
Brandon "Corosar"

Ask @andethir

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What game do you think is the best? Dont lie now...

that is a very hard question for me as i have to base my favorites based on genre but in my opinion
Favorite FPS: Turok 2 Seeds of Evil: i have not fully beaten this game but i never stop finding myself returning to it.... its nice and challenging in the later levels and with a lives system you really have to watch your butt.... also it uses the old health system but your max HP can go up to i beleive it was either 200 or 250.... its rare you see that high though.... being mauled by raptors and space gorillas
Favorite FPS sandbox: Minecraft: because of the fact it brought me to Vinely my fiance and because of how many mods there are for it..... seriously my main game tends to have 150+ mods in it at any given time
Favorite Sidescrolling sandbox: Starbound: One word.... Avali.... if it was not for the avali i would not have met many new people..... i swear.... i have become so popular i have no idea what to do anymore... hehehe
Favorite Spacesim: Freespace 2: What can i say about this game other than...... grab it get it to work... play it .... if you have a joystick... do it.... now.... its amazing..... its what got me into sci-fi and for good reason... for a game that came out in the 90's this game has been upgraded by the community to be on par with some modern games.... they upgraded graphics physics added specular and normal maps to textures increased texture size... its just... beautiful.... search up Free space open source code project if you own FS2 you will not be disappointed at all especially MediaVPS
Favorite platformer: Yoshi's island: this game minus baby mario's crys is my favorite platformer simply because its hard to blame the game for your mistake.... because it is sooo well designed...
Favorite RTS game:two picks here can't decide:Tzar & Earth 2150: Tzar because its the game that got me into RTS's its like a merge of medieval warfare and RPG elements.... items litter the ground and each Unit can carry 8 items at once and use them only exceptions are summons..... like the stone golem, jinn, bat, magic carpet..... and of course the dragon :3 and Earth 2150 because of its campaign its so unique that you can bring back every unit you have on the field back to your main base to use on another mission.... its soo cool.. every mission is connected through the main base and its almost like the game is running two or more maps at the same time in the campaign... one of the maps is never unloaded so all your units there get to be with you for the rest of the game.... its even better when you have the ability to ferry units to another map.... i can not gush any more over that one feature.... and its not even the main awesome part of it i could go on for hours
*more to come later as i can't think of other genres ATM*

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How would you describe the following characters: Tech, Putin, and Putin's mother?

Tech: Yol banished that character for a reason..... it was a needed reason... he was a threat to the entire populace
Putin: Putin?? i must have missed this one
Putin: Putin's mom???? oh god how much have i missed!

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How would you describe these characters: Sankoro,Marxon,Ehks,Eluim,Rukii,Nix,White,Elai,and Baley?

Sankoro: she is so timid and cute.... i just wanna huggle her sometimes because dawwwww
Marxon: tends to be dramatic.... he is also adorably plump i like cuddling him as though he is my pillow
Ehks: two words..... Corpse castle.... best discription i have for him really
Eluim: hmmmm i tend to not have gotten much to know him other than the very little i have seen... there is some power in him but i have not fully discovered his true intentions .... yet...
Rukii: ...... do i really need to say it?.... its really obvious..... okay fine.... LEWWWWDDDDD
Nix: i do know that she is caring she tends to care alot about Rose..... don't know where nix went though....
White: seems like some sort of mercenary.... i hope he didn't go get himself killed somehow....
Elai: there are soo many character that i can't even remember who elai is attached to .... my head hurts i apologize... sooo deeply
Baley: a more chaotic Ehks..... things just keep happening.... i have up trying to follow his insanity....

