
Brandon "Corosar"

Ask @andethir

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Proceed to touch you then charge you up like charging up on a Van de Graaf generator. You are now electrically floofed.

fucking sweet i look fucking cuddly thanks alpha *waddles about with her feathers everywhere completely fine with being floofified*
Liked by: SCN-3_NULL

Beef, pork or chicken?

Battle Bee
Chicken is my preferred human form meat.... and the only one my human teeth can handle.... i am use to meat that is very easy to chew beef and pork have textures that i can't handle with my current forms dental..... i miss my dragon form sometimes...

(IC) how do you view White?

a very gruff war veteran it gives me somewhat of a BigBoss feel actually strange as that sounds now that i got to RP with him a bit...
Liked by: SCN-3_NULL

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If you could look through another perspective and, effectively, become another person entirely for just one day, would you? This includes even small things, such as different thinking patterns and moods.

Indeed i would i would absolutely jump on the chance to do so. it would allow me to see life in a completely new light and help broaden my views on the world increasing my understanding and even passion for helping others as then i would know all the pains and pleasures first hand.... something deep down a secret craving of mine.... i guess this is why i am so curious i guess...

Who do you trust most in your life?

my mother vinely and.... my grandparents.... no one else i have deep trust with anymore... due to my otherkin nature..... i am soo afraid to inform more of my family about it

Do you have any strange phobias?

fear of uncontrolled flight..... its a deep fear of mine.... yet if i have full control i somehow feel very very happy about it.... i also have religiophobia or fear of organized religions

What would you name your first child?

i have always thought if male his name would be bayreth..... and female would be cekla.... they are strange names i know... but i tend to like them alot

Oh the starbound original sound track what is your favorate... Calm music? Second calm music? Exploration music? Second exploration music? Battle music? Second battle music? Experimental tracks are allowed to be listed as well.

i actually never really listened to the soundtrack..... i guess i like calm i guess.... the one when your on the surface of the planet...... its reallyall i can say.... really

how powerful do you think Nix's telekinetic powers are?

enough to free himself from any of coro's soul grip abilities that tend to paralyze average willpowered beings and completely dominating lesser willpowered beings strong tend to fight enough somewhat....

what do you think makes Elai's augments/prosthetic special?

they are designed to help out arma or other functions.... maybe augments certain skills he has .... or even hindering skills that are out of control?

so, what you think of Nix backstory?

poor nix.... he didn't get to know what a family or a pack was.... he needs a hug ..... a really big hug

What do you think of everyone's RPing abilities?

there are some problems .... but honestly.... its actually fairly good.... in my opinion honestly i think i suck so i am not a good judge of it.... often repeating certain words..... constantly.... and using the .... way to much.... hehehe


Language: English