
Basics of Sikhi

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ghar cannot mean taal veerji, ex. bilaval m:4 partaal ghar 13 becomes contradicting as partaal means to use various taals for each pada but the 13 would then mean to only use that specific taal that is ghar 13 no?

From my limited understanding, Ghar essentially refers to Taal. Each Ghar represents a musical measure/beat/rhythm. This way Guru Sahib has specified not only the Raag in which the shabad is written, but the Taal which should accompany it also. Ghar 1 is daadraa (6 beats), Ghar 2 is roopak (7 beats), Ghar 3 is tin-taal (16 beats), etc.
Liked by: Gopi ✋

WJKK WJKF. Kabir ji said ati(excess) of anything is bad. Does it hold true for simran too? Guru Nanak Dev Ji said family life is equally important. But then they say - harr vele shukraana. Bit confused. isn't it ati(excess) of simran? and is it actually bad or something?

Manit Singh Kalsi
VJKK VJKF! Nope that's the thing we can never get enough of...
Twenty-four hours a day, I meditate and chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. - Guru Arjan Dev Ji
How can we ever praise Vaheguru enough? Try it, you won't get enough....
Liked by: Gopi ✋

I wana grow my hair and wear a dastar but im scared what others will think and say please help and give me a simple solution to stop thinking what other say

Remember in the end it's just going to be you on your own and take a moment to contemplate that NO-ONE ELSE will go with you...
I'm not saying this path is easy but if you truly want to have Sikhi then you'll need to sacrifice yourself.
If you desire to play this game of love with Me,
then step onto My Path with your head in hand.
Start with Ardaas take a Hukamnama and ask your Guru.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPD4LoK-Gn4basicsofsikhi’s Video 112483463218 dPD4LoK-Gn4basicsofsikhi’s Video 112483463218 dPD4LoK-Gn4
Liked by: Gopi ✋

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what does "mehl" and "ghar" mean: e.g aasaa ghar 7 mehlaa 5

'Ghar' is the dhaal (beat) for Raag Kirtan, and 'Mehala 5' means the 5th Guru - Guru Arjan Dev Ji Maharaj.
Liked by: Gopi ✋

WGJKKWGJKF! There has been a recent trend of youths putting their jura at the back of their head and tying a patka or bandana. what do you think of this practice

WJKK WJKF! It's probably because many youths feel ashamed of their Sikhi in the outside world so therefore they try to modify it. I don't really blame them as it's our fault in educating, we need to spread the amazing message of Guru Nanak to everyone, and so they can have pride in their Sikhi.
Liked by: Gopi ✋

WGJKKWGJKF! Whenever I go to gurdwara i leave my dhari khuli. However, now like some uncles are telling me to tie up my dhari as it looks "neater" even my parents and tayas and chachas. the only time I tie dhari is when I'm wearing a tuxedo, pls advise. thanks. wgjkkwgjkf

WJKK WJKF! Bhai Sahib Ji remember who you are trying to please Guru or world, and you can never please the world. You're doing right and keep going jee..
Liked by: Gopi ✋

Aren't eating plants etc also eating living things, therefore we shouldn't eat them?

Guruji is perfect and his way is the truth even if we cannot understand it. Sikhi doesn't object to eating plants as plants and animals are very different from each other.
Following are number of reason why cutting plants is not as bad as killing animals:
Animals have a strong nervous system and feel a lot of pain, unlike fungi and plants which have a weak or no nervous system.
Animals have relations, mothers care for their young's just like humans.
Animals are aware of death. They react if there is a threat to their life.
Animals have emotions and feelings.
Most importantly, eating meat is a hindrance in meditation.
(Source: http://realsikhism.com/)
By eating fruits, vegetables and other plant produce, we can survive a very healthy and pure life. There is no necessity of killing other animals or birds just to satisfy taste buds. We can live with minimum violence possible towards other living beings.

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VJKK VJKF should we put our hair in the bin or burn it

VJKK VJKF! Guru Gobind Singh Ji showed so much Satkaar for Kesh by taking his jhore (shoes) off on the battlefield with the 40 Mukhte Shaheed. Guruji didn't want his shoes to touch the Kesh.
We should dead hairs after combing etc. and keep them together, and then we do Sanskaar (burn).
Liked by: Na Gopi ✋

why is sikhi called sikhi???

Sikhism is more of a western word whereas Sikhi isn't really a religion, more of a way of life. One arth (meaning) of a Sikh is someone who is always learning and as a Sikh we can never finish learning.
Liked by: Gopi ✋

Is it ok for a Sikh to read the Quran for research purposes?

Of course. As a Sikh we're encouraged to read all religious texts but not to forget our own...
Liked by: Gopi ✋

VJKK VJKF. Which Paath can we recite when kaam is trying to take over??

