
Basics of Sikhi

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Is it OK to eat meat and pray using a gutka to do patt because I am not a vegi but would still like to do patth regularly

SGGS states the below pungti ... Fish relates to all animals
But personally I would say you can... But also read the meanings of the gurbani you read and try contemplate on it. Then guru sahib will open up the treasure of true to you.
Liked by: username2458

If pain, death and misery are just part of God's game, doesn't that make Him seem sadistic? Excuse my boldness but it's just the picture I'm getting and I just want to understand what you mean.

It's the way your looking at all... We make the difference of good and bad etc.
Guru sahib in rehras sahib even says the time of pain is a medicine because in times of happiness it is hard to realise the one, we need to broken down where we can beg in front of Vaheguru Ji and realise that they are our own support.
One way of looking at it.
Jap naam and you will realise yourself and also travel through gurbani and you will be shown yourself :)
Liked by: username2458

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WJKK WJKF, If I wanted to do a sehaj paath, Is there any specific points I need to start of finish or do I just start from the first ANG & finish at the last? Thank u in advance

Vjkk vjkfateh
Not really but remember it is a sehaj paath.. Key word is sehaj.
Guru kee sakhi Amrit banne peevt hee pravano bhiaah
Drinking in the Amrit gurbani of guru sahib then we become renowned and accepted.
Take your time and consume what you are reading, read the meanings and try understand what your father is saying to you.... That's how we can have a good relationship with our father (SGGS)

if people that are suffering are because of karma, what about the holocaust and big mass killings?

Ko Nanak upranpar soahmee keemit uponea kajee
Guru Nanak sahib says that Vaheguru is infinite only they know the value of his creation.
Guru sahib is imbued within all of us, as there is only the one (ek) yet we haven't realised it due to our ego so we see ourselves and others as seperate,
What we say as death and horror is all part of his game... We can see it as a chance for us to realise that this world is entangled in maya (separation from Vaheguru) and realise we need to become one and begin living compassion etc.

Can doing your job be considered SEVA. For example being a doctor despite getting paid etc can it be considered SEVA as you are helping people out??

Seva is a word... The intention which you have is the Seva.
If you see someone in pain and all you want to do is help someone out... Even if you don't get paid for it, then thats a Seva. It's when you have that understanding that we are all one and Vaheguru is sitting within everyone.
Seva can also count as bringing up children in Sikhi and around good sangat etc.
Liked by: Jashandeep Singh

What does sikhi teaching say about dressing up for Halloween for a practice Sikh. Thinking of just wearing a cat mask or cat ears over my dastaar. If I dress up as a Nihang singhnia what shall I say to them when they ask why I am dress like this.

Research on nihangs and what their about....
It's a type of parchar and people will never have seen one.
Personally I wouldn't dress up as anything Ji.

Can practicing Sikhs dress up for Halloween if Requird at work

Dress up as a nihang..... Show them the dress of a crocodile

How do I stop getting so angry with my partner

We can do practical things... First talk to your partner because communication can be a huge help. Firstly listen because usually if we are becoming angry it's due to some sort of frustration but if we learn to understand our partners more and their way of thinking we will be able to relate more and you can help one another where needed.
Next remember Vaheguru Ji is within each individual... Jal te tribhavon sahjiah ghat ghat jot sumohi. Here guru says that they fused their light within all of creation, so even your partner has the form of Vaheguru within them. When interacting with your partner remember that you are interacting with Vaheguru and each word you say is also being said to Vaheguru. How could we get angry with Vaheguru ?
Also it's always good to turn that anger into laughter, it can be a massive help.
Finally it will take persistence and ardas to be able to deal with the situation when it arises as well as remembering that we are the lowest of the low. Remembering Vaheguru when the hot wind of anger strikes, then not even that will affect us:
Chith avai ohus paarbreham lagae n ththee vaao

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WJkk Wjkf When doing naam simran or naam Japan what's the feeling of Amrit flowing down from your head?

Lol ask a mahapurak... I haven't reached that avasta
Props the best word to describe it is Anand (ever lasting bliss)... But what can words say about that which cannot be described by mere words.
An experience is something to be experienced but is so difficult to express.

I have recently been called to court as a witness. I was told that i would 'have to swear oath on a religious scripture of my choice' (quoting what the person said). Is this okay to do in sikhi? Any advice?

