
Lauren McKinnon

Ask @laurenmckinnon

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Do you think you and Maya would ever restart MyEquineAddiction, or do you think you'll never get along again, I feel at this point the reason you guys split wasn't just a "difference in opinion on how to run the channel" it's sad you guys were best friend goals ?

restart the channel no. but friends I hope so.
Liked by: elena

My trainer makes me ride with a strap around my horses neck for safety because her jump is a little crazy. I was wondering if I could use the part on a 5 point breastplate that is in front of you and on top of their neck?

I'm confused as to how a neck strap of pulling/holding onto anything that's connected to the horses neck sounds like a good idea... Personally as a trainer I would get you to strengthen your leg so when there's an over jump to use your legs to grip, or if anything grab the mane because they don't really have feeling in their crest. But to have a rope around to pull on when you lose your balance really doesn't make any sense to me.
Liked by: elena Katie

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Do you have any ideas or recommendations for eye drops with your horse has runny eyes

I got polysporin squeeze tube of eye meds that I put in ralph eyes, you kinda have to just smear it in there the drops go everywhere so I wound't recommend.

*blank* horse you've ridden Hardest Easiest Sweetest Biggest Smallest Funniest Prettiest

Jolly a little pony I used to ride was extremely fun!

Is it ok to have a show coat with 4 buttons for the hunters?

uhhhh probably not tbh but I think that it's preferred to wear only 3 buttons

I showed last week for the first time (I've been riding for a year and a half) I jumped 0.90 and I wasn't nervous is that strange ?? Lol

NO go for you that's great!!

How tall are you and your horse? And what height could a 5'6" person ride without looking weird

I'm 5'1 Ralph is 15.3hh go for what you want!

I'm 5'6", 13 and 100 pounds do you think a 16 hand horse is to small.(jumper)

It's all about personal feel. I you prefer a 17hh horse go for it, if you prefer ponies then do that.

tips for riding a blind horse in the canter when you are not great at controlling and he trips over stuff and almost kills us

Half blind is usually fine but fully blind? Tad dangerous in my opinion if it's as dangerous as you say don't ride him

How do I tell my mare I'm the boss? Coming up to jumps she refuses some of them (out of a 5 jump course, she refuses 1 or 2) her old owners said she got nervous around them but her 1st owners said she's just testing me. She did 1.20m and 1.30m. She said I need to tell her who's boss so she will jump

I would say put them all down or to just a course of canter poles. Do that for a couple days and then go back to jumping your regular courses and see if she's better about it. if not she might be in pain potentially which you could get checked out. If it turns out to be just attitude then I would suggest grid work, pole, x, vertical, pole, vertical, etc. So there's no room to deke out! If she only refuses/deke's on single jumps or going into lines lay two poles on either side of the standard to make a barrier of sorts for her, then keep your hands wide, SIT UP, and LEEEEGGGGGG all the way to the base she needs to get over it especially if it's just a behavioral issue!

How long do you think you should be riding for before you get your first horse?

really does not matter

How do you make a lazy horse canter?

You get them going forward with your legs! The need to be as active as possible.

I'm 14 and I'm leasing a horse but in a year or so I'm going to buy a more advanced horse which will be like you said around 15k but parents will only pay 10k tips for making 5k in a year or just a lot of money? Thanks

Get a job! haha save every birthday & christmas or just take the 10K budget hahah

My horse always adds little steps before the jump. I always lean forward too soon then. Tips?

set up canter poles (3) then once you can canter over them while sitting back & without leaning forward and expecting a little jump step you are ready to make the middle pole a jump.
Then when you go to canter the grid again do the exact same thing canter pole, jump, canter pole but make sure to sit up at the jump. If the jump is under 2ft you don't need to be in two-point really and you don't need to give a big release so this should workout for you :)

Match these brands to discipline (opinion) Ogivily Ecogold Sheepskin - Hunter Jumper Eventer

Both companies make sheepskin pads and that's usually for hunter, the normal half pads they make can be used for jumper, and I know ecology makes eventing pads, and i'm sure ogilvy does too

I am struggling with keeping contact with my horse. How do YOU get a horse on the bit? I know it's a complicated question, but I need some help. My trainer is in Ireland for a month. and also what are some tricks/tips about that too?

Okay well I would try to get her as relaxed as possible, maybe work her int he arena first and let her get tired, then when all of you go out together really be firm with her if she tries to take off, that's not allowed. If there's a field or something do some things you would usually do in the arena so she associates a trail ride with listening to you and WORK TIME! Not just let's run around and take off whenever I want :) godlike

I have plans to go on a hack today after I ride with 4 or 5 other people and their horses. Last time I went on a hack it was pretty windy (ontarios spring transitions?) and my horse tried to turn around and trot back to the barn. It was hard to stop her (she's in a d-ring French link) so.. CONT


can any of you believe that Amber Marshall is pregnant sorry if i am a pain in the butt, but it is a snow day roads are icey so i cant go to the barn?