VJKK VJKF! Try reciting this Shabad over and over again:
salok ||
kaam krodhh ar lobh moh binas jaae aha(n)maev ||
Sexual desire, anger, greed and emotional attachment - may these be gone, and egotism as well.
naanak prabh saranaagathee kar prasaadh guradhaev ||1||
Nanak seeks the Sanctuary of God; please bless me with Your Grace, O Divine Guru. ||1||

Do you think sikhs should increase their population as recently said by akal takht head

Hanji, need more Khalsey out there. We should follow the example of our Gurus - Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji had 6 children.
Liked by: Gopi ✋

Can I have egg if I take Amrit as in having a strong urge to commemorate the 30 years by replacing one of those lost khalse. Will I have to marry an amritdhari (do not know many)?

Understand what Amrit is firstly. Amrit is giving everything to your Guru and accepting Guru's way.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdW2LIEFRaEbasicsofsikhi’s Video 112408565810 jdW2LIEFRaEbasicsofsikhi’s Video 112408565810 jdW2LIEFRaE
Anand Karaj used to only take place between Amritdharis but it's only recently that the Maryada has changed. It's best for you both to be on the same path so yes, and do Ardaas for Guruji to sort it out.
Liked by: Gopi ✋

What do the kaur-nect team do? What issues do they tackle?

Kaur-nect is a subdivision of Sikh Helpline so are literally a helpline for girls regarding anything.
also it allows girls to speak with girls
Vjkk vjkfateh
Liked by: Gopi ✋

i used to do svaas svaas simran before coz i was in that kind of sangat.then i heard someone say its better if you hear the full wahe guru word that u say, and i started saying the full word while breathing out. i enjoy that better now, but diff ppl have diff views that one way is better.confused :(

my friend truly its whatever works for you... make such a strong connection with vaheguru that you won't need anyone to tell you this is the write way to jap naam... you will just have that connection.
do what works.
Vjkk vjkfateh
Liked by: Gopi ✋

What exactly is the vibrations on top of my head?

its a good thing.... the 1st stage of connection. don't go searching for what it is and just enjoy it because otherwise ego will take over.
Vjkk vjkfateh
Liked by: Gopi ✋ Na

One of the aims of Sikhism is to become one with God, is this accomplished my opening the Dasam Duar?

The aim of our whole life is to become one with Vaheguru. This is done when we lose all 5 Vices and the root of these which is ego. See opening of Dasam Duar as a by-product and not only aim.

I want to wear baana at a family ocassion like I do normally. At this event tere will be many gursikhs but I'm scared to ask my parents. What shall I do?

Start with Ardaas for strength. Remember we need to be 'Nirbaho' so use this opportunity to overcome your fear and live Bani.

Wjkk wjkf. You are doing great parchaar! Can you tell me a little bit about Bhai Jeevan Singh Ji. And who are the Akhand Keertani Jatha? :)

VJKK VJKF! All Guru's Kirpa jee. Akhand Kirtani Jatha started from Bhai Sahib Bhai Randhir Singh ji who was an amazing Gursikh, and would recommend Bhai Sahib's autobiography. Akhand Kirtani Jatha stress importance of Naam and that connection to Vaheguru through Akhand (non-stop) Kirtan which are usually all night and known as Rhensabhiyes.
Bhai Jeevan Singh Ji was another diamond. Daas cannot do justice to the Jeevani of such Gursikhs, if you want to know about Bhai Sahib would recommend the following article:
Liked by: Gopi ✋

Can connecting to God give you powers?

During this path, if we reach a high spiritual level we get Riddhiya Sidhhiya which are sort of superpowers. We shouldn't be using these really but it's very tempting and if we do, then we'll most likely fall off this path.
Liked by: Gopi ✋

bhai kulwant singh babbar, and bhai kulwant singh nagoke were different people?

Hanji - both amazing Gursikhs that were Shaheeds, their Jeevans are truely inspirational. Parnam Shaheeda Nu!
Liked by: Gopi ✋

Who created God?

Your understanding of God first of all is incorrect. God might not be the best word to use for a start as it brings an image of an old man in a sky - use creator instead. The one creator is 'Saibhang,' self-existing. The creator was Aad Sach (true before the beginning), and Jugaad Sach (true through the ages), Hai Bhee Sach (true now) and Nanak Hosi Bhi Sach (Nanak Says forever true). The creator created us and no-one created the creator...
Check out this video, which will give you a better understand of God:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ln3LE9T8BEEbasicsofsikhi’s Video 112384645682 ln3LE9T8BEEbasicsofsikhi’s Video 112384645682 ln3LE9T8BEE


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