
Basics of Sikhi

Ask @basicsofsikhi

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celebrating halloween: good answer BUT its abit weird to do celebrate if we are trying to remember what kicked off in 1984 at the same time? what do you think?

My birthday is near the start of June... go figure!

What would you say to a teacher who doesn't show them-self and not actually tell you about any test, let alone give you a test paper? You only heard it from other people, well do you assume the questions? do you make up your own questions because you want to find some kind of answer to life? genius.

God is not the teacher, Guruji is the teacher. Guruji was sent by Vaheguru and and they showed themselves and told everyone about the test. Since you are on this page...you are probably aware of what Guruji said. In case you're not, here is a video about this. http://youtu.be/k1Tkjpb5O8wbasicsofsikhi’s Video 70450719282 k1Tkjpb5O8wbasicsofsikhi’s Video 70450719282 k1Tkjpb5O8w
Now, if God told you about the test Himself, your mind would be blows and there's no more test. Getting Darshan of Vaheguru (experience them direct) is mind blowing. Sikhs beg for this and do achieve it if they follow Sikhi. Its an experience very hard to bear (from all accounts) so one must already be used to spirituality to even bear it. Can you imagine the awesome Power!!
btw, is there anyone you would trust more than Guru Nanak Dev ji or Guru Arjan Dev ji to tell you the Truth? If not, then its best to Listen, Accept and Do, this is the path of a Sikh. Dhan Guru, Dhan Sikhi

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basicsofsikhi’s Video 70450719282 k1Tkjpb5O8wbasicsofsikhi’s Video 70450719282 k1Tkjpb5O8w

So you're saying an athiest cannot obtain mukti? Surely god will understand that an individual cannot worship something they are not sure of due to then using their logic?

What would you say to the student who fails a test because he couldn't understand the maths but also didn't bother trying to find a teacher who could teach him/her. Something like, "re-take' that year? Thats what re-incarnation is all about.

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How do we be One with God when it's so hard these days? It's the 21st Century and it's way more different to older times. Young kids know all inappropriate stuff. We have to work to live, so some might not have time to do extra path. Internet is full of rubbish. And so many other factors, so how?

Death is still gonna get all of us. Nothing is going to go with us. Spend time thinking about your death and demise. Notice how no one remembers people for that long. We are the ones who suffer or benefit from our actions. Its getting harder perhaps, but then the resources are growing too...can become a brahmgiani with the amount of katha available on gurmatveechaar.com etc.

Would it be wrong for Sikhs to celebrate Halloween even though its the devil's day? Or even celebrate Christmas?

Yes, very wrong. You're likely to get a visit from the jamdoots...and they will ask you the dreaded question..."Trick or Treat??!!"
Chill, just have some sweets ready, dress up if you want. no one really celebrates these things for the original reasons, just meet family etc. We live in a western culture, we should be tolerant of things that dont actually affect our Sikhi.

Is it right to matha tikka and give money to sants? I believe we should only bow down to Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji.

You shouldn't matha tek to anyone but SGGS ji, thats my opinion. I would touch the feet of people I genuinely respect as I'm greedy for their blessings. If you give money, then make sure you're not trying to buy kirpa off them, cause that wont work as its not Nishkaam (without desire) seva. Most people give to Sants hoping to buy kirpa, rather than actually change their own behaviour, or investing in something for the Panth, ie being strategic with their dasvandh. This is weakness. We should be using our god given brains to think about Gurus dasvandh. Nowadays most Gurdwaras are wasting golak money and to give to such committees is probably a sin in itself. Brains were given to us to be used.

I dont see a reason why you would retire.. What will be the criteria for you to retire? bcoz ppl can still work in their old age unless they have to stick to bed. I hope Waheguru blesses u, n u nvr retire.

ੴ A Sikh ੴ
I wish some committee members retire. Its the natural process. I'm assuming that someone better than me will take over and lead the sangat (and me) to higher levels of spirituality. Guru Kirpa kare

VkK. VKf. I will keep my q short. While sitting in simran. My middle/upper back/spine starts to hurt. Do you have any advice to sit properly? Thank u Pa ji. Guru bas kripa kare. VkK. VkF

My posture and sitting position is the worst of all the people I know. My advice is to ask advice for someone with great posture. VJKKVJKF

i was surprised to see in one of the questions below that you've smoked marijuana - have you not always been amritdhari? how did you become amritdhari and was it difficult?