I had to run her into a fence. My trainer was with me before and she isn't going to be here this time and I'm worried she will trot away again. What should I do? I need to keep her calm and just walking. It says the wind is 13km/h right now. Will that be loud? I think that's why she tried trotting.

I would just trot her around and make circles and change direction and really get her thinking about what you want. Don't run her into anything unless the situation is getting dangerous and you CAN NOT stop her. But If she wants to trot let her, she probably needs to blow off some steam/ is nervous about something if you try to keep her walking she might get more anxious.
Start off by try to walk calmly, somewhat relaxed rein (still feeling her mouth) and relaxed body, really swing your hips with her walk.
If she starts trotting let her and try to keep it as relaxed as possible. Slow your posting and again, get her thinking by asking her to do things rather than allowing her to have the opportunity to run away :)

Does your white ecogold saddle pads wash out well?

Yes for the most part, I vacuum it first and then use baby detergent which is so gentle that it doesn't get all the stains out but if you were to use detergent with stain removing properties it should come out nicely!

have been wanting to lease a horse for a while. I have money saved up and I have everything planned out(what stable, how much) and the only problem is I don't know how to ask my mom. Do you have any tips that can help? And I hope Ralph heals well:)

Just say hey mom i have money saved up and everything planned out I want to lease! Then talk it over with her! And thank he's doing alright!
Liked by: Natalie

Tips for getting your horse to work in frame or "round"? My tb likes to stretch down completely to avoid the contact and I have to pull him back up where he sticks his nose out and becomes heavy. Also how do you ask for him to become round?

First of all sit on him in halt and have someone from the ground tell you when you are creating a straight line from the bit to then elbow this is when you need to keep at every gate and go into the walk, trot, whatever and really get your horse moving off your legs and seat. Once the horse is forward and using the hind end correctly the front end gets lighter and that "heavy" feeling in your hands is lessened. Keep a good feel of the outside rein and play with your inside rein to encourage a bend in the neck. It takes time and practice and they might only hold it for a few second but when they do praise them so they know they're doing what you want :)

ways to improve 2 point?

a good way to improve your two point is to turn it into 1 point.
focus on only gripping with your lower calves (one point of contact) and don't touch/rest your hands on your horses mane at all! This really helps to strengthen the basis of the position. Also it can really eliminate the lower legs swinging back over jumps and frees up your hands to do proper releases and to give your horse a heads up as to where you're going next!

Do you pull or clip your horses mane ??

i trim it when it's long but thin
i pull whenever it's thick, regardless of the length

Be honest, have you ever been at "rock bottom" where life felt impossible and you felt like the only way out was to end it? How did you deal with it? Sorry if in appropriate I'm just going through a lot ?

I honestly have had days where I feel very depressed and that nothing is going right for me but I just have a good cry and eat some food and realize that it's all part of life! Nothing is going to be perfect or easy and if it is then LUCKY YOU!! But of the most part people always go through shit that will bring them down you just have to push through it and remember that it'll make you stronger in the end! There's no way I'd be the person I am today if my life was easy and if everything went perfect for me, it's made me much more humble.
I think you just need to figure out things that make you happy in life and strive to include one of those things in each day! Also starting a 100happydays insta is extremely motivating and has lifted a bunch of my friends spirits so try that out!!
Also it never hurts to talk to people, your parents, friends, dog, horse, therapist, anyone! Just explain the real feelings you're having and I'm sure they'll do whatever they can to help!

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What is something that makes you frustrated? And are you frustrated right now?

I'm frustrated at how unpredictable horses can be and that they can't talk to tell us what's up and this stupid weather which is keeping me from seeing my baby boy

I finally stopped pushing with my body and taking my back toward (bad habit). My trainer said the only way to jump higher is by sitting the canter. Any tips? He is really pushing me to do my best he said no stirrup work and sitting trot any other tips?

I'd say you're on the right track no stirrups will definitely help you just really need to practice it until you master it :)

I've been riding for a 1 year and a half. I showed once 0.90 maybe going up to meters soon. I've been riding for so little and I ride as well as others who's been riding for longer But they're jumping more than meS Idk why it's so annoying. He says he want to progress a lot but never fixes them

Just worry about yourself and being the best rider you can be! Stop comparing yourself to other riders and focus on your own abilities and improving them :)

Haha same snow day today so I didn't go to school but riding the whole day instead ?

FCK the car and the roads are so icy i might not go :'(

How would you get a older horse who has been out of work for a while back into shape

I'd start slow, start by lunging everyday and then hop on and do fairly light work then after two weeks get back into regular flat and small jumps :) IMO


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