
Basics of Sikhi

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I'm still only 14 years old and when I do naam the feeling i got was more inside of me but now recently I can almost feel my hair stand and these vibration on the top of my head, should I continue or am I doing anything wrong

Keep going ji. There are many stages as we go through Simran, you're probably having the experiences of Naam. Whether you get the experience or not just don't stop your Simran.

Waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fathe, bhai sahib I just want to ask that will I get paap if I read some gurbani with my shoes on like for example in the train or at break time in school

WJKK WJKF! No ji, Sikhi is practical and we can read Gurbani on the go.

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WJKK WJKF This is a silly question, but do we have to do kirtan sohila or some other prayer before taking an afternoon nap ?

VJKK VJKF. Not silly ji. You don't have to read Sohila Sahib but it's good to read some form of Gurbani. Even if it's 'Salok - Pavan Guru Pani Pita...'

What does hukunama mean??

Guru's Hukam (order) - random Shabad from Guru Granth Sahib Ji which is the answer to any questions/queries we have.
Liked by: Gopi ✋

I recently got interested in actually learning about sikhi. each day I learn soemthing new and each day I get closer to sikhi.one day I really hope to take amrit but I'm just afraid I'll make a mistake. Are there any steps I should take to get closer to taking amrit

Vaheguru - that is Kirpa ji. Remember that no mater how hard we try we can't be perfect. It's only Guru and God that are perfect, Guru Nanak Dev Ji tells us:
Everyone makes mistakes; only the Guru and the Creator are infallible.
Rehat keeps us, we don't keep Rehat. Take Amrit when you're ready to surrender to Guru just as the Panj Pyare did in 1699 they went to not knowing they were to become Amritdhari. Personally Daas (servant) would say start keeping your Rehat - avoiding Bujjer Kurehat, Nitnem (Japji Sahib and build to 5 Baniya, Rehras and Sohila) and keep doing Ardaas to be blessed with Amrit. Make sure you keep Sangat to keep inspired, it could be listening to Katha/Kirtan.

Where can I get a kara? Is it ok for me to wear one since I'm non Punjabi and non Amritdhari? (I believe in sikhi completely)

Of course you can wear one ji. See it as a handcuff to Guru to remind you about your true purpose. There maybe some for sale at your local Gurdwara or you can order online from 'Sikhi Store.'

vjkk vjkf I accidently forgot to put my kirpan back on after taking a shower after removing the kirpan from dastar, in forgetting I accidently drank and ate do I have to go pesh now ?

VJKK VJKF! You can just read Bani e.g. Japji Sahib and do Ardaas for forgiveness. Our Guru is understanding are forever forgiving ji.

Is there any prayer a Sikh should recite before partaking of a meal? If so, does this also apply before drinking a glass of water, for example.

Many different Shabads we can read Ji. Common ones are 'Dadda Datta Eik Hai,' 'Tu Data Dataar Tera Dita Khavana,' and 'Solak - Kaam Krodh Ar Lobh Moh...' We read these shabads to thanks Vaheguru for food and salok is read to stop any vices that can be brought up from certain foods.
We read this out of love, when drinking water one can just read, 'Tera dita Khavana' or any other Shabad, it's good to do something before putting anything into mouth.

I am so confused who are we meant to prayer to, waheguru or the 10 gurus. But wait, who is vaheguru?

Vaheguru is the creator. Vaheguru sent Guru Nanak Dev Ji as the world cried with sin. The same light was passed in through each of the 10 Guru's and the light is now in Guru Granth Sahib Jee Maharaj.
The benefactor Lord listened to the cries (of humanity) and sent Guru Nanak to this world - Bhai Gurdaas Ji
There is no difference between Vaheguru himself and the Guru.
So speaks Mat'huraa: there is no difference between God and Guru; Guru Arjun is the Personification of the Lord Himself. ||7||19|| - Bhatt Mathuraa

What are the 4 bujjar kurehits?

