
Brandon "Corosar"

Ask @andethir

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What is your favorite waste of time?

The Avali nexus.... i would put cuddling but that is not wasting time now is it...

What was the best movie of 2014?

seriously never saw a single movie in 2014.... don't care enough to anyway.... still harboring alot of anger towards the hobbit... muther fuckin....

Do you prefer to talk or to listen?

i would much rather listen than talk as talking would often times lead to sometimes the wrong impression of something or could come out in a way that would cause alot of issues
Liked by: Intrebute

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If you could be a Smash Bros. character, or yourself with their fighting style, whom would you be?

Charizard or Coro from the thread... to be honest... i love the attack power of charizard in the new smash bros (oh right never told anyone i got that XD) as for Coro would be the character that has alot of speed with her little pistol.... very much quick attacking and weaker where as charizard is the exact opposite and strangely enough the first large character i could actually use in any game ^w^

You are an enforcer in the middle of a riot, and the rioters are trying to kill you. Would you fight back with your gun to save yourself for sure, or use your baton and riot shield to risk your life but not others' lives?

i would use the baton... my job is to save lives not to take them

(IC and OOC)If you discovers a cheap and potent new drug formulae, what would you do with it?

(IC and OOC) discover any medical potential to it... if there is none destroy it

What do animals dream about?

Sometimes the same thing as humans sometimes other things... it depends on what their minds want them to dream up

What age are you scared of?

urrrr..... what kinda question is that really.... there is multiple answers to this but any age past 60 .... means death is near.... and .... the space age... because fucking space...

In all seriousness, do you think I take illicit drugs?

not really.... you just have a wild imagination...... maybe a bit too wild.... but then again... i know where you can get it from ^w^ its called........ *suddenly static just as she looks up something*
Liked by: Maiq of Elsweyr

if you were a serial killer, what kind of people would you target? why? and what would be your calling card?

i would target rapists and murderers for obvious reasons... and i would leave a good pile of ash nearby with clawmarks in the walls.... it would look like a large creature got into where they lived and mutilated the place.
Liked by: Gonzo

If Santa was real, would you visit the North Pole to meet him? If so, what would you say? (Other than ask what gift you'd like)

i most likely would not visit.... i tend to be very close in on myself outside of internet meet ups

Basically, that question had no answer besides what you provided. That's what I wanted to see.

^w^ i was kinda worried i missed something to be honest XD

Do you prefer Instagram or Facebook?

Niether ..... i can't stand either system in the slightest.... and i am starting to hate people forcing it upon me.... just like the PS4 trying to get me to use that crap
Liked by: SCN-3_NULL

Two tall towers tremble with trepidation, turning torwards the tiny tortoise transpiring the terror before it. What're the two towers?

All i can feel from this scene in my mind is just pure terror.... it could be so many things.... but the first thing that comes to mind is a symbolic one.... one tower is fear the other is Regret... both in the way of the tortoise and the terror of them both holds him fast...

*in a slightly offensive Jamaican accent* what gun would Jesus chose?

how would i know.... i don't follow that belief

What good deed did you do this week?

gave out numourous gifts to everyone i could afford a game for..... i apologize if you didn't get one.... my funds are extremely limited....


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