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Liked by: Marxon SCN-3_NULL

if you could chnage an core part of religion, what would it be?

i would not change much in religions do to my belief that everyone has a right to belief what they want and in most cases a religion is very sacred thus should not be messed with.... however i would try and change the fact that in christian religion dragons are considered a symbol of satan.... this causes alot of issues between me and my christ based friends and family as i feel that dragons can be both evil and good.... holy in some cases and demonic in others.... because of the fact that my beliefs clash so intensely with christians and alot of my family are mormons (my brothers are converting to mormonism as i type this) i tend to fear even being open with them as i worry that i would become disowned by those i love.... i even fear my cousin that got my brothers into it.... worried that if i state what my belief is .... they will never wish to help me later in life..... its not easily believing in draconity..... but i will push forward its what my soul has decided for me.... and as such it will not ever change.... nothing in any form of valhalla heaven hell or...... hel would ever get me to forsake my beliefs

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Liked by: SCN-3_NULL

Which languages do you understand or speak?

english with tiny ammounts of knowledge of German and French but i wanna learn draconic and slowly taping into that language

How would you describe each of the following characters: Lihor, Starracer, Lego, Gonzo, Rose, Alpha, Reks, Surge, Bee, Sliver, Feather, Nil, Nel, Otter, Lone, and Coro?

Lihor: Time manipulating bionicle dragon. he is actually hiding the true power he really has... i have Rped with her characters alot and as such i have some knowledge of just how much power he has..... lets just say.... he can control time so well that he can make it so we repeat ourselves constantly indefinately
Starracer: unique transforming dragon known as a transdraco.... tends to be the field medic of the race again Rped alot with this character before and as such i know alot about them too much to mention here
Lego: A good avali friend of Coro's if it was not for Lego coro would not have the neural jack in his avali form
Gonzo: two words.... accedent prone.... he tends to become very very injured hehehe
Rose: a sweet young avali that had the misfortune to experience the woods
Alpha; the sarcastic automaton that tends to stick around .... he does not understnad organics well it looks like he is trying though....
Reks: a very troubled avali that was changed into Celion i feel soo bad for her all the time... i actually feel close with the creator of this character
Surge: urrmmm... surge... i tend to see he is a good character that just does not get enough time.... unable to be in the right spot
Bee:adorable....but tyranical and insane sometimes.... for a bee
Sliver: sooo cute!
Feather: he is quite caring indeed! and very friendly.... coro fell for him for a good reason....
Nil: i beleive this is the doctor that was not good.... he was kinda hilarious
Nel: nil's sister.... the one with actual skills
Otter: kinda quiet kineptic things tend to happen to him between him and lone
Lone: kinda quiet wolf
Coro(me!): a Shapeshifting dragon that has decided to become an avali living a life as an avali doctor and take care of his friends and new found love he is caring and compassionate but also timid

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Liked by: Higuera

*a torrent of Eevees fall from the sky and land harmlessly on Coro* Now you cans pet mah Eevees.

Mark. A. R.
*smiles happily as he is buried in the furry animals* eeeeeee!

What would be worse? Drinking water as an avali(about a bowl of it) or being in a chopper being dragged down by a massive amount of zombies trying to eat you?

Easy.... drinking that bowl of water.... imaging being burned inside out just because you wanted to see what water tasted like.... or having your entire insides freeze solid as the water freezes in your digestive tract.... never really thought of that huh.... yea... i would rather be eaten .... much quicker death...
Liked by: Higuera Phlosioneer

What do you think about Reks's celions?

I think that they might actually turn out pretty amazingly Reks has a very deep mind and she is very smart about her designs and what she wants something to look like.... when i first saw the celion image she had sketched up i was happiest to know that it was the exact thing that my mind came up with when she designed the race.... i really can't wait to see how much more worldbuilding she has for it in the future..... it excites me a bit to he honest!

Do you play an instrument? Which?

no instrument but if i had the choice of learning a instrument i would most likely pick a bass Ocarina simply because i love the design as well as i just kinda enjoy the sound.... the bass Ocarina in particular because it would normally hurt my ears otherwise

What makes you really nervous?

talking about my last life memories..... seriously.... nearly gives me panic attacks

A Dragon walks into a bar, an Avali laughs and walks under it. What do you think of my joke? :D

what happens if the dragon sits as the avali is passing by..... who knows maybe the avali would not like the joke afterwards..... but maybe the dragon would laugh.... and let the avali walk under it

Which is the best mode of transportation?

Flight by wings.... seeing the land flowing below you is amazing to me... second to me is flight by plane but that.... is not exactly the same really


Language: English