
Basics of Sikhi

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Why does the man lead in the anand karaj- where is the equality? Can the bride and groom walk beside each other and go around SGGSJ ?

We have covered this in a q&a video please check it out on youtube channel
Liked by: Gopi ✋

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Would you consider the Ardaas to be a motivational speech as I have had a discussion with my father and he thinks it isn't?

Ardaas can be broken down into two words Arz meaning plea and daas meaning servant. So whether this plea by the servant to its Master (Vaheguru) is motivating or not is individual perception. Maybe the Sikh Anthem (Deh Shiva mohe eha) he will find motivating
Liked by: Gopi ✋

Should we do simran before or after Nitnem?

Simran means to remember God so do it as much as you can...even while your eating...Vaheguru...Vaheguru...Vaheguru
Liked by: Na Gopi ✋

what should you do if you cannot awake at amritvela everyday?

Do Ardas to bless you with the strength to do so. Also assess the things that are stopping you from doing Amritvela and try and tackle them accordingly
Liked by: Gopi ✋

Most people dont have the understanding of Japji Saheb, Jaap Saheb or any other banis of Nitnem. But they recite it daily. They do it just because it has to be done. I dont think its right.. whats the use of doing Japji saheb daily if you dont know whats been told in there?

I see your point. It should not be discouraged. If you see anyone who is reciting but don't understand it then encourage them to learn it. We've done discourse on Japji Sahib and Jaap Sahib, so thats a start. Spread the love! Vaheguru

VGKK VGJKF Veer Ji, having some tough times in my life, is there any Sikh teachings on bravery and courage?

Vaheguru Ji. Yes, refer to Bhai Taru Singh, Bhai Mani Singh - Sikh history is full of Sacrifice through bravery and courage. Check out our 12 weeks 12 Gurus course
Liked by: Kavan⚾️ Gopi ✋

Are there any teachings on modesty in sikhi in terms of dress code showing legs etc

As Vaheguru is with us at all times and we should bare that in mind in how we dress. Also it is to be mindful that we do not create a platform for others to have lustful thoughts through the way we dress aswell

can we achieve salvation from any religion

Hanji but we still believe in ours. Its like climbing a mountain - many methods but its best to climb with rope from above ,Dhur Ki Bani (Gurbani is divine).

I would love to help out with the Basics of Sikhi team, what's the best way to get involved?

Email us personally on basicsofsikhi@gmail.com ji
Liked by: Gopi ✋

I'm dying of guilt Paaji.I've had kaami thoughts in my dreams and ok..I'll just come to the point.I had wet dreams.I'm not amritdhari yet Guru sahib blessed me with nitnem and naam and I do as much nitnem as I can.So,why did this happen ji? I'm ashamed.

How can I control Lust? - Q&A #8 UC Davis SSA: http://youtu.be/ZLXxbyg4Dpwbasicsofsikhi’s Video 112223078706 ZLXxbyg4Dpwbasicsofsikhi’s Video 112223078706 ZLXxbyg4Dpw
Lust is what is eating the world today and not enough is being said about it. First we need to control what we take in with our eyes .... tv, music and pictures. We may think that nothing is going into our minds but truly our subconscious is storing these images which can eat us up during the day.
kaam is a energy, we want to turn kaam to naam so we need to jap naam and read + understand gurbani which acts as a broom to sweep away the dust and dirt that is preventing us to go deep withing ourselves and find vaheguru.
Thirdly, sangat also has a big play in this. Personally I had many friends making inappropriate jokes which would make me go back to where I started with in regards to lust.
Fourthly when thoughts and urges come to you then, do exercise or take your mind away from this. We need to stay busy and try to always be in company rather than by yourself.
Finally ardas is the key. Ask guru Ji to hold your hand on this journey and stay strong

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basicsofsikhi’s Video 112223078706 ZLXxbyg4Dpwbasicsofsikhi’s Video 112223078706 ZLXxbyg4Dpw
Liked by: Gopi ✋

There are two Sikh rehat maryadas one from sgpc and one from damdami taksal, what to follow?

Vjkk vjkfateh.
This isn't Jagraj (he follows SGPC) but I personally follow DDT.
This is your preference tbh. The reason I follow DDT is because of my sangat, my personal beliefs.
When you take Amrit the Panj Pyaree will give you a rehit to follow and that is one which you will HAVE to abide to (as the panj will be the roop of Guru Gobind singh Ji) & will include majority of what's included in both maraydas.

I am currently NOT a vegetarian, but I am thinking of becoming vegetarian, will guru ji be happy if I become vegetarian?

Liked by: Gopi ✋

Will guru ji love me if I becom vegetarian now?

loll.... its deeper than that.
this isnt a tick box approach but literally a journey to go deeper within. By this I mean we change our inside to pure love and then our outward reaction will reflect that.
Personally I don't eat meat, and I am a veggie for various reasons.

Are you coming to the Netherlands? We really need you out here! If you are, please come to the Hague

nothing atm... try book us through our bookings email Ji
Vjkk vjkfateh
Liked by: sargun Gopi ✋

Hi there! I'm from a city where there is practically no sikhs around my area. I've been keeping my hair for two years now and I love it. I was wondering, how do I form sangat if there is no other sikhs around the area I live in? Sometimes I have the urge to talk about sikhi but there is no one to t

Vjkk vjkfateh,
there's online sangat and you can talk about Sikhi whenever.
when your with family and with friends. Learn gurbani tukhs and their meaning and you can go through the meaning with people.
This usually gets people very intrested and they ask more.
Sangat online is usually good, how bout Gurdwara ? is there one close by


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