According to the Sikh Rehat Maryada, there are five acts that Sikhs must not commit, which include the following:
1) Cutting/shaving/trimming/waxing any hair be it facial, armpit, or pubic...
2) Eating meat (especially ritually slaughtered meat, i.e. halal, kosher)
3) Engaging in extramarital sex
4) Consuming drugs
5) Consumption of alcohol (alcohol is also a drug, however, the number 5 has great favour amongst Sikhs, hence the "extra" deadly sin)
Baptised Sikhs who have committed the above offenses are required to confess to the Sikh community, who then decide the punishment- community service is common.

Hi could you please help me translate this to English? "੧ਓ ਤੂ ਦਾਤਾ ਦਾਤਾਰੁ ਤੇਰਾ ਿਦਤਾ ਖਾਵਣਾ " thanks a million! (:

There is one creator who created the whole creation with the one sound.
You are the Giver, the Great Giver; we eat whatever You give us.

Thank you ji , dont be sorry :) I wanted a straight forward question VGJKK VGJKF !! What do u think about Hindus (people from RSS) who saved Sikhs in 1984 riots ??

VJKK VJKF! There were many, many Hindus that helped Sikhs and they saw no difference between us. They realised we were all one, on the same one path to God.

The golden temple was heavily attacked on. Why did god allow it to happen. After all it is such a sacred place

It's all Vaheguru's play and we can never say why. Just accept the Hukam - I think personally it was a way to wake up the Khalsa. We were all in a deep sleep and after 1984 there was a Massive change. Amrit Sanchaars were then held in the West. People woke up and there were A LOT of Khalsey born after that...

I don't know if I connected but I felt his power today, when I was reciting Rehras Sahib, I felt my heart filled with love, and this weird pressure on my head, the heat coming down in my whole body, and the last moving back and forth at the Gurbani "I am in ectasy for I have my True Guru" WAHEGURU!!

Vaheguru! That's amazing, Guru Sahib has shown his hand on your head. It's important to keep that feeling going, we should all read Gurbani with so much Pyaar like how you felt Gurbani..

VJKK VJKF. We pay upmost respect to the Shastar and do matha tek, just curious do we pay same respect to Shastar that is steel rather than iron?

VJKK VJKF! Good question - we should respect all types of Shastar as they can all be used. Guru Sahib himself is present in Shastar as its Guru's own form.

But Sir I was Asking you that can we cut Chest Hair ??or we should keep hair intact we shouldnt cut them anywhere from body ?

Sorry ji - Kesh for me is accepting Vaheguru's Hukam of how we've been created. All hair around body should be kept intact. Each hair on our body can connect to Vaheguru so we should keep all hair.

VJKK VJKF why can't we see vaheguru ?

VJKK VJKF! In Gurbani it says, 'Nanak Sey Akhariye Biyan, Jinee Disundu Ma Piri' - which means those eyes are different in which we behold our Husband Lord. We can see Vaheguru but it's not with these physical eyes. We can see Vaheguru in each and every soul and then if we really think about it Vaheguru is in the floor, walls, tables and chairs.
Vaheguru is there in front of us, it's just us that can't see. We can experience Vaheguru through Simran which will give us faith.
Liked by: Gopi ✋

I want to take Amrit very badly as my Sikhi has strengthened very much in the past year the problem is that I don't want to wear a dastaar till college year as i feel it is appropriate time and I am only young sikh in my whole gurdwara willing to take Amrit but should I wait or go ahead?

Personally daas would say take Amrit when ready to surrender to Guru and give up your own Manmat. Guru Nanak Dev Ji tells us, 'Jo tu prem Kilan ka Chao, Sir Tar Thalee Ghalee meri Aohu' - if we really want to play this game of love then we should put our head on the palm of our hands which means to surrender our ego/mind. It's your mind that says don't do it yet but just look at your Guru.
Personally when Daas began to wear Dastaar at school I was surprised to see the reaction, people noticed for the first few days and began to give me more respect. Its amazing how much Satkaar Guruji's roop gives us.


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