
Brandon "Corosar"

Ask @andethir

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Who from the Nexus would be the worst kind of person if everything about them inverted? That is, completely did a 180?

(in character) Yol ..... definitely Yol.... with the ability to rip open holes between dimensions she could literally open up hell upon everyone as well as pretty much any great evil that has existed anywhere.... including the shivans the covenant the flood X parasites so on and so forth.
(ooc) again.... me or Reks..... it would cause us to instead of wanting peace.... wanting instability you could also argue surge as well... i think if he inverted the world would end somehow...

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the sky is blue because of a similar reason my eyes are as well... its based on light refraction blue light just happens to refract better during the day.... its why the sky is red at dusk or dawn... there is no blue to refract.... and the red is getting trapped instead....

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when it comes to the celion i love their looks.... they look amazing.... but i rather dislike the fact i don't have much to work with on their aesthetics lore or culture....

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it depends on the person but i always try to say the truth... no matter how much it hurts... i have lost many friends because of it

No no don't apologise, I was just in a bad mood at the time and I needed a hug >//< We totally understand, no need to be sorry, 'kay? :3

okay sorry for feeling worried big guy *nuzzles lightly as she huggles you*

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(Coro) i.... can't get a ship actually.... i don't know how to pilot them.... other than the ones from my world....and i just realized that i can't use my ship here.... there are no power sources for it.... and i am not dragging my brother here.... last thing we need is him dismantling every peice of technology in the area...

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that.... has to be one of the hardest questions as its a matter of view.... but for me.... love is when you and the person you care about care so deeply for each other that they would be there for you whenever you need them...and often attempts to protect each other
Liked by: SCN-3_NULL

who has the most unusual/unique character in the nexus? (you can chose yourself)

i believe i answered this question....X.X

*suddenly Reks!*

YAY!!! Reks *suddenly tightly huggles. Nuzzling you happily and purring loudly as she softly started to affectionately nibble on your ear* how you doing!

Does my art look too much like Rukii's? Or do you personally think my style is going in a whole different direction?

i can see alittle of rukii's art in your style.... however i do see alot of things different from his... yours seems to have more details into it... and.... well... not filled with lewdy thoughts in my mind.... rukii has got me in the state that if i see rukii art... its lewdy.... sorry ruu ruu... but with yours reks i don't have that thought and i can focus on the more style your trying for.... i see it slowly becoming its own thing ^w^

Which holidays do you and your family celebrate?

I am not christian... or any subclass of christian... however i did always enjoy the crap out of christmas... even though i know it didn't start with its current ideals... i do like the idea of christmas... a time where everyone is trying to be nice... does it work out..... no... but its the thought that counts
Liked by: Maiq of Elsweyr

who has the most unusual/unique character in the nexus?

hmmm most unusual i would have to say.... Nix because of how misterious her past is .... and when coro delved into her soul she found something unusual .... a vacant soul..... almost completely unexperianced... as if this was her first life... not much formed yet...
as for unique.... its a toss up for... Alpha Surge and Reks.... Alpha due to his mechanian... Surge for his tacarian and Reks for her Celions... all i think are very interesting and different... however because of the thread i am not surprised with the ammount of avali...

Who do you respect the most on the Nexus? Ryuujin doesn't count.

Reksanden to be honest... i find she is typically very level headed and wants the threads best interest in the long run.... once you get to know her she is pretty awesome in my opinion ^w^


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