
Brandon "Corosar"

Ask @andethir

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How do you spend the majority of your free time?

just sitting here... either gaming or just... sitting here... being a dragon.... watching over the world.... hoping everything is going well

What is the smallest and the biggest thing in the Nexus?

smallest thing is bee.... largest is a contest between me and alucard... character wise object wise.... a subatomic particle and ....the multiverse :D

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*suddenly a wild Reks appears! What will you do?*

1. jump startled by the wild Reks!
2a. offer a hug to her because i feel bad for what she has gone through and its how i greet people that i want to be a good friend to
2b. if she does not want a hug say hi at least!
3.enjoy company
(last two are a joke really..)
Liked by: Icebelly

What four other thread members would you most like as your team in the zombie apocalypse?

Vinely because i could not leave her behind
Marxon because he is just a blast to be with and a good friend
Ryu because of his inteligence and situational logic
and Deneb to throw infinite chinchillas at zombies.... it would distract them long enough to get everyone out of there
Liked by: Mark. A. R.

How long have you and Vinely been engaged?

we have been together for a year and a half now... i proposed to her april 1st 2013 ..... yea i know it was a really bad day but whatever we have been together since

What do you think of the art (Both serious and otherwise) that goes round in the Nexus?

i enjoy it alot i can't wait to see more no matter what it is really :D

Favourite fish dish? (if you eat fish that is)

Halibut or shrimp... i have a hard time deciding with that.... however i tend to completely avoid salmon.... can't stand salmon

What do you think of Shadow/Marxon?

Now this question is of the only person i can completely and entirely relate to on this thread. his personallity is almost an exact mirror of mine from before i found someone to care for. i seriously feel that he would be what i would have if i never found Vinely. i feel all his emotional issues and try to support them because at one point in my life i felt that emotion and relate alot with it.
Hell whenever he is derpy i can immediately know how that feels. being completely helpless to whatever pops into your mind at that very second. when he feels lonely.... i tend to feel the same and want to go and comfort him and show that i am there as a good friend of his. he is by far the person i know the most on this thread and i am very happy to call him a good friend of mine!
he tends to have a great sense of humour and loves to just have fun when he is not having any physical or emotional issues.. he also seems to have a very close relation to reks. something that i feel causes him alot of emotional issues when he is not able to be with her. i don't know if reks returns the feelings to shadow but he seems to still be in good relations with her.
Shadow is an amazing guy he is very understanding and sympathetic... once you get past his shyness that tends to hold him back. he is not someone to approach directly or it will push him further away from him. he is a great friend and those that he grows to trust tends to be very loyal to his deepest friends and very open to them. there is also the fact that he does not really like complete nonsense happening in a serious context..... but when his character is drunk... you can have a blast with him and crack a few laughs.
there is almost no way i could ever be angry with him not easily... if you want my thoughts on him i see only the positive side of me in him... he also tends to well... not like being put out of his comfort zone that is extremely fragile its best not to swarm him with too much attention or he will quickly try and push everything away which i can understand completely... he also as the same issue vinely and i have in that when we feel we are useless we become very very depressed with ourselves we have to try and help out as much as we can while we are still comfortable with being there.
to me i hope i never lose his friendship even after the end of the avali which i hope never happens. he is a true friend and wish to have him as part of my very few friends for a long time in the future!

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What do you think of Zeal Wyman?

like jmourne except i have not directly interacted with him. i have not seen much of zeal. from what i can get from the limited perspective i currently have he is a fairly friendly guy that enjoys the company of his friends. he seems to have a good friendship with shadow and reks and tends to care about how they are feeling and how their moods are something tells me that he has been a friend with them for quite a while. he seems to be very protective of reks as well i am guessing there may be something between them but thats just my assumption take it as you will.
he sounds like one of those people that could be a blast to hand out with and seems to enjoy himself whenever around friends. i have not seen anything negative about him so i can not say anything in that regard for some reason i just feel like i don't see enough of him really to be able to say much for or against him as it is really... i apologize for this relatively short answer i guess i need to take the time to get to know more people really...

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What do you think of Vinely?