No I haven't always been Amritdhari, babies are not born that way :) I was lucky to be blessed with Amrit at the age of 21. Before that, I was like most of the lost misguided and 'blind to Sikhi' 21 year olds at Uni, i.e., smoking weed, drinking, clubbing, sleeping around. I regret those things cause they leave mental circuits that are very hard to change, but also I understand that Maharaj's hukam worked that way.
It wasn't difficult to take Amrit, it was a very blissful experience actually. Keeping the rehat is also not difficult if you get the fundamentals right, ie learn Gurmukhi and learn Gurbani. That along with learning history will keep you in line. If you're thinking about Amrit, then dont ever be scared of it. Understand its a big responsibility but also its the great gift in this world. So do ardaas to Guruji to keep you alive and in his path until you are blessed with Amrit. Who cares what happens after :)

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Best Sikhi books in English? Which do you recommend reading?

Nothin beats reading Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji, even in translation. Also Professor Puran Singh's - The Ten Masters, Se Kinehiya - Biography of Baba Harnam Singh (by sant sewa singh). Other good ones are Translations of Bhai Vir Singh, Bhaisahib Randhir Singh and Bandginama. There is also a great anthology of Sant Jarnail SIngh ji's speeches in English by someone called Sandhu. I also like reading Conversations with God

How to control krodh?

Naam ie connecting to God is the first and most important step. Doing simran, thinking of Guruji, doing ardaas, counting your blessings, these are all part of Naam.
Secondly, recognise that mostly its krodh (Anger) that we wish to control, its the actions that we might do if feeling Angry. So recognise that the actions you do are not a necessary part of feeling angry. You could feel angry and not react, hold onto the feeling and just let it pass. Or you could act and then regret. So you need to insert a pause in between the feel and action, this pause is your control. You need to own that control because that is where you earn Karma of Action. Guruji gives us three forms of karma,
Man = Thought
Bach = Words
Karam = Actions
So you could feel angry and yet express yourself without angry shouting and angry actions. Its hard, I agree. But recognising that the link between feeling and action is not automatic allows you to insert some control. Thats what winning the mind is all about. In time, if we stop reacting to Anger then our mental pathways will change and then we can work towards eliminating anger itself. This can only happen through Naam (connecting to the Blissful One)

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On everythings13 website, do you think it will be a good idea to have a blog session where Singhs and Singhaniya could share their stories of how they got into Sikhi? Perhaps, others can see that Vaheguru can do kirpa on anyone, regardless of one's colour, race, sex, moral or immoral behaviour, etc.

It is a nice idea. Have you seen NewtoSikhi.com? We do need a testimonials page, it seems that crowdsourcing the funds to keep Everythings13 is not working. A few thousand people giving £3 a month would be enough but we're now having to approach people who dont watch the channel for funding. Building a Gurdwara is so much easier!

Where can you get a translated version of SGGSJ in English?

Whats up with these people who cant use brahmgiani baba 108 babaji google wale.. we both wasted more time than if you have typed, "English Guru Granth Sahib ji pdf" in the search bar.
PS, please use google, not bing. Baba Bing dont sound right
PPS do you realise there are 383 unanswered questions already and every time I answer one, we get ten more... people should use Baba Google! okay ji, rant over. Next..

Are you Vegan? Should Amritdharis be Vegan or just Vegetarian and no eggs and no fish?

Who's gonna eat the prashad if we all vegan? (Ghee)??? And I'm not giving up the kheer after roti. Whats up with these people! ;)
I know what you might mean about the milk industry. I would definitely advocate organic milk and if we can bring the costs down, raw organic milk. Then we get to have some real malaaee like I did back in the Pooonjaab. Vah!

If I like an Amritdhari man and we want to get married, but I'm not Amritdhari yet. I one day might be, but not ready yet. Can we still have a full Sikh wedding or only Hukamnamma?

If you are Sikh, you can have the full Sikh wedding. Just dont try to smash the plates like in the Big Fat Greek Wedding and avoid spending all your hard earned money on a party sharty hall with booze and bhangra for a Big Fat Punjabi Wedding. Use your Guru's given wealth for the Panth and earn Guruji's blessings. Good luck!


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