
Brandon "Corosar"

Ask @andethir

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if you died, what would you have StarRacer put on your grave? (you don't have to answer this if its too personal)

i don't even know if i had a grave.... i would most likely wish for my ashes to remain with my family until they passed on.... well half of them... the other half should be scattered into the wind....

If you could be a character in a fighting game, how would you fight? It can be your character, preferably so.

I would be most often be a Light, Fast fighter.... if weapons are involved i would use a dual sword or a scythe in what i call the grapple stance as a melee weapon and most likely look my avali character or my dragon self... but if i had no weapons... claws would be something i would definitely use

What holiday gift would make you really happy?

a laptop that doesn't suck.... i am having memory leaks that debiliates my computer once every two days....

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if you could own a gun IRL what would it be? (if choosing a fictional gun, tell me specifically what weapon it is)

if i had to choose i would have a laundry list of weapons... but my pain Real world gun would be anything loaded with dragon's breath rounds.... yea i know they are illegal but i dun give a shit... but for fictional guns.... we have the firestorm cannon (turok 2/3),cerebral bore (for the truly evil in my eyes)(turok 2/3), and my favorite from the series the Chronoscepter (turok 1) because i love the design of it, and finally a railgun (from literally almost any futuristic game) just because of raw power per shot.

If you had to get on a 14 hour flight, who would you want to sit next to?

no one religious.... i fear enough of them on my own... to be forced into being unable to get away... Ehhhhh

Which three things would you take to a deserted island?

a replicator. a solar panel... and a satalite receiver....

(IC) if White was going out on an "errand", would you join him? (a small mission)

(corosar) it depends on the mission.... if its something important and he needs help i would not mind lending a hand.... but not a whole military campaign unless she had to in order to protect her family
(yol) i.... rather not get more involved with affairs then i am already i have already overstayed my welcome

(IC and OOC) where do you think White has got his equipment from?

(OOC/Corosar) i really have no idea... maybe his special operations group? maybe he is experimenting the stuff
(Yol) ummmm that stuff is high tech.... and i don't know avali how would i know...

Which Pokémon do you consider the most "attractive*?

most true dragon based pokemon.... like charizard dragonite and salamance

(IC) if you found yourself in combat, would you see yourself as a short-range, a mid-range or a long range fighter? (close range being melee but also things like shotguns and certain types of pistols)

(coro) i be a more midrange trying to use what i can to keep myself unharmed but close enough that i can attack if i have too
(yol) close range i prefer it..... i rarely use my railgun simply because i am not much for long ranged attacking but if i need to i will use it.... mostly when they are using long ranged weapons themselves

(Rose asks: IC all) what would you do if you ended up in a situation like mine?

(coro) i would loose my mind so much...being unable to do anything to help....
(yol) reminds me when i lost my tail once... after i got use to it.... i have become use to being unable to do anything at all


just..... just sit still..... they no notice me then.... *stimed* fuck!..... t....tranquil....i....zer..... *faceplant*

(IC:All) *lewds your butt*

(Yol) i..... am not too against it.... honestly....
(Coro) don't touch my butt..... my avali side is meant for feather..... and my dragon side.... lets consider it non existant...... and don't think about it while i am paralyzed like this....(referring to current Thread events of being unable to move because of soul exhaustion)

What're your favorite song lyrics?

actually now that i think about it i enjoy many lyrics ..... but i enjoy DragonForce's (yea i know shhhh) Where Dragons Rule...... Another close second is actually MGR's (Metal Gear Rising) My own master.... or Rules of Nature...

(IC:All) If you could get some tech-based power of any type, currently possible or not, which would you choose? This includes:Fire, Ice, Gravity, Etc

(yol) ICK Tech.... i get that enough from Numot.... i don't need to deal with that here..... only tech i like is spaceships....
(coro) *giggles at her mom* well what do i expect from you .... all our tech uses aura energy.. for me i think.... i would enjoy the ability...... to well use technology with my ..... oh wait.... i already have that hehehe....


Language: English