@igotamatch#6 🇬🇧


Ask @igotamatch

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What is truth? What’s the difference between facts and opinions?

~ Truth ~
~ is the way it is . . . . was , and always will be , come what may ~ not altered by whim , opinion , point of view , nor circumstance . . .
~ written in stone ~
"Ladies & Gentlemen , the train is leaving , the train is leaving . . . . . Trotsky's Train . . . . "
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDW8cpsvqAwigotamatch’s Video 154923807354 jDW8cpsvqAwigotamatch’s Video 154923807354 jDW8cpsvqAw
What is truth Whats the difference between facts and opinions
Liked by: Olivia Ravena вика

What was the last fight you had with your parents/siblings about?

I don't accommodate 'ANON'
~ feel free to ask again if you decide to remain active ~
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwjzCqHo5f4igotamatch’s Video 154898575482 AwjzCqHo5f4igotamatch’s Video 154898575482 AwjzCqHo5f4
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAB1t0eaKnMigotamatch’s Video 154898575482 IAB1t0eaKnMigotamatch’s Video 154898575482 IAB1t0eaKnM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=St6jyEFe5WMigotamatch’s Video 154898575482 St6jyEFe5WMigotamatch’s Video 154898575482 St6jyEFe5WM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mb3iPP-tHdAigotamatch’s Video 154898575482 Mb3iPP-tHdAigotamatch’s Video 154898575482 Mb3iPP-tHdA
*music for all the above versions , composed by Johann Sebastian Bach (below) ~ 'Air in G' *
What was the last fight you had with your parentssiblings about

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Do you consider yourself more conservative or liberal?

No . I don't . Neither at all .
The former strangles the life out of it's victims
The latter is utterly without substance ~ incontinent .
~ if were talking the political parties ~ neither are what their names suggest .
* * *
I consider myself more . . . . . compassionately progressive .
* * *
*rewilding volunteers , re-creating the ancient wildwoods of the Southern Uplands of Scotland*
Do you consider yourself more conservative or liberal

Why do some people have "pet peeves"? Do you have any particular ones? (A pet peeve is a minor annoyance that an individual identifies as particularly irritating to them, to a greater degree than would be expected based on the experience of others.)

It's a term I detest.
It was a favourite for 'qotd' selected by admin. ("what are your pet peeves")
~ I mocked it as harshly as I could each time it came up.
~ so , such people quite simply disgust me ~

Since the question was too long I posted it on my wall. Please follow the link to read it and post your opinion as an answer to this question. I had an argument yesterday with my sister over this imaginary situation. https://ask.fm/RandAlJendi/answers/155943723729

I can't answer that question adequately without upsetting some people.
~ I will just say ~
~ it is probably the most evil thing anyone can do to a child , is to inflict their 'beliefs' upon them .
~ teach your child facts ; not the ravings of some vile ancient pervert-priest.
Nature is the greatest teacher .

Do you grow attached easily to people and/or objects and places?

Nitrogen5’s Profile Photo°•Donovan•°
Selectively , I suppose . . . .
~ but 'easily' ??
~ if they have enough appeal ! ! !
~ there has to be reason !!!
~ so only in the case of Viki & my Grandchildren would I say easily . . . . but they the only in the last 'X' decades . . . .
~ but if it is highly selectively , it's hardly 'easily' . . ./
"easily" , suggests some sort of attachment problem . . .
on the other hand , I don't have difficulty forming bonds were I want to . . . .

Is every educated person an inelegant person? What’s the relevance between acquaintance and mental capability?

Abuse , or deformity , disability , tend to be the the cause of inelegance . . .
No , education , in the normal sense, even in extreme learning, has no connection with inelegance .
Lets not confuse education with 'brainwashing' ~ ie abuse . Because that may well induce inelegance ; or should I say , rob one of elegance ~ by crushing the spirit . . .
the second question ; by 'acquaintance' , do you mean socialisation ?
~ depriving someone of normal socialisation , socialising . . . . . may/will bend ones mentality towards the will of the 'educator' , the controller
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7B7oLuW61L0igotamatch’s Video 154857751418 7B7oLuW61L0igotamatch’s Video 154857751418 7B7oLuW61L0
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5ChO6VwUlUigotamatch’s Video 154857751418 e5ChO6VwUlUigotamatch’s Video 154857751418 e5ChO6VwUlU
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0S1YjSTK_sigotamatch’s Video 154857751418 d0S1YjSTK_sigotamatch’s Video 154857751418 d0S1YjSTK_s
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TReRHdw0LiUigotamatch’s Video 154857751418 TReRHdw0LiUigotamatch’s Video 154857751418 TReRHdw0LiU
*for full*
+1 answer Read more

When was the last time you cried and why? (Ignore if too personal.)

When I think of someone's distress ; I break apart inside . My soul groans . . . .
Sometimes my eyes may water a bit . . .
~ but I don't say: "boo-hoo" , & cause others distress . . .
~ have you heard a mature man cry ? ~ It can be darn hard to be sure he's not laughing at first . . . .
When I first lost my children , then aged 6-7-9 ; 24 years ago . . . . . .
And I went to consult professional people , like my lawyer ~ when I opened my mouth to speak , I just could not . . . . I was shaking & gasping for breath , hyperventilating . . .
plus all the sadness since . . . . it just stays inside , it really aches numbly . . .
But Viki , @viktoriaonegina , helped the pain become a scar . . . . your smile can heal me from afar . . ,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXCafc8JJ3oigotamatch’s Video 154861771386 AXCafc8JJ3oigotamatch’s Video 154861771386 AXCafc8JJ3o


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