She is my deepest relationship i have with another being in this world if i had to care for only one person in this world it would be her to the end... should anything happen between us i will be forever broken and dead inside. there are no words to describe my deepest feelings for her. she is the only person that i will ever confide my deepest secrets to.
I have never been so attracted and attached to anyone before i have been with her for 2 years now and i feel my compassion towards her is still unending. i have always believed in the thought of eternal love and have been very picky when it came to finding someone to be with for the rest of my life... we are happily engaged now for a year and once i get the paperwork done and she is with me eternally we will be getting married. i hope nothing but the best for our future in that regard...
to me i am her dragon and she is the only gem in my tiny overly protected hoard. i will do my damnest to protect her if i have the power to do so. in my eyes she cares for everyone that she comes across wanting to do her best to help and find a place where she is completely and absolutely necessary to be. she takes criticism very hardly compared to most people. and when angered or hurt she tends to unintentionally make her sentences angry and very spiteful. which is why when i feel she is getting angry i ask her to run everything through me before sending it out. when she wants to be left alone she makes sure you know though and tends to just simply disappear. slightly aggravating for someone like me simply because i feel the need to be by her side during every situation not just the happy ones.
she is one of maybe only 30,000 people in the world that would not immediately think i am crazy based of my thoughts or beliefs or have to need an explaination as to why i think that way unless i word how i think wrong... i have revealed all my secrets to her but because of her history she tends to keep everything hidden behind a smile.
if anything... she is the person that i need to care about the most in the world to function properly if it was not for her i would still be a very negitive person wanting to harm anyone that touches me and hoping death on the world. if it was not for her .... i would not have had my revolution in my beliefs i would never have been happy... so to say i think excessively highly of her then yea i do but its because.... i was faced with people that wanted to be with me.... but only because of my looks... i wanted someone that i knew.... would care for me eternally no matter what i looked like on the outside... i found it in her... i hope to never lose her.... ever..

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What do you think of yourself?

what do i think of myself.... that i am a blunt instrument that tends to live more in fantasy then reality prefering to keep to himself while i figure out the world around him.
i tend to see myself as a overly courious and nosy individual and take seeing friends down harshly wanting to find out about what is causing their issues. however i attempt to keep my space when they ask for it though.... i tend to fail this alot more. i am also heavily stuck into my own belief and tend to have bad experiances with other religious views so i apologize to anyone out there that believes in a more mainstream religious doctrine. I also try to be caring to a fault and wish for people to only be happy with each others presence tending to cause more issues when befriending someone that is not looking for anyone to be their friend.
however i have noticed in my past i have been more blunt then a 2x4 to the head it has caused my friendships to slip alot. i also tend to look at a message sent though forums with the most amount of examination my mind can think up trying to break whatever hidden message may be in there and find out what emotions are actually tied to the words.
as i have stated before in a previous answer but i have found that my judgement of character and personality tends to rule over me. saddly this tends to also cloud my judgement on someone because i am suddenly based on their personality. i also tend to have a harder time decyphering something on a forum i found then though RP or in person because a major part of finding out about someone comes from voice and body language as well. basically the more info i get the faster and more accurate my judgement on someone. however i will state that this ability to judge after a short time....almost uncanny amount of time has saved me from alot of the harshness of the world.
When directly asked i try to be as direct as possible with questions but sometimes i tend to lock up which causes me to freeze for a while and have to rethink my wording because i tend to think in a more jibberish method... my mind is almost always thinking of something and when left alone to do whatever alone i tend to become very dark and depressed especially if i don't know the reason why i have been left alone.
I think of myself as both immature and mature at the same time... paradoxal i know. my immature self manifests itself in my couriousity and imagination where my mature side is logical and calculating.... its strange... not much better to explain that...
also i tend to get addicted to things easily so i have to try and avoid it... other than that i am also in direct personal meetings very anti social. i tend to want to get out of a conversation as fast as i can looking for escape routes if possible. my ability for small talk is horrible indeed.
However i tend to become attached to people i care for and for those that i love i am almost like a leech that attaches and never lets go no matter what it is.

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What do you think of Gonzogonz?

Fun to RP with he tends to have alot of creativity with him and uniqueness not to mention he likes to simply have fun and make friends i find that if we met on an official RP site me and him would be at it for quite a while so i apologize to anyone that has to read our antics.
judging by his messages he tends to be a family oriented person wanting to spend time with his family and holds them into high regard indeed something quite a few families lack outright but its not a uncommon trait. he does tend to feel lonely easily which is why i tend to pay quite a bit attention to him. he seems caring and .... a bit reckless at times. the biggest issue though is because he is a roleplayer however it tends to skew my view on another and hides the truth about them. i am unsure if he pours himself into his character like me or vinely do or he makes stuff up on the fly however if he does pour himself into his character i can see him being very independent feeling wanting to make sure to not become a burden to another even when that other tends to want to just help out of the caring of his heart...
i do tend to see a bit of want of attention hidden away though but then again we all do in a way so i am not really gonna fault him on that. in my oppinion he is one of the people i quickly added as a friend of mine in my mind

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What do you think of James Mourne?

I think james mourne is a great person and very logical caring minded he tends to know how to state advice to be easier on a mind to comprehend and more gentle with those thoughts at the time they are needed he tends to have a passion for art and a kind being to him. he does need the full side of a story but once he has it he tends to have a much better view and opinion toward the subject
I consider him a friend already simply because of the fact he tries to help whenever he can and tries his damnest to make up for something he never intended to be harmful or hurtful. though he is barely known to me compared to a large group of people on the thread i can happily say he does care and is very friendly.
not much else i can add due to a bit of a lack of seeing him in general apologies j mourne.

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Where do you find new music?

