
Basics of Sikhi

Ask @basicsofsikhi

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Which Bani states anything (at all) about homosexuality? What about transgender people with both body parts? Where do you decide where the line is drawn? Isn't every human created with the same light as Guru Ji?

Calgary Boat Q&A #11 - Homosexuality: http://youtu.be/gp39ZSH4LLEbasicsofsikhi’s Video 111946510642 gp39ZSH4LLEbasicsofsikhi’s Video 111946510642 gp39ZSH4LLE
Homosexuality - Calgary Youth Q&A #1 (alongside B…: http://youtu.be/aGZCPK9IxSEbasicsofsikhi’s Video 111946510642 aGZCPK9IxSEbasicsofsikhi’s Video 111946510642 aGZCPK9IxSE
the above videos maybe of some help. in regards to people who are transgender and homosexual etc. Sikhi has a philosophy of karma. video below:
Calgary Boat Q&A #10 - How does Karma and Grace w…: http://youtu.be/TGQ7CraoRmsbasicsofsikhi’s Video 111946510642 TGQ7CraoRmsbasicsofsikhi’s Video 111946510642 TGQ7CraoRms
Depending of karams etc, mahapurak and Sants (people who have connected to vaheguru in this world) have said that people who are homosexual etc have done something in their past life which has led them to come back in this precious human life like this.
As a sikh we need to live in Ekta (oneness), don't judge anyone but understand that these preferences are not in line with the gurus teachings and way of lives Ji.
Vjkk vjkfateh

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basicsofsikhi’s Video 111946510642 gp39ZSH4LLEbasicsofsikhi’s Video 111946510642 gp39ZSH4LLE

How do we stop lustful thoughts entering our mind which lead to more lust. Please advise

How can I control Lust? - Q&A #8 UC Davis SSA: http://youtu.be/ZLXxbyg4Dpwbasicsofsikhi’s Video 112089185586 ZLXxbyg4Dpwbasicsofsikhi’s Video 112089185586 ZLXxbyg4Dpw
Lust is what is eating the world today and not enough is being said about it. First we need to control what we take in with our eyes .... tv, music and pictures. We may think that nothing is going into our minds but truly our subconscious is storing these images which can eat us up during the day.
kaam is a energy, we want to turn kaam to naam so we need to jap naam and read + understand gurbani which acts as a broom to sweep away the dust and dirt that is preventing us to go deep withing ourselves and find vaheguru.
Thirdly, sangat also has a big play in this. Personally I had many friends making inappropriate jokes which would make me go back to where I started with in regards to lust.
Fourthly when thoughts and urges come to you then, do exercise or take your mind away from this. We need to stay busy and try to always be in company rather than by yourself.
Finally ardas is the key. Ask guru Ji to hold your hand on this journey and stay strong.

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basicsofsikhi’s Video 112089185586 ZLXxbyg4Dpwbasicsofsikhi’s Video 112089185586 ZLXxbyg4Dpw

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Can I ask a monah (recently started keeping kesh) read Chandi Di Vaar as part of my nitnem daily ? Some people say it should not be read everyday so I'm kind of confused :/ What is the maryada ?

read it Bhai sahib :)
I listen to it on the train.

I want to study Sikh religion into great detail just like a scholar. i have read the gurus history on websites like sikhiwiki etc, therefore it may not be accurate. Can you list me some historical accounts where i can read the gurus history of all 10 gurus. thanks

Granths in Punjabi is where the most accurate history will be found... or would you like English ?
check our gurmatveechar (Bhai sahib bahi vir singh)
Liked by: Runjit

I am a mona and have been my whole life but I want to wear a turban but I don't undertake why we can't cut any hair Why keep the hair on face and other places..? Thank you

answer has already been answered Ji... can look further down in questions

I cried while reading bani,does it mean that guru ji is showering kirpa on me ?

vaheguru, it can mean a lot of things Ji. Only you can truly know what feeling was attached to the tears that fell.
It maybe guilt, love or desire to return to. Vaheguru
Liked by: Jasmin Rhandev

What's the best paath for concentration ?

japping naam will build your concentration, say vaheguru with your mouth and at the same time.listen with your mind so other thoughts don't enter your mind Ji.
Slowly with time you will be able to not say anything and you will hear the vaheguru mantar from within
Liked by: dPr33t~~:)

How to deal with negative entities?

jap naam, vaheguru is a powerful mantar ... there are many stories of Singhs of today that have overcome ghosts by just vaheguru simran.
Liked by: Jasmin Rhandev

Does a sikh have to comb his/her hair with a kanga ? or is a normal comb okay ?

kanga Ji, part of the kakkar ..
its like giving out m&ms instead of parshad at the Gurdwara.
Liked by: Runjit Jasraj Singh

once I heard frm sum1 that sumtimes wen guruji gives their darshan usually its a very bright light & sumpeople actually got scared of it atfirst.ever since when I do simran with closed eyes I get very scared thinking about the bright light. what can I do?I want to enjoy dat experience not get scared

