
Lauren McKinnon

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So my horse was found today laying down in his stall. It's very unusual for him. We found out he was dehydrated. So idk if I'll ride tomorrow. Any tips of what to do with him if I'm not riding. Just to cheer him up and make him feel less depressed?

Lol just give him plenty of water/electrolytes and you could probably walk around on him and take him over some obstacles but it of course depends on the severity of the dehydration! Maybe just take for a hand walk or bath him?

are you still friends with Ainsley?

We don't talk anymore because she stopped riding and moved away but i do miss her!!

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I've been falling off my horse a lot. Not cause he refuses or doesn't want me on him. He's very spooky so each time he spooks he puts his heart into it and I end up falling off. Thoughts? Tips? Will I learn to hold on soon?

Of course you will! You just have to be prepared every step of the way and look ahead for any signs that he may spook/things he may spook at! You're bodies muscles will eventually figure out how to better hold on :) and u need the will power too baha
Liked by: Tyler Graham

I think I'm gay but I don't support gays completely? I'm female and am am sometimes attracted to other females... But I don't feel like doing sexual things with women? sorry if you don't answer non-horsey questions ?

Lol everyone questions at some point or another it's totally fine to think other girls are attractive but not want to be with them sexually even kissing girls doesn't make you lesbian! Just go for whoever your heart tells you that you want to go for ?
Liked by: Katerina Papadakis

Struggling to get my horse on the bit. What do u do? Inner leg? Rein?

Get your horse going a speed where you can half halt to harness the energy and get the horse very bouncy and at a better rhythm once they're working properly their head will fall into place. You just need the right momentum to be able to have them searching for your contact

My horse is after a tendon injury ? yeah he's totally fine and doing the 1.10 now. What should I use, jumping boots? Or polo wraps with half elastic half normal.

I would use jumping boots and polos for all flat work

My dog passed away today and im having a very hard time. I know shes okay now but i miss her like hell already. How did you cope with your dog passing away? I know how it feels now to loose someone very important to you. ??

Omg i was ruff and super depressed forever but you start getting used to life with them even though its super difficult! Just know they're not in pain and running and playing catch and getting belly rubs and going on long walks! ? stay strong ❤️

Tips for getting my horse to slow down in the canter? She is fine on her left rein but when I get her to canter on the right rein she gets really fast. She isn't out of control but she gets really fast and she gets harder to control. Is there any products I could use? Any tips for slowing her down??

I would say start on the right side and continually work on the ride rein! A lot of horses go faster when they're unbalanced and nervous/amped. Also if you're starting on the left rein your horse knows you'll want to canter and possibly is why he goes faster on the right! I say do lots of circles and canter poles and try to work on relaxing yourself :)

You and Ralph have made so much progress since you first got him! It makes me jealous because I am trying to train my first ever horse and my first time dealing with an OTTB. It gets a little frustrating because he doesn't really know what I am asking for so it makes me cry. I've have him for a year

Thank you and just stay positive and surround yourself with people who can help you out when you get discouraged


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