Randomly on youtube my budget is extremely tight so when i feel like listening to music i usually try and find something on youtube

What do you think of Ms Reks?

This is a question that may be a bit hard for me to answer but i will try to in the best i can. for all intents and purposes i tend to forget reks is a guy or a girl so i will be basing my post on his character gender to ease my mind and make it easier to respond and not lose track of what i am saying.
Reks in my opinion is a good friend and tends to care about others even when she feels in a very quiet and lonely mood and often wants to be by herself. I feel bad for her to be honest to have such a deep emotional anchor attached to her and saddens me that something like that may not be easily removed. for this i always feel bad when she appears because i can not help, she is the person on the thread that i have the hardest time reading because of her emotional turmoil i can sense intense pain and loneliness and just feels like she needs someone there for her but is too afraid to expose herself to another because of something that may have happened in her past. I do not wish to get into her mind to find out what it was because it seems to be personal and i can't stand adding additional stress to another.
However with all this turmoil welled up inside her i can sense a very compassionate and caring soul hidden away and whomever she opens up to may consider it a great gift for her to place that feeling toward them.... i feel slightly horrible for trying to answer this because i feel like i may somehow cross a sensitive area unwittingly.and i apologize if it offends anyone involved with anything hidden and secret. but this is where i am 100% honest and i hope i do not cause turbulence from it.
She tends to have a very logical mind and tries to end a conflict before it escalates when they appear siding with the most logical side. she does get angry when people intervene with personal life which i am completely understanding of as i have crossed that border before and i do indeed feel bad for doing.
in general though she is the one person i would like to get to know better of all the avali thread members simply because i am courious about things to a fault and tend to want to see through her perspective of life using what i like to consider my sixth sense of perspective.of all the people on the thread she is the one that i have not been able to sense like everyone else and its kinda unnerving as i have never had this issue before with anyone else in real time or on the internet. i feel though that i might actually push her away then become a friend... which i truly feel bad about.. however i personally would trust her with something if i ever felt the need to get it off my chest and if she is willing to ever listen about it.
the biggest issue to this question though... is because of my lack of being able to use my sixth sense on her i am unable to easily get to know her indirectly like i have with alot here and because i have to use a standard response system in the human body instead i have not much information other than what i have seen.......

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I give you a hamburger. DO you know where this is going?

not a clue sorry also... i tend to be for the most part a vegetarian so this kinda makes no sense to me
*looks down embarrassed about not understanding in the slightest*

What does true friendship mean to you?

this is one of those questions that mean the absolute most to me and i may find a very hard time explaining it to anyone else because its almost a bit of a strange subject to me compared to others. Friendship is something i take very seriously seeing as I have had a hard time normally forming friendships due to a urge of mine to judge another based upon their actions and personality. I had very few friends in my life before the Avali thread though these people I cared for with the utmost compassion and sympathy wishing to do whatever i could to make them happier no matter what has happened to me or my sanity none the less. because of my outlook on life in general and friendship being so precious i consider every single one of my past friends very close to my heart and tend to take any harmful words from them as almost daggers to me typically attempting to repair the damages to said friendship.
I tend to have the ability to empathize with people rapidly and easily. I seem to have an uncanny ability to know what another is thinking. its caused my friends to be close but also has pushed alot of people back because I know they are hiding something causing my intense curiosity and compassion to attempt to pry into what they are hiding in a attempt to help them with an issue they may have. because of this i tend to form lasting friendships and grudgeful adversaries. I don't take betrayal easily and tend to become depressed and agitated when i am betrayed by a friend no matter if that friendship was formed over the internet or directly person to person.
This intense compassion and understanding has also sadly caused issues before as well as people who are not use to the amount of compassion and caring that i tend to hand out willingly and freely causes them to think i have further intentions then i actually do. it causes tense emotional situations and has caused me to lose friends because they thought i wanted more from their relationship other than friendship and wanted to push it further than it already was.i feel that the world was always filled with so much bad that people need someone there to support them through pain and emotions and actually care about what they had to say about something. I tend to be recognized as someone my family goes to when they feel the need to have support or advice on emotions. I found that if you hand out your hand to as many people as you can and show there is actual caring out there they tend to spread that caring and in turn that next person spreads it.
To me a friend should be eternal and nurtured and protected it tends to cause me intense pain that scars me because of how attached i get to my friends when they want to break that friendship because a part of my heart still is there for them and i tend to overstay my welcome with them causing even more pain to myself. in my eyes once your a friend the only way I will consider you otherwise is if you do something that causes intense pain to me or betray my trust.

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Liked by: Zeal Wyman

Out of curiosity, why the black/red/purple color pattern for your Avali?

Well the red colouration was to reflect my favorite colour which happens to be the deepest red blood can produce when freshly drawn..... i'm kinda disturbing with that but.... the purple in my mind goes well to help emphasize and make it show up a bit more. the black was just because i like the darkness and makes the other two colours even more vibrant... its the best way i can explain it.

Language: English