Guru sahib is the form of truth, and you wish to speak the truth.
If you feel uncomfortable with this then you can choose to swear oath on doe
Thing else... I think atheists swear upon something.
Follow what your inside says :)
Liked by: username2458

Vjkk Vjkf! Veer ji bani says -'Purabh Likhey Ka Likhya Paiyea' and Smtimes Guru ji Says in Bani- 'Sabna Likhya Vudi Kalaam',, veerji if ,what we r geting now is, as a result of our past lives then , How is Vaheguru's Pen Everflowing ,,plz explain im Confused.. Vjkk Vjkf

Vjkk vjkfateh
When looking at his game.. His game is so amazing we won't ever be able to truly understand as it is based from
Vaheguru. When we travel through the journey of jaap sahib where guru sahib explains Vaheguru ji is everyone and in everything then even that is in their writing of this game.
Think of it like this for now... Guru sahib created us via their hukam but hukmae andar sabh bahr hukame nah koe
That everyone is withing his divine game and no one is outside of it. That we all act withing his law... We have a choice to make a decision to follow his set our hukam or not. That's where we have a choice (free will). This is a simple explanation but it's beyond this.
We won't truly get it until we are blessed with Kirpa from
Vaheguru ji and they show us the game and how to win in... When we become beyond the game of giving and taking and so we have fulfilled our written game... We do that by merging back into Vaheguru ji.

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Liked by: Mandeep Kaur

Can we gel and tie our beard?

Take this into context as a Singh.
And for tying your beard you can if you need for work etc but personally I wouldn't see a lion tie their mane up... They let it run free.
Liked by: sargun

I am forever indebted to u. from ur videos I have met the true Guru&will never leave him.ThankU #SGGSJ As kirpan khando kharag tupak tabar aru tir Saif sarohi saihthi, yahai hamarai pir In Guru Gobind Jis period what did rapier, shaft, scimitar look like? Any links/images I would b very grateful.

Gurus Kirpa ji.
Unfortunately no veer ji, I don't know what some of the shastar look like myself :(
Liked by: Chaatrik

what do the terms rajogun, tamogun and satogun mean?

Usually linked to Maya and known as the properties of Maya. Vaheguru ji created them:
Rajogun - desire to work for the gain of worldly desires.
Tamogun - ignorance and leads to 5 chor etc.
Satvgun - mix between the above - work but not chasing any desire. Usually a person who is detached.
Very basic overview
Liked by: Jasmeet Singh

In the pungti you showed its mentioned no consuming marijuana but some nihang Singhs consume it....what are your views on the nihangs consuming marijuana,Sukha, or pang. Is it right or wrong according to gurbani and your opinion

Personally no... Not at this time anyway because in history I can accept it was used during times of war etc when 5 leaves used.
But nobodies fighting in any wars or doing any sort of Seva like that. Don't see the point of it atm.
My personal opinion... The pungti blessed before is all that is needed.
But I like this as well:
Amrit kah vahparee hoveai kieae mud shoeshea bhao dhare
One who trades in naam , what will the enticement of the wine of the world do for that being?
Naam is the drug we need :)
Liked by: Mandeep Kaur

Why was Maya created even though it's a trap for us while getting to Vaheguroo? Sorry if it's a stupid question.

Maya is that which makes us forget Vaheguru.... To be away from their remembrance
Therefore even this body is maya... This world is maya. If we let it be maya, but if we look at ourselves and this body Vaheguru blessed us with and remember Vaheguru then it's not Maya... It is naam.
This is a very hard state to get to... Reach if by japping naam and veecharing on gurbani
Liked by: Chaatrik

I go to gurudwara, but often don't eat the langar (I just leave after ardas etc). Is that a problem?

Nah, no problem

I think you guys are doing a amazing job, seriously no hate, BUT i have asked over 6 REASONABLY questions which none have been answered, yet at the same time, you guys answer questions like "are we allowed to watch "diya aur baati", like seriously come on man......

Veerji. Most of the questions we've answered and formed extensive answers...
Also I go to university and have work of my own to do... Marf Karoo ji but when questions which need time to answer we hold back on sometimes.
Resend one that you desperately need answering and I will answer it
Start it with a *
Liked by: Jasdeep Chaatrik


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