
Brandon "Corosar"

Ask @andethir

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Would you like to fluff the chinchilla?

Mark. A. R.
ACK! no mind bad mind... why would you think that .... i hope you mean the little mouse creature... and not something else if so... yea i would like to fluff the chinchilla if not.... *starts shuddering shaking his head*

(IC) how are you feeling? and what do you think of the city so far, remind you of anything?

(coro) indeed i am enjoying the city..... just exploring right now... seeing how life really is on this world....
(yol) *out enjoying Celion culture with reks*

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(IC) What would happen if i cut off the hooded guy's head?

(coro) no idea..... we managed to take off his arm last time andit regrew..... however that was before i managed to make it harder for him to recover the more we wittle down the curse the more time it takes for the hooded figure to recover from injuries..... eventually he will either surrender because he is unable to recover anymore or he will be vanquished

what do you think makes Vartans an equal in combat against other species?

they have the physical strength to compare as well as having the technological weapons to hold their own

what is the worst injury you have sustained IRL?

a sprained ankle.... thats it... really not very .... oh wait thats right i was nearly killed by some dipshits at a bus stop once.... i regained consiousness afterwards with no idea where i was for the first hour or so discovered i had a major concussion and having been punched three times and curb stomped once.... surprised i didn't have more damage from the curbstomp...

what is the difference between a wyvern and a dragon? (and what about a drake? are drakes just flightless dragons/wyverns?)

the quickest answer and the one that tends to be from my past life seeing as i saw alot of them in my visions before.... not that i am gonna say that anywhere else for fear of being called insane which i am not but wyverns in my past life tended to have only two legs (the rear legs for a dragon for comparison) and their forelegs have wing membranes attaching to their torso.... allowing their flight... this makes them a four limbed creature.... dragons on the other hand do not have the wing membranes attached to their forelegs (or arms depending if they are feral or not) and instead sprout wings from their shoulder blades
the main other difference is that wyverns tends to be fiercely territorial.... nothing enters nothing leaves... anything in that area is food for a wyvern.... for a dragon however.... they tend to only protect their nest so zealously.... i should know.... (gawd damned nesting instincts) often times slowly making contact with local human civilizations in a slow but safe way.... if the humans are driving off the local food sources for example a wyvern will burn down that village and take whatever they can eat .... a dragon will often times barter for food with whatever they deem valuable....
now as for drakes... they tend to be a smaller version of the wyvern often times being near oceans and water sources as they tend to have a much longer flight time due to not fatiguing easily they can be territorial as well... but often its of a single island... and mean little threat as they avoid contact with things they now can and will hurt them

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do you think there is going to be action on the Celion homeworld?

it would most likely be possible... they need food after all.... i am not sure on agriculture on the celion homeworld but... their race seems like they would be more carnivorous than herbavorist

What did the last text message you sent say?

never had a cell phone.... so never sent a text.... with it anyway... but technically this is a text message... so theres your answer ^w^

how would you permanently kill off Coro? lets say you HAD to KILL him off somehow, then how would you?

i would actually have an IRL mental breakdown if i had to completely kill off coro..... however in order for him to be killed off completely is by completely distroying his soul... and his spirit .... even then his grandmother would be able to bring her back to life eventually.... but it would take centuries....its almost impossible to kill him completely anyway...but complete eradication of his soul is the only way to truly put him ten feet under

If Rose died would Yol try and bring her back?

most likely yes.... she would only not if it was a natural cause.... like age for example... really only age seems to be the hinderer for her .... though she would need an avali to stand in for a mothering the egg for revival.... coro and yol work together often to revive those that have died because yol has the power to start the revival... and coro can change into any race if she has the dna .... allowing anyone to be revived

how would Yol have treated Rose's injuries had there not been a hospital to take care of her?

Yol knows her blood is able to heal almost any wound easily.... she would have used that directly onto the wound

... how are we going to fit Yol on the ship... we are going to need to fill the ship with food and rations, not to speak of extra oxygen.

yol in her abyss dragon form is only 4 feet long she would be able to easily fit on the ship... as well as the fact that she no longer needs to breathe in that form.... food may be the only concern with her but then again... ships tend to have a way of supplying the needed resources for extended periods in space... if not.... its easy to find large game in the forest

would something very close to someone be able to be transported to the dreamworld? how about clothes and whatever gear one is carrying?

everytime coro or feather entered the dream world they were completely lacking anything from the physical world.... Yol however has far more power when it comes to manipulating souls and thus is able to replicate the items into the dreamworld for anyone that is not suffering from the curse

if Yol doesn't follow to the Celion homeworld how is she going to send Noul into Coro and Feather's dream?

I do recall Yol stating that he was gonna be following feather and coro everywhere till the issue is solved.... thus in a way... that means yol will indeed be going to the celion homeworld

O W ~ so i'm a dragon, can i take it up your scaly ass?

*sigh* i am gonna have to turn that on arn't i..... if i am gonna answer NSFW posts i am gonna wanna start knowing who is asking them sorry anons its for my sanity so i know who is sexually herassing me.... i am not one to take it from a random

O W O like dragons do you? what if i'm a dragon? rawr?

its more than just liking dragons... its being one.... i myself.... am dragon.... and if you have an issue with it take it up with my scaly ass

That's detailed. anything specific you really like?

i tend to prefer dragon to dragon and despise human on human for any reason however other things in the fave area are mostly my preferred stuff...

How would you describe Feather? Do it as detailed as you can o3o

Feather is a very gentle and cuddly vali he seemed to have a rough past about his pack and he has a dark history however he seems to care alot about his pack and his new luv... often times he is kinda humbled by Coro because of the fact that she had saved his life on multiple occasions and even offered to revive his old packmate for him she has formed a very close bond with coro and tends to be around her often feather also tends to be quiet otherwise and because of a recent curse that was placed on him also very causious..... he will however be one of the first people to take a shot for another he cares about if he is able to. because of this he has gained a deep trust with coro only intensifying the love between coro and himself
(i apologize.... i tend to have been burnt out of deep explaination recently.... i am not good with keeping up with detail over extended periods of time. vwv )

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i meant before that? their BACKstories have not yet been told, like what happened with Noul for him to leave his homeworld? and where was Rose before she was a part of the happening on the thread?

i am not exactly sure to be honest... but i heard Rose may be an orphan is some way that never really formed a bond with anyone.... and i guess wondered about how she got around and who she was with before she came here to our planet... as with noul i bet he was a wonderer before becoming a courier... it would make sense it took me at least a year to come up with a backstory for Yol....i have it somewhere but point is..... my backstories for a new character or guessing a backstory tends to be rather.... lackluster

what do you think is Noul and Rose's backstory?

oh boy backstory.... i am already having a hard time remembering everyone's backstory basics i know is Noul is from the vertan homeworld and tends to be a courier for white.... Rose is a young vali that happened to have a rough time in the forest... i was not here when i heard her backstory

... would Rose be close enough?

she has always feared going with someone too young.... she felt she never wished to be labeled a pedo for example.....

what are these medical tools? just teh normal stuff or is it more specialized to be used by dragons?

she tends to have enough tools to perform a field surgery if she needs to.... she also has a couple vials of her own remedies from her world... most notably a few vials of her mother's blood.... due to her alchemy and botanical experience she would use this to mix together potent regenerative medicines.... she tends to avoid using them unless there is absolutely no change otherwise as it tends to be almost god powered


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