
Basics of Sikhi

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What does it mean when someone says "Guru Sahib kirpa karan", and when can you say it, and to whom?

It means "Guru Sahib, please be merciful and shower your grace," and you can say it anytime.

is it okay to have a quick peek at the following ang when doing sehaj paath? like when im deciding where to stop the paath, i sometimes look further where the next subtitile is so i can decide when to stop the paath. is this disrespectful or okay??

That's fine jee.

Kabeer Ji was a muslim and Guru nanaks companion. Hindu sants also accompanied Guru. How can we say our path is the best if these men were of other faiths and had the respect of Guru.

I never said it was 'the best.' If one is born a Hindu they should become a true Hindu, if one is a Muslim then they should become a true Muslim and if one is a Sikh they should become a true Sikh.

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My brother has started eating beef, despite taking Amrit 4 years ago! He started doing so after gaining interests from pro-Khalistanis, who claim that it is necessary for Sikhs to eat beef, to avoid "being attacked" by Hindu spirituality! I live in Sydney, Australia. Can I get any help for this?

That is not right, all this Khalisrani stuff is propaganda from the Indian Government, they're the ones that created the label and we are selling ourselves to it
Baba Deep Singh Jee fought with his head in his hand and he didn't need beef. Look at the Shaheeds in 84, they held up the whole army with just 200 Singhs. True strength comes from Guru.

is it okay to listen to kirtan sohila sahib on your phone while lying down in bed, instead of sitting up?

Its best to do it sitting up even if its in your bed and do a short Ardass after.
Liked by: Gopi ✋

I have just heard from someone that in dasam granth or in a bani of guru gobind singh it is written that under certain circumstances he will return is this false information or is there more to this?

Don't think that is true - Guru Sahib is here now! In the Khalsa Panth and Dhan Guru Granth Sahib Jee.

VJKK VJKF I see an aura of bright light around a very gursikh friend of mine as well as other gursikhs. What does this mean? Why do they have this aura and how come I can see it? It feels like I'm looking at Vaheguru!

VJKK VJKF! Vaheguru - amazing! Very lucky to be able to see that. Guru Gobind Singh Ji tells us - "Har Harjan Due Ik Hai..." which means that Vaheguru and Vaheguru's servants are the same just as a wave merges into the ocean. Those Gursikhs must have absorbed themselves into Vaheguru and lost their ego.

Prayer seems like a chore. When do I start feeling like I want to do it and is it good to do prayer even when your heart and mind is somewhere else and you dont feel like doing it

We have to start doing it even if it seems as a chore to begin with. Sometimes love comes after with Abhyiaas (practise), just don't give up on it keep it going as a Nitnem (daily routine). It may take time to enjoy it but don't worry just try your best.
Maybe try singing the Bani so you're more connected and try and understand the meanings too so you're mind will be focused on the meanings as you read

Working night shift. What order should I be doing my prayers?

Do 5 Baniya after work or after you wake up. Rehras before you start work. Kirtan Sohila before you sleep.
Liked by: Gopi ✋

when is the best time to listen to rehrass sahib does it have to be before the sunset or can it be any time in the evening ?

Anytime in evening, I would say from 5PM onwards.

How exactly do we know if someone is a mahapurakh??

Jina Saas Giraas Na Bisareh Har Nama Man Manrx Dhan So Sey Nanaka Pooran Soey Sant.
A sant/mahapurakh is someone that doesn't forget Vahehuru with each and every breath. Only Vaheguru truly knows who is a sant and who isn't. A true Mahapurakh is that who joins us to Guru Granth Sahib Ji and not themselves.

I took "Chulla" (left over amrit) recently in Bham. At the time i didn't know what this was and my friend said you don't have to be Amritdari to take it, its just like a blessing. However I was kind of worried at the time as I am haircut & shave my beard.....

If you have taken Chola then you should be following Rehat to a minimum at least of avoiding 4 Bujjer Kurehats. However it depends on the Panj Piare as they may have offered the "left over" Amrit to all Sangat. Just clarify with them.

What is rakhiey de shabad

Its the Shabad normally read before Kirtan Sohila at night - Sorath Mahala 5: Gur Ka Shabad Rakhvare...
Liked by: Gopi ✋

What is the order in which one should recite the morning Nitnem Bani's? I know Japji Sahib should be first and Anand Sahib should be last, what comes in between and in what order?

Japji Sahib, Jaap Sahib, Tav Prasad Svaiye, Chaupai Sahib and full Anand Sahib (40 Pauriya).


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