
Dan Kim

Ask @CloneManga

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It seems that there were more guys from Argentina ... I feel really ashamed... orz. I dunno if I am exaggerating, but... why can't they be more civilized?... Am I the weird one here? ;w;

It's just /a/, business as normal. Don't worry about it. ;w;

Remember me to never send livestreams to my friends... The ¨Hello from Argentina¨ was mine... (I saw your comments. LOL)... he sent ¨Vamos los pibes¨... I feel so ashamed... orz

That was you, huh? ;w;
Yeah, those "cute ears" / "bride" comments were mine... ;w;

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>Montreal >Only English ~ Is such a thing even possible? I mean, even without talking to anybody, you do have to buy groceries and run errands somehow.

I live in the anglo part of town-- I don't have any trouble. =w=

You should read Shirogane no Nina, and Himouto! Umaru-chan... moe overload.

I read Himouto -- it was okay. I got tired of Umaru after a while. Hinamatsuri is my "living with a mysterious girl" manga of choice at the moment.
I'll take a look at Shirogane no Nina. Thanks! =w=

What are your thoughts on the Zweihander?

Very annoying in the hands of a good user, but Crystal Magic Weapon Longsword-chan is my Dark Souls 1 weapon waifu.

Sempai, is there a way to respec? I could cut down on Vitality and Endurance if it meant more attunement slots. Also, why does onion-chan have a bastard sword? Doesn't she know how garbage they are in this game? Also, is the White Dragonbreath spell worth the INT investment?

Nope, no respecs.
Onion-chan has her own sense of style, I guess. Don't question it.
Personally, I don't think it's worth it unless you're a straight up mage, but that's just me. It might be fun just to try it out.

The Captain definitely deserves the second place prize. But don't you want an ambiguous gender qt to choose to be a qt girl, just for you?

I'd rather have squeaky rubber-balloon hugs from a 15 meter tall a cutest. =3=

Dam, we already had a talk about sticking your dick in crazy, it ain't healthy bro. Tsumugi best girl

That's what I'm sayin'
muh moogs a cutest

Not even that other anon, but Izana is clearly best girl. Yuhata is a close second. Mugi is 2tall4Nagate. And fleshy.

Izana is boring friendzone material and Yuhata is even worse. Ranking is:
A cutest and best tier:
Muh Moogs
Almost a best tier:
You tried tier:
Irrelevant tier:
Honoka sisters
Tsundere Space Miku
Everyone else

Maybe then she'd stand a chance against the true best girl.: You mean the best girl who is about to kick the bucket?

Hrrm. Maybe I should compile the story and put it online somewhere... ||| I have it. Do you want it?

Yes please!
elbowlick@gmail.com =w=

Hey Dan, do you have the complete quest of starry leedah?

You'll have to dig through the leedah's replies.... I didn't save a copy.
Hrrm. Maybe I should compile the story and put it online somewhere...

Dan, I know this is going to sound like a selfish question, but I would pay money for you to do a tutorial on drawing legs. Why are legs seemingly so much easier to get wrong than arms?

My legs are pretty bad, anon!
But you know what? I'm just grinding today, anyway -- let's do a stream.

To the anon that doesn't follow Leedah and is annoyed by how Dan likes 95% of Leedah's answers: Go to Leedah's ask, and just under the follow button is the block button.

There you go! =3=


Language: English