
Basics of Sikhi

Ask @basicsofsikhi

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You know the 2 Kirpans on the Khanda, are they the Miri Piri Swords and if so which is which? I was doing this at school and I was a bit confused, and is the churasi lakh (8.4 million life cycle) called the Samsara?

Gopi ✋
The Khanda is made up of a Khanda (sword in middle), and two Kirpans on side not Miri Piri swords, the ring is called a Chakkar.
Samsara is the cycle of reincarnation and it's called that in mainly Buddhism and Hinduism. It's similar but Guruji mentions 8.4million, that's why we called it Churasi Lakh Joon.
Liked by: Gopi ✋

Why do some Sikhs eat chicken but not beef. Is beef considered sacred in Sikhism?

Nope - it's Hindus that see the cow as sacred and Sikhs living in India couldn't eat beef so it probably became a trend.
Liked by: Gopi ✋

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this is a bit of an awkward question, is it okay to shower with your kachera in just one leg?

Hanji - as long as Kacchera is always on body.

Can non baptised gursikhs take pesh with the Granthi at the Gurudwara?

You can see Granthi Sahib if you haven't taken Amrit jee but that's not called pesh.

How to start amrit vela and over come the sleep..??

Don't jump straight into the deep end. Start with getting a routine - eating earlier and aiming to sleep on time. Start with alarm for 6AM and then go back 5/10mins every few days (own time), work up steadily and with Ardaas guruji will bless you with Amrit Vela.

Please can u do a workshop in Birmingham!!!!

With Guru's Kirpa we will have weekly Katha in Birmingham soon..

Does Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj only have one salok in SGGS or is there more of their baani?

That's arguably one Salok which there's no point arguing over instead focus on Naam ji. Guru Gobind Singh Ji has Bani in Sri Dasam Granth ji and Sri Sarbloh Granth ji.

VJKK VJKF Veer Ji, I have an important question and I really don't know who else to ask where I would remain fully anonymous. A few years ago I was sexually harassed and I can't help but feel so guilty towards myself and feel so much hatred towards that person. I always believed in saving myself in

Please refer to Sikh Awareness Society who with Gurus Kirpa specialise in dealing with such scenarios
General Enquiries: 07780 601 351
Serious Enquiries Only:
07780 601 351
07961 522 713
07871 543 495
07782 209 193
If you are a victim of hate-crime, or are facing problems sas.helpline@googlemail.com
Liked by: Gopi ✋

Are there two different stages in the amrit sanchar ? one the proper Amrit ceremony ? And the other called the Chola ? (like a trial to see if you can live your life as amritdhari) people usually take chola first before taking amrit is this correct ?

Sort of. Chola is usually given to babies and also is given in normal Amrit Sanchaars. If you can take Amrit then Panj Pyarey will encourage it and Chola is given if one cannot take Amrit yet for a certain reason.

is it bad if a sikh celebrate Christmas

We're not against Christmas as in the West it's celebrated by everyone as a traditional occasion. But it's very important for us to remember the sacrifices of our Sahibade in that month.

what are your views about the 3HO cult ?

Nothing wrong with them, in a garden you have flowers of different colours for variety - same way there are different types of Sikhs.

vjkk vjkk as a sikh i'm very happy with the path i'm on so this is just out of curiosity i ask this. if we believe all paths are to Waheguru what is stopping us from taking a path through a different religion? surely this wouldnt be held against us if we did. forgive me if i offend with the question

Vjkk vjkfateh, Sikhi believes in Ek.. which is oneness.
to be in oneness is not to make everyone into 1 think but to live in harmony as one. With Sikhi there is the complete truth, we believe that all other paths lead to go vaheguru however they are missing parts of the truth. SGGS is our guru and has 1430 angs which is more than any religion... there must be a reason for this.
We don't disrespect or speak Ill of other religions as they also contains parts of the truth.
This path is distinct and different, its is so simple but sharper than the edge of a sword.

Why do some people hate on Ranjit Singh Dhadrian Wale?

There's a story about Shiva and Parvati. Shiva stood on the side of the horse while Parvati sat on top and when everyone saw they said, 'hasn't she got any shame, she's on the horse and her husband's on the side!' Then Parvati walked on the side with Shiva on the horse and then the people said, 'how shameful, he's on the horse with his wife on the side!' Then they both sat on the horse and the people said, 'how shameful of them to put so much weight on the horse!'
Moral - you can never please the world no matter how hard you try. People will always be slandering, we just work to please our Guru.

Hi can we do japji sahib at anytime of the day?

Yes, it is in the Nitnem (daily routine) to recite during Amrit Vela however don't feel restricted at all to do Japji Sahib at any other time :-)

VJKK VJKF. Please Khalsa Ji need your help. Recently lust and anger has been kicking in big time. Help.

VJKK VJKF! Please email basicsofsikhi@gmail.com for personal questions ji...

Vaheguru Ji Kha Khalsa, Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh,I understand we are all one and u shouldn't judge on the terms of color, caste,creed etc which I dont from day 1but for example, my old man was part of Shere Punjab (handsworth) and I was brought up to hate suleh is this bad cause i dont feel it?plz reply

Nirvair (no hate) is an attribute of Vaheguru. To get to Vaheguru we must be like him. Hating anything/anyone is one barrier stopping you from a step closer to enlightment.
Be thyar bar thayar but hate is not part of the Sikhi vocab

If I meditate to experience and become one with Vaheguru, do seva and read bani, can I achieve mukhti? Even if I remove my hair?

If we want full fruition of Guru Jis love then we should follow the path that has been laid as they achieved Liberation. We know they are a guaranteed way. Lets not take the chance/gamble of not doing certain things which may stop us from liberation
Liked by: Gopi ✋


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