
Brandon "Corosar"

Ask @andethir

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What makes you cry?

two things actually....
1) hurting another person's feeling even if they deserve it..... simply because i absorb their very emotions...
2) remembering my own death.... something alot of people never deal with .... and i have done so since i was about 14 years old.... but memories of my past life came to me way before then

*Lego walks up to you* So, if you're a god.... and the rest of your family are gods, like god o knowledge as an example. What kind of god are you? *Won't leave until you give him an answer*

(coro) well... don't flip out or anything but my mother is the god of chaos and change... my grandmother is the god of reapers.... and my someone else in my family is the god of knowledge.... i was born to my mother in her abyss form... causing me to take on an abyssal natural form.... this earned me the title of god of the unstable abyss..... due to the fact my genetics are unstable....and i am an abyss infused creature....

(IC:All) If you had to have a baby with anybody you know other than feather, who would you choose? (Any race)

(Yol) after the loss of my primary mate i lost everything... i wandered worlds for about 10 thousand years alone... but now i feel its time for love again.... i guess if i had to choose... it would be Reks.... her celion side anyway.... i kinda fell in love with her slowly.....
(Coro) oh god your asking someone naturally monogomous to pick someone else.... ohhh hmmm... *sits there thinking for a few hours* perhaps maybe.... between.... ummm... huh..... this one would take me months to figure out... sorry....

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Kinetic or energy weapons?

Mark. A. R.
I am partial to Energy weapons simply because of lack of reload but they tend to be weaker than my absolute favorite otherwise..... Railguns i fucking love railguns so much.... hell my primary weapon after getting it in MGS2 and 4 during alert phase was the Railgun

If you could be immortal, would you choose to be?

only if those i cared for and loved were also immortal.... or else i would not...

(IC)What are your thoughts about most of Eluim's pack betraying him?

(Coro) I can't believe that...... whatever happened to the pack mentality....

if there was one food you had to eat for the rest of your life what would it be? (steak, icecream, curry etc) and why?

not really sure on this one..... i rather have something that can be varied and tasty... something you can make in completely different ways every time... you know what i mean?
Liked by: Gonzo

how do you think you will die?

i really don't know.... but i hope its not on the hospital bed.... well unless its of age.... but i rather die by fire.... return to what i enjoy the most....
Liked by: Gonzo

what is your guilty pleasure?

i have many guilty pleasures but the two i am willing to open up about are the fact i enjoy the crap out of power rangers..... i will admit that and often i am found listening to megadeth's cover of its theme....
the second is actually kinda embarrassing..... but i do enjoy skylanders a bit..... i am gonna receive alot of flak for it but.... i tend to enjoy it.... but only in multiplayer i can't play it single... its mostly a blast for me to enjoy with others.... its painfully easy to me.... but it passes the time.....
Liked by: Gonzo

Which is worse, being too hot or too cold?

honestly for my oppinion i say being too cold is worse.... but in reality it is being too hot... that is worse... because you can not layer on more things and cool down from it

Would you rather be a vampire or a werewolf?

Werepire? *durpyface* okay seriously i would rather be a werewolf..... but only the old style werewolves.... the ones that are awesome..... and not...... twilightafied ones..... X-X
Liked by: Higuera SCN-3_NULL

Describe yourself in a short poem. Be creative, and if you don't feel like being creative, just do a single sentence.

Sadly i feel it is hard to express myself in poetry i have never been good at it but i will attempt to in some way..... somehow this is gonna come out shitty..... i just know it ;~;
Long lost is the freedom of the sky.
now bound to this grounded form
Hopeful to return to the heavens
Living in this now vulnerable state.
waiting for the day that he will die.
However while I wait I will learn.
What is the meaning of this life.
why i am here. why am i like this
to live with those that do not know
of the truth behind my everlasting yearn.
But for now i will offer my love
so that i can better my next life
my next life may be full of cooperation
for learning how the other lives
and return just as soft as a dove
soon i will return to the sky i long for
eighty years or so is not too long to wait
so i hope that during this time
i form friendships that last beyond death
and i can remember that this life meant more.

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What do you guys want me to draw next? It's a community vote project.

i am honestly not sure really.... i hate coming up with ideas for making another do....

(IC gonzo) *runs at you steel-leaf sword raised* AAAAHHHH!!! IM GOING TO KI- *trips on a rock and impales himself on his sword*

(coro) why did you wanna kill me in the first place....*starts working on healing gonzo again sighing*

(ic) how would you fight White? Nix? Elai? Arma? Gonzo?

(coro) i hope this is hypothetical but these would be the ways i would attempt combat with each of them
with white i expect his armor is the main thing keeping him agile in his age.... i would attempt to disable it go for the movement servos...
Nix's physic ability is unknown to my characters as such would have to worry about protecting themselves from any physic attacks, afterwards my attacks would be more on the mind would be more to strain the mind enough to get close.
elai is the most likely to take out my characters due to the simple fact that his fighting style has not been fully revealed to my characters and is an unknown..
Arma is a spirit and as such would have to be fought on the spiritual level... being a grim reaper gives my characters a small advantage there....
gonzo...... ummmm i hate to say it but..... something randomly happening would end a fight with gonzo sheer bad luck for him would end the fight not any combat skill.... he is just unlucky...

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If you had more money than you ever need, would you give it away?

i would pay off all i need for life then the rest goes to somewhere else

Who do you think is the coolest, Nix Elai, Arma or White? and who do you think is the most interesting of the four?

honestly I like White alot.... but the most interesting to me is the returned from death Arma..... i am fascinated by just how she(? i lost track) has returned to the mortal world

What would you never post online?

honestly...... anything that would degrade my friends or family..... that is low...

What do you think White's strongest weapon is?

His mind.... he seems like he has been through alot it may make him a major strategist.


Language: English