
Lauren McKinnon

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I was at the RAWF on Friday for the night show but i figured that you were only there in the morning! Agh I'm so mad that i missed you:( but I'm so happy that you have come so far with youtube and you got to do a photoshoot and an interview ! Keep it up lauren <3 :)

Hehe thankkss :) wish i met chaa

All my horse classmates are saying that I am obsessed with horses. They say that I constantly talk about them and that I need to shut up. But, I dont think that I cant stop talking about them, its just that I dont know what else to say. Thanks for answers. I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!

Just tell them to get over it haha who cares if all you wanna do is talk about horses ?
Liked by: Luli.V IDASUBAN Caitlin

My biggest habit is looking at the jumps when I get to them any tips for helping me stop?

Pick a random tree in the distance or the wall a head of you and stare at it intensely until you are over the jump lol

what's one thing you always forget to do when you are at the barn (i.e. forget to put fly spray on your horse)

Honestly i forget to pick his feet out the most ? it always gets done but it's last on my mind and sometimes im at the mounting block ready to get on before it comes to mind ooooopppsss
Liked by: Katerina Papadakis

So it's 23C and we blanket our horses, the ones that were just shipped from Belgium Europe don't. Cause they're used go the cold weather; I have a local horse should I blanket him, I dont really want to but I get looks from people (he's stalled) and at night get worried that he's cold

If it's 23 celcius i wouldn't blanket them! If it goes around 5 degrees or less maybe consider a stable blanket if you're really worried just don't over-blanket to the point of sweating!
Liked by: Katerina Papadakis

I just started YouTube and my video already has a thumbs down ! I have to film on my IPad , (TBH the quality isn't that bad ! ) I'm an equestrian YouTuber ( FYI ? ) and its really making me feel down. Like I know starting a YouTube you're going to get hate ! but any advice to overcome being upset?:)

There's always gonna be people that don't like you and people that do :) just gotta except it!

But she doesn't grow as thick a coat. I bought a brand new 300g fill tough 1 blanket for my gelding and I'm looking for one for my mare. Would it be a good idea to blanket them this year?

You can always put a 100-200g fill blanket on them and decide whether or not your horses prefer it! Most horses like having some sort of shield from the elements :)
Liked by: Katerina Papadakis

So I live in manitoba, and we usually have the shittiest winters. This is my 2nd winter w/ my tbs. My gelding did fine without a blanket last year (he lost some weight in January so I got a cheap blanket for the time and fed him alfalfa and he did amazing) and my mare fine also (continued)


This might sound stupid but after rides in the winter do your still wet your horse down ? x

Nope unless you got heaters and blowdryers and tons of time to wait until your horse is bone dry
Liked by: Katerina Papadakis


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