOT the existant powers) If you could have any power from the list what would it be? Regeneration/Summonable weapon/Mind control/Breathing underwater (Only one)

hmm the power i would want the most here is Breathing underwater.... drowning is a fear of mine.... second it regeneration third summonable weapon and no way do i want mind control.... it's something i feel is very dark and could not handle doing to someone else

If in an alternate universe Coro and Feather would've never ended up together.. Who do you think they would've ended up with?

this is hard to predict.... but my best guess..... coro would have gone with anyone that she would have become very close to seeing as she knows she is not limited to one gender feather however...i am not entirely sure.... he seemed like that maybe he would have fallen for someone that saved him as much as coro has

How often do you work out?

never.... to be honest.... i could not stand being forced to work out.... nature provides me with the strength i need at the time i need it i find!

Ah, I see. Speaking of Vinely how is she doing?

she is doing just fine.... she has recovered well and everything too i hope she will soon recover enough to allow me to see her physically again..... i miss coiling around her and cuddling...

So Coro has a father, where is he?

he is back in his own world he tends to be engrossed in books so much he actively hunts worlds where he can find new literature he might appear or not if Vinely allows me to take control over him as the character was played by her in the origin RP

More Reks questions! What do you like most about him/her, dislike most about him/her, and do you think that he/she is really all that special? The world must know!

*sigh* note to self turn off anon posting of questions i really really want to know who asked this now.... however i find that she is one of the most understanding friends of mine sure she is going through depression but i understand her point of view i tend to easily look into things deeply... the thing is what i find special about reks is the fact that she listens to me when i need to have someone for me to talk to.... and because of this i feel very close to her.... i hope the thought is mutual and she also considers me a close friend

The double Reks feels really weird.

i think its fun and entertaining... and a neat character arch for someone.... this would also allow them to cross communicate to everyone i feel because they are themselves the same person with the same mind.... no matter the distance they can communicate between each other one explores the cosmos the other enjoys time with her friends

Coro and Yol, what is the best thing about each of your friends?

the best thing about each of my friends is the fact that most if not all of them will be there if i need a shoulder to lean on and if i need to talk about my issues they are very understanding of an otherkin's perspective even if its not their own which makes me so much more comfortable with them

Ignore the troll, Coro. Would you like to know anything about the Celions/Nemians that you didn't before?

their eating habits and what kinda form of creatures they hunt for food.... its kinda interesting to me as well as their sleeping patterns and lifespan expectancy

What hairstyle looks best on girls?

how the hell should i know..... your talking to a dragon that has no sense of what humans should make themselves look like..... i will not force a hairstyle onto another just to make them more pretteh
Liked by: SCN-3_NULL

Coro and Yol,what are both of your lewdest thoughts?

you really don't wanna know however there is already something dark in their past and it does involve Yol and Coro's father.... not gonna say any more than that

What will Corosar do after the dream lock is ended? More importantly, will he survive?

Corosar will continue to work and live near the hospital most likely with feather now as her partner hopefully they both survive but she also hopes something else later on that has been hinted at :3

Can i look in your pants?

*Opens her mouth as an arch of lightning rushes out zapping the strength out of you* your gonna be dinner for that remark!

This is a question I was wondering about for a while: If the recent Nexus activities would be turned into a book/tv show, who do you think would be the main character? (pick three, so it's more interesting)

hmmm this is a hard one... but i would have to say that the RP between Rose Feather and Coro have been pretty dominant in the thread there is also the Lone and Otter RP aswell.... then Gonzo's cacoon members.... take your pick of the three.... then again random shananigans can kinda pop in alot too....

What do you have to say to your powerless leader?

can i cuddle?...... because i like to cuddle...... *looks cutely up to reks* please..... i wanna ..... also i don't think your powerless.... your just not sure of how much influence you have.... i honestly think your an amazing person....
Liked by: SCN-3_NULL

Who is your favourite Pokemon?

it is currently a tie between Reshiram and Charizard.... i think i lean a bit more to charzard however


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