
Brandon "Corosar"

Ask @andethir

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How would you define a "furry"?

the definition of furry is extremely overly shortsighted there are many many variants of "furry" out there that it is not right for me to just say one person is a furry and not another i am considered a furry however i personally am not into anything like Yiff or similar stuff i just simply believe that i am of another race more specifically a dragon and i wish to return to my true being after my death. however to be very broad however... i say a furry is someone that prefers to act as an animal or is actually in essence a animal trapped inside the body of a human and wishes to release their inner self. that is as broad as i can think though i could stll be broader

when not playing or doing what you do for work then what do you do?

mostly help around the house and spend as much time as i can with my fiance .... long distance relationships are a pain in the ass

When was the last time you remembered to forget something?

its.... more i unintentionally forget something so i really have no idea when but i rarely ever try and forget anything in my past.... forgetting causing the pain to be repeated by someone else unknowing of that trigger

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how is Vinely doing? she hasn't been on the thread for a little while.

she was never much into the thread and when she gets into a game she tends to be hooked for a while... i don't know if she will be back but if she does she may pop in every so often not very commonly but she may its doesn't help she kinda felt left out and like she didn't belong she also... tends to avoid forums it was actually kinda surprising i was able to bring her to the thread let alone her make some friends from my attempts to bring her there

Do you talk to yourself?

yes.... i talk with myself technically because i have to converse with my past life or i tend to go insane

What is your opinion on Gonz

Gonzo sounds like a great guy very fun to RP with and his character has real flaws that make it a strong character so its obvious he knows what he is doing somewhat at least he knows when to be serious and when to be fun and all that i kinda enjoy his company and have to say he is a good friend and i enjoy his company on the thread too bad our timezones are literally completely opposite of each other it would be a bit more .... easier for us if we were in the same timezone but ehh its mostly why this answer is small

your favorite moment with Vinely, that you can talk about.

to be honest... whenever she is happy is when it is my favorite moment with her it always will be

What is your opinion on Bee?

simply all i can say is cute small timid and shy ..... but likes being bigger than he really is something that i tend to like alot.... this may be a very simple answer but i just cant seem to extend this much
he sounds like a good guy but is a bit timid.... nothing close to how much marxon is ... hell marxon is one of the most timid but i can see that bee knows that he is small but he wants to be something bigger i tend to like that alot and he seems to just be a fun person to hang around with!

What is your opinion of Deneb?

What do i think of deneb.... he is the hardest person for me to read simply because of the randomness of him however i do see that he is a friendly guy.... when your on his good side and tends to be very attached to his fluffy friends also tends to feel very.... agressive when his side of a story is either wrong or no one sees it the way he does which tends to cause alot of angry words from him otherwise he is a good person and i would not mind him as a friend

(it might have already been asked but) how did you and vinely meet?

we met once on a minecraft roleplay server she and i were the only dragons that were on the server and we quickly fell in love for each other it was strange

Who or what is the most dangerous thing you've ever had to deal with?

Rply a dragon that draws its power from the void my family is unable to stop him even though we have killed him many times he just revives himself over time his soul is completely indestructible so we are trying to find a world we can banish him to that he can no longer harm us or any innocence he is well known for his torture before killing his victims and tends to.... well hes not very fond of humans.... worst still ... he is my fathers mothers stepfather.... so we are still trying to calm the populace however since his fall from the throne the world has been a much better place
OOCly... in my past life i was killed defending my love i can still feel the claws digging deeply into my chest... its.... not a happy memory

What do your mother and father think of Vinely? (in RP, though you're welcome to answer for real life as well if you wish)

RPly with vinely my family is happy as long as i am happy its just how my family is...our young would be dragons simply because of compatibility... my family is strange
Oocly my family is extremely happy i found someone of a like mind though they don't fully understand my beliefs....they support me entirely

Have you ever found any magical artefacts? Ever found one that you never were able to figure out? Ever found one that your parents couldn't figure out?

OOCly nope never found one and never had to figure one out... my life is kinda boring really!
RPly Wayyyy to many we have a vault full of unexplained ones so... yea

Closest you ever came to defeat?

closest i have ever come? i am always being defeated but i am also equally winning too so ... not sure on how to answer this one

What is your melee weapon of choice?

Scythe simply because its easier to catch a foe and cleave them with it or hold them into place so they can not run.... also.... its kinda cool looking

Favorite type of magic?

Fire based devestators because if your gonna kill something make sure it stays down and do it with style!

How tricky is it to incubate a dragon egg?

Extremely if your not a dragon as a dragon though... it just comes naturally its hard to explain really you just know exactly what you need to do

Given that you're half-descended from elemental chaos, would that make you technically a demigod?

Rply. Technically yes i would be considered a demigod.... if my father was not a god himself.. so technically i am a god but... i tend to keep quiet about it simply because we are still very much mortal... as you could tell from my injuries during the last battle
OOCly i am just simply a fire dragon thats about it really

What is your breath weapon, if any?

Rply my Natural breath weapon is fire but i have used black flames before its... not comfortable also my father has been teaching (more like me raiding his libraries ;D) to use my soul energies to augment my breath weapon to have other effects or elements in general
oocly just simply fire

But the world wants to knooooooooow~

wants to know what? there is many questions that could be answered if your wondering about my family or vinely.... i guess.... its hmm.... for nothing insane NSFL it would be trying to get vinely up here with me... our budget is so tight but i am determined to get her with me for the rest of my life.... too bad all the papers cost a friggen arm and a leg to get

what is the craziest thing you have done with vine/family?

it may be best to not inform anyone for everyone's mind

What makes a person rich?

True Friendship does... i don't care what anyone else says.., though money does help people become rich in other ways! :D

What do you think of Jetpack725?

I will first start off this answer as an apology as i am slowly losing my touch at wording these answers in a way that is understandable to others simply because of my lack of social interaction... its only been recently that i have been in contact with more than 4 people at a time thus i apologize for what i have said being very very short
now for the question at hand..i feel jet is a very good friend he has compassion and caring in him however i feel he is going through hard emotions at the time and there is not much i can think of that may help with.. i hope for the best when it comes to dealing with whatever it is that is causing his emotional state....
i just came back to this answer after taking a moment to try and think of ways of explaining my feelings and i guess i can't talk about it right now apologies to everyone expecting a answer to this one but.... i need some more time with this...

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