
Brandon "Corosar"

Ask @andethir

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Why am I generally asked unique questions instead of the rolling ones that nearly everyone gets?

no idea... maybe your interesting... and unique questions are for you

If you could change one thing about the world, or the people on the world, what would it be?

I am exceptionally untrusting of humanity when i have to be in direct physical contact with them as i know how people think of my kind... because of this i wish i would be able to change the world and allow others to be tolerant of everything, everyone, and anything.... as it is right now however.... i will continue to keep my claws sharp.... just in casee
Liked by: Rune Nigrala

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How would you feel if everyone on the Earth became an Avali, except yourself? Note they wouldn't be ammonia-based or not-oxygen-breathing; still capable of living.

I would love to see that honestly if they were not tormented by it... honestly... i would be a bit jelous ... i rather dislike my human body and would volunteer if there was no risks

What are you terrible at?

Not being the equivalent of a Seer of Blood from homestuck... seriously... i can sympathize with people way too damn easily..
Liked by: SCN-3_NULL

Post a picture of your favorite sci-fi character!

hard to say... there are many characters i love so i am gonna just list them instead of posting a pic
Samus Aran
Gordon Freeman
The arbiter (yes i am not very fond of master chief shut up okay)
Alpha 1 (yes your characters in Freespace 1 and 2 because of the shit he goes through just to fail in the end in a way)
Kerrigan (fucking love her personality)
Megaman X and Zero (put these two together ^w^)
Turok (yes it counts shut up)
Doom Guy
Seven of Nine & Captain Kathrine Janeway (i am noticing alot of female characters here...)
list can go on... when i remember them .. but this is my personal favorites
Liked by: SCN-3_NULL

Would you accept to join the UNA (union nigrum alas)? And what do you think about their fight against dragons ? (Seriously, that bothers me right now...)

Rune Nigrala
Yol knows about Tyranny she would most likely join up with the UNA to properly teach the leader of the dragons its wrong to do what it has done. if there is a just reason for a side Yol and even Corosar would happily join the UNA

Do you have skype and/or steam ?

yes i do have steam and skype my steam is on my Chucklefish profile....i am not releasing my skype however to anyone outside of very close friends though i apologize for that...

After Deneb's fuck up on the forums, I figured I'd ask everyone what they think should be done about him.

There is no need for anything to be done... this issue is long over... whoever posted this needs to go away now.... fucking petty issues like this is what makes the thread horrible... and i hope that i don't see this come up again.... got it!

What do you think of makeup?

its good for hiding your true self... you inconfident piece of *bleep*
//also yes this is because its a QOTD shudduP!

Who is your favorite author?

I am really unsure how to answer these QOTD's i may as well come up with something stupid for each one i can't answer... like this one... because well... i rarely pay attention to author's names XD

*suddenly all the tentacles are dead* :D.............. I'm going to die now aren't I?

now that they are gone.... no ... go ahead and live nicely... just... no more of them okay.... *ppats you on the head before pushing you away*

You and Zel both shipped me with Surge. I hate you, die in a fire (not really, reference that most minecrafter's will get) No actually I'll just bury you in chinchillavees. You ever held a chinchillavee? They are adorable as f*ck. I will bury you in them.

Mark. A. R.
XD i know you hate me... but... i could not help it... most people say the best relationships are those where the partners yell at each other... a good relationship has some fights every so often *she giggled and sighed* i guess part of me wants to see you two bicker like old couples....

Out of everyone on the Nexus, who would you ship together? List them, please

well... we already have the ship of Celireks and Yol... Reksvali and Nix and Coro and Featherdust but lets see...
IRLwise the first thing i can think of is Reks and Zeal... no way around that... but that is all i can really think of.... character wise... well we have the above 3 pairings already... but i do feel deneb and surge will make a strange couple... if they worked together XD otherwise.... not really sure who else...

Most people have crushes on celebrities when young - Did you ever have a crush on a furry character? Who?

actually.... no i didn't even know about furries for the longest of times... the first time i actually got into major contact with any sort of furry in any form was about 3 years ago... never really had a crush on any furry character.... until my fiance... it kinda just developed from there.

Why do girls' and boys' clothes have buttons on opposite sides?

WAIT WHAT..... i never knew this before today..... huh...

who are you to tell me if its black or white?

i don't know what you are honestly referencing... but to be honest no... i am not saying its black or white.... i only answer things to my knowledge and to what i have experienced myself... i don't let people make judgements for me... which has often left me with a rather unbiased view on the world.... if i hate something there is usually a reason for it personally... as for the same with loving something.... i just wish more people would try and do so.... one of the mythical senses a dragon is known for is true sight.... seeing something for what it truly is ... and through their own eyes... not the eyes of the masses.... i tend to wish to find out about every angle of a situation if i can and make my choices on the matter in what is actually happening...try to figure out something and then act upon it... it has helped me settle alot of disputes when i am called to help with something... and has formed me friendships that i have been told were with people that were horrible.... honestly... that is why i have so many people that i talk to... each person in my eyes is very much a different person and should be treated thus.... i try and get to understand how they think before making any choices.... either to hate... or to love...
SO TL:DR What is black and white to another seems convoluted and complex to another....

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Is it okay if I cry a bit from that?

honestly... not sure what you are referring to but.... if you wish to cry about something go ahead... i don't see the issue with anyone ever crying for something... especially if its heartwarming.

What do you think about Reks/Myifee?

Please refer to my previous answer of this question here : http://ask.fm/andethir/answer/116431617907
however a revision of this is that well:
My stance on her is that she wants to be Identified as female... and as such i have come to know her as a female.... i feel that this should be her right and not what her body says to do...
Reks has grown from being a very good friend to being one of my closest friends... i don't know how i would feel losing someone so great in my eyes... most likely would lose my mind... there is alot of passion and heart in her... when you manage to get to know her that is.
After having helped her alot i have formed this bond with her that i doubt i would be able to create easily with another person .... only person that i have a deeper bond for is my fiance... i doubt anyone would be able to match that honestly... its just how my mind works but reks is the closest to that point... and i rather not stand in the way of her relationships. so if that was what you were thinking no... the bond is not that far... we have someone we love deeply that is not each other and we plan to keep it that way... staying more very close friends instead.
Having gotten to know her alot more... i seriously feel that our personalities are extremely similar... i just feel that i would be exactly like her if i went through the same situation...again the only person i feel i can say the same for is my fiance ....
having to happily been able to be a part of her friends group has made me very much apreciate how caring she is... the turmoil that she has gone through i will not talk about here... as i much rather respect her privacy and i feel it would be very much a privacy thing... she may be very depressed but she does care... and she is a great person if others show alot of caring to her. and obviously don't try to harm her in anyway... though she is often fairly forgiving in my eyes...
other than that... i feel that my stance on her has not changed much at all... other than now that i have gotten alot closer i am much better able to read her.... but that is how i am... the closer i get... the more i take in the feelings and emotions another has...and its been quite the adventure getting to know her.... one that i would happily journey down again ^w^

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