
Lauren McKinnon

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I have been riding for about 6months and I have my first show coming up in around 3 weeks. I was wondering if it would be ok to wear my Kerrits riding tights to the show. It is just a schooling show so...

Yea definitely as long as they're beige
Liked by: maya

I'm a beginner rider and my parents (and somewhat my trainer but not really) want me to start partly lease or full lease a horse but I told them I wanted to wait around 6 months so I'm more experienced...do you think this was wise?

I commend anyone who will go against what other people say to make the right decision for themself
Liked by: maya

Should I get tall boots or paddock boots and get a pair of half chaps? Like for lessons?

Paddock & chaps
Liked by: maya

is Ralphs back leg still injured or what happens and is he ok now

No he's all good it's like the fall and soreness at the beginning of 2015 never happened! (Knock on wood)
Liked by: maya Alyssa Harman

in ontario our version of iea is basically 'ouea' but its for university and i think college students only, which is pretty great for us poor students and in many places you get discounts on riding lessons (:

Thans :)
Liked by: maya

I'm looking for a saddle but my horse is hard to fit saddles. My friend told me that it doesn't matter if it fits the horse or not it only matters if it fits yourself. Is tht true? I mean I wouldn't use a saddle that didn't fit but I was curious if it was true or not

Get a saddle fitter out to your barn it's sooooo worth the extra hundred to get a saddle that fits you AND your horse!!

I love your new channel already! Your uploading more consistently and I can't wait to see what your channel brings !! Make lots of videos at the barn those are the best?

Me too thanks a lot!!
Liked by: maya

I hope you and Maya still hang out outside of the barn, because in my opinion I feel it would be quite sad to not hang out with your friend of 8 or 9 years because of youtube ?

I agree
Liked by: equinesrawesome maya

is there a way to oil my saddle without darkening it?

I would just buy a leather conditioner to soften it because almost all oils do darken leather unless they state otherwise
Liked by: maya

My parents will get angry if i even ask to have a horse.. What do i do?

Just take a step back and ride and have the best time ever in silence for a while then try bringing it up again and say whatever your point is, whether you'd like to go further or spend more time riding or whatever it is and hopefully they'll listen.
Liked by: maya

How do you find Ralph? Like I know how you did from your horse hunt video. But like did you look online or? Because I'm trying to find a horse at the moment and I'm having a tough time.

I went through a horse consignment woman
Liked by: maya

hi remember that video to "convice" my parents (aka mom) to help me getting a horse non of it is working because she said we were finacially uncapable... i'm a rider for 3 years and i've never tried so hard to show them still nothing. Could you help me?

PetraPires’s Profile PhotoHello:)
To be honest if you're aware of your financial situation and a horse wouldn't fit into that equation you need to accept that reality. I don't think it's fair to expect the world from your parents, and want them to go over and above for you to get you a horse if you know it's not in the budget. You need to respect that. I understand that you've been riding for 3 years and feel like you've shown them you want/need a horse, and they probably understand very well that you do. Be happy with the lessons or whatever it is that you are privileged enough to have at the moment. Maybe once you move out and can support yourself, and a horse you'll see why your parents said no. Sorry if this was blunt but it was needed to be said.

Thanks you for the video on taming show nerve. Im not showing at the moment but im going in a clinic and im really nervous cuz its far away, a new coach and people so it will help alot.

You're welcome I tried to put everything in that video haha
Liked by: maya

Im going to travel 4 hours with my horses. Its going to be 20degre but cloudy and humid. So i'm not sure if i should still put boots and wraps on their legs. Do you have any experience with shipping wraps/boots? If yes what would you do?

I've trailered ralph in just his polos and dressage sport boots and he was fine, mind you the drive was only 30 minutes. I would keep the boots in the truck with you and perhaps just start with properly wrapped polos, and stop to check on them every so often. If they seem like they need the boots then at least you have them with you to switch out.
Liked by: maya

Did/do you play volleyball cuz I played for a couple of years!

TheEquestrianLife__’s Profile PhotoHannah.stadel
I played house just for something to do and extra exercise, I did soccer for that same reason a few years back as well.
Liked by: maya

Have you ever thought about moving barns? Like to one with better facilities and stuff? Because you probably could now that you don't have to make videos with Maya!!

I love my current barn, the atmosphere is awesome and I love the property. I did miss having stalls and walking past all the horses who peak their heads out at you but honestly I don't mind and I really like the people. So I don't think I'll be moving any time soon!
Liked by: Hayley maya

What is the best helmet for people with big foreheads

oh jeez i have no clue! Try on a bunch and see what one you prefer, that's more of a personal preference question
Liked by: Kenzie Picket maya

I'm having trouble keeping my leg in the right position while in the posting trot. I keep bringing my legs forward and it looks like I'm sitting do you have and tips that might help me keep my leg where it needs to be?

really if you take away the stirrups your leg will put itself in the correct position to help you balance once you put the stirrups back you'll have a better sense of where your leg needs to be. Also make sure your stirrups are the right length for what you're doing (jumping, flat, etc.)
Liked by: maya

I wanna have a horse so bad ? how can i get my parents on my side that we should get a horse? Life like yours would be like a dream come true for me!

just show them how bad you want it
Liked by: maya

I'm having trouble with my confidence, and it's really affecting my riding and it has gotten so bad I can barely trot :( so I was wondering if you had any tips or something just to help boost my confidence? I will be extremely grateful (it's mainly withy cantering and jumping) thank you xxxxx :)

Just start slow and talk to your trainer about it and say that you need to slow things down in order to gain your confidence back! :)
Liked by: maya

Hey Lauren! I just recently got a used leather saddle that has definately seen better days. It's really stiff and no matter how much I condition it still hasent softened up. What Else can I do to help soften it up?

I would say put mink oil or olive oil on it, do it in light thing coats and let it completely absorb before you do another layer
Liked by: maya

ILY so much? you are my biggest idol ever!! It would mean the world to me if you could follow me on Instagram morgan_jasper but I understand if you cant?

thanks love!
Liked by: maya

To the person with the saddle...you really can't do anything but help your saddle when you oil it! Just go to your local tack store and talk with an employee. Really any oil will help :)

Liked by: maya

Can you make a how to video on darkening saddles?

since mine is the colour I want it to be probably not
Liked by: maya

what do you use to make your thumbnails? Can you make an "how I make my thumbnails" video? I would really appreciate it :)

I just take a picture and throw some text on it using ribbet :)
Liked by: maya


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