
Dan Kim

Ask @CloneManga

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What is the exact point where cute and sexy are the same thing?

Snowhorn has one tiny himehorn toe in sexy territory. I think it's her long hair and those fuwafuwa eyelashes.
Liked by: usagiiiiii

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What's the sexiest part of a himehorn?

Hornmother: Oversized horns, soft feet, and ability to be spoiled
High ranking Haremhorns: Big boobs and hips and fussiness
Low ranking Haremhorn: Flatness and diligence
Musclehorn: Muscles and sweaty, sour smell

"Pa... I mean, f-father, h-happy birthday or sumthin'..." [image of Vicky (the true a cutest from your works) looking away shyly goes here if I knew how to draw]

Thanks for the birthday wish! =w=
I want to show off more of Bikky's cuteness...
Liked by: Evil Steve

"Papa, hapi birsuday!" - Japanese Ricecake

S-stop giving me that look my a cutest! My SUPER a cutest! I swear I don't know about any ricecake!! You have to believe me!!! ;www;
Liked by: xtej Evil Steve

Are you still remodeling your web? What program do you use?

Yeah, still working on it. I want to improve the front page--
things to do:
> improve comic visibility
> re-add lost content from the old site
> add a fan comic viewer
> cross reference more content (e.g. link wallpapers and comics)
> improve gallery viewing/searching experience
> add chapter names (especially for Tomoyo42
> add multi-page comic viewer (for finding that certain comic)
> add auto-thumbnail generator
The list goes on and on....
I use Adobe Dreamweaver. ;w;

Do you also need money and status and a ripped bod || Money and status do help, actually - who doesn't want to be around successful people, and money lets you do fun things whenever you want - but friendship is mostly about intangibles like a sense of humor or the-same-level-of-skill-at-checkers-as-

You got me googling for a good business success reaction image and this is the best I could find. Business stock photos are so damn goofy.
Liked by: Attarou Hat-chan

Making friends is just like falling in love: you find somebody, through luck basically, with common interests, a personality that works with yours. You participate in activities together building trust, sometimes just chatting, while slowly building up a sense of mutual respect, admiration, and trus

Do you also need money and status and a ripped bod
Liked by: Evil Steve

Why do you think that hearbreaking is very effective when its used with adorable things?

Sad pseudo-babies + bad things happening to good people. Our natural sense of protectiveness for the tribe's babies and outrage at injustice are aroused. That's the whole trick!
Step 1: Muu~ I'm so cute and defenceless muu~ =3= I just want to be a good girl muu~ =3=
Step 2: Aahh! Why are bad thing happening to me muu~ ?! I'll do my best to be good anyway!
Step 3: ;~~; being good didn't help! It keeps happening!
Step 4: ;~~~; I can't fight back anymore muu... Why couldn't you save me, muu~? ;~~;
Step 5: =__= ok I am ded now muu i hop u liek it ugh why
Step 6: Divine intervention -- in the material world injustice prevails, but justice in spiritual realm is served
Step 7: A sign - although the divine intervention is invisible to us, a sign appears in the material world. Only we, the reader, notice this sign... the world of the story continues on, blind and indifferent.

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>Cancelling the game after it has gone gold — Why? If the game was half-decent I don't see how could that be advantageous. Did they expect to lose money publishing it? Maybe it would have been different today with electronic distribution…

Brand control -- the main Splinter Cell 5 was in Development Hell and was going to have a major overhaul. Part of that overhaul meant that our DS version had to be scrapped.

Also I imagined her ears being human/elf-like with "normal" skin... ;~; ||| ... they are loyal to the manga, they are like that even in the color pages ... but yeah, a few more scales for details would be good, for consistency at least, but I am not sure if they would look good with them.

I guess I never really noticed 'em in the colour pages. ;w;
And yeah, they'd look weird with scales...

Her red ears don't look right to me. ;~; ||| Why? ... the color seems to be a little bit off, the red needs to be more intense, but thats all.

If they're red, they should be scaly like the rest of her snake body, right? ... Also I imagined her ears being human/elf-like with "normal" skin... ;~;
Liked by: Evil Steve

Congrats on the new job! Are you still going to be working on Mother||Child on the side? ...Wait a minute, >secret project >not AAA >brand new kind of gameplay Mother||Child IS the new game you're working on, isn't it!?

Ha ha ha, not this time. ;w;
Maybe in the future though! Just gotta work my way up the ranks a bit (or get into the right production group). =w=
Liked by: Evil Steve

What games did you work on in the past? Which ones are you most proud of?

A bunch of mobile games and some Nintendo DS ones.
Splinter Cell 5 DS ( a scrapped version that was never released... it was good, too. It got to gold status but was cancelled a week before Christmas. A lot of people quit. I did a few level designs, bosses, and all the minigames. There was a cool cover stealth and cover shootout in a subway that I was pretty proud of).
a DJ Hero like game
Some minigames for a Popstar game
a Cooking Mama like game
Some design work on a Wii pool game
Some design work on a tank battle game for PSN
A 3D physics puzzle game that died pretty early on in development...
Designer on Dungeon Hunter 2 (my favourite -- this is the game I was talking about - I did most of the level and boss design, all of the story, lots of interface stuff, all the multiplayer design, I storyboarded all the cutscenes and even the opening animation, also did a lot of difficulty and enemy balancing... I think the only thing I didn't at least touch was the combat and skill system. Oh, I named the items, too! There's a wand in there called the "sprout wand" that deals weak earth damage, ha ha ha...).
Dungeon Hunter 3 (It started out as a really exciting upgrade to DH2 and then was transformed into F2P arena fighter bullshit. ;~~~; I quit after this).

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Liked by: Attarou usagiiiiii

What prompted you to get a job again, Dan?

I got a call out of the blue from a producer I used to work with -- the best producer I've ever worked with, actually. He worked himself like a dog for the project we worked on together, protected the game from HQ's bullshit, and the project went on with almost NO WASTE. Games get content cut all the time, but thanks to really good management, excellent team building, and lots of hard work from everyone on the project, almost everything that was built made it in. It was amazing -- something like 22 full 3D action-RPG levels with an 18 man team in about a year. And the game was GOOD. Anyway, there's more to the story (including internal company stuff that happened after the game finished) but I shouldn't talk about it. In short: I trust this guy 100%.
Anyway, he called me up and said he had an interesting secret project and wanted to talk about it over lunch. How could I say no?

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