Vjkk vjkfateh, its difficult to take our minds away from such amazing experiences but all we can try do when we get these thoughts is to say vaheguru with our mouth and listen with our mind.
Also Ardas Ji, also try doing naam jap during the day when its light so you have less of that fear. Ultimately we will need to overcome this fear to become nirbhao

I keep falling asleep while reading gurbani in the morning :( Please help

Don't worry - it starts like that, don't beat yourself up. Would recommend sleeping a bit earlier and eating earlier the night before. Try a cold shower in the morning, they will defo wake you up! Try walking around will reading Bani or listen to Bani.

How to be detached ?

if we look towards a moth which circles a fire... if it continues to this everyday without fail and with pure love then eventually that warmth will bring it so close that it will burn in the fire.
It will burn in that fire and become one and same with that fire.
We need to jap so much naam and read so much gurbani until we get the state of simran (remembrance). Then we need to go further than this by continuing as we were...
The answer is simple, fall in love the guru and you will become detached.
Liked by: Jasmin Rhandev

Gurfateh. This is a weird situation, it's been about 7 years my mums got a proper OCD with cleaning it's really bad like she will walk around without clothes, can't go in rooms without ishnaan, go to bed without isnaan. Sucham is important but this is bad! Any advice?

vaheguru, sometimes this happens to Sikhs because they want to live in hukam so bad and not break their Amrit.
But we have to remember is that we need to also live in this world. If we become so rigid withing our sikhi then we are blocking the path to vaheguru because rather than having him in our minds we are constantly worrying about having a shower.
We need to strike a balance with everything we do... for example too much eating will cause problems for our body I.e. obesity, diabetes etc.
What you need to try to explain to her is the game of love, if want vaheguru to have our hand we need to do everything with so much love and compassion and that we can live our lives with no1 even knowing that we are keeping suchtam.
Vjkk vjkfateh
Liked by: Runjit

Can you explain how Sikhi is really "a way of life" rather than a religion?

What is Sikhism? Who are the Sikhs? (Shooting Oak…: http://youtu.be/3lUvq8xJHKYbasicsofsikhi’s Video 112067066162 3lUvq8xJHKYbasicsofsikhi’s Video 112067066162 3lUvq8xJHKY
Sikhi is both a spirtual journey and physical journey via this body. What we take in with our body will have consequences for our soul. For example if we are watching explicit TV programs with our eyes then these images are actually stored and weakening the connection between the soul and the body.
Sikhi teaches ways to actually live our life, it just happens to also be defined a religion because it matches all the perquisites.
We have numerous videos on our YouTube channel (basicsofsikhi) explaining this further ji

VJKK VJKF, I've had many difficulties doing Amrit Vela due to stress from school and stuff going on. Any advice?

How do I balance Sikhi and studying? - Gravesend …: http://youtu.be/N9v56vXaDlYbasicsofsikhi’s Video 111869705010 N9v56vXaDlYbasicsofsikhi’s Video 111869705010 N9v56vXaDlY
we have to use all our time usefully. I.e. when we turn on the tv to watch EastEnders and channel 4 movies... we have to use that to do work etc.
Also Ardas and commitment are key.

Are women who have shaaked Amrit not allowed to wear makeup, or can they along has its wearn respectable?

Vaheguru, we ask for Amrit to help us in this life I.e. to see past the illusion of this world.
If we have been blessed with Amrit and still follow the worlds ways then have we really taken on Amrit Ji?

VjkkVjkf Jee, Paaji, you are doing such an amazing seva, you really are an inspiration too so many people like myself, your videos have had such a big impact on my sikhi, Mahraaj has done some serious kirpa upon you, I aspire to become like yourself. I think it would be really good if you could hold

vaheguru. The Seva is all gurus kirpa,don't aspire to be like me but to be a sikh of the guru; hence a gursikh

Every single time i finish nitnem i always feel like i havent done it i dont know why, this issue is beginning to irritate me alot. Even if i do it again most of the times i am still not satisfied

Vaheguru, if you find a way teach me as well.
Do Ardas for your mind to concentrate before and jap naam for a bit to help concentrate your mind. This takes time and practice to still your mind and also gurus kirpa.
Another way is to try understand the gurbani that you are reading Ji so that you can contemplate that rather than random thoughts.
Liked by: Jasmin Rhandev

Why do some Sikhs not believe in the Adi Granth Sahib as their Guru?

Doesn't have Guru Teg Bahadurs bani within it.... however I would say they should still be respected as it has previous gurus bani within it.
like how we respect gutka sahibs

what does Sikhi say about other religions

keep Ekta... oneness and don't attack religions. there is truth in all religions but the complete truth is in SGGS.
Liked by: Runjit


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