
Lauren McKinnon

Ask @laurenmckinnon

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Are there any brands or companies that you boycott? Why do you refuse to do business with them?

Hm i wouldn't do business with companies that i didn't 110% support! Or ones that have animal testing and stuff like that

theres this guy at my barn thats really hot.Hes like 4 years older than me but I still really like him.Ive wanted to talk to him for a long time but I'm very shy and he is way older than me.I'm worried that it will be very awkward,and if someone sees me talking to him they'll think Im weird. Tips?

Laweell just talk to him dont over analyze shtuff
Liked by: maya

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Were you ever so mad on Ralph (like when he bucked you off ) that you wanted to go away and just get some sleep???

No i can't say i have i get frustrated but usually for the most part riding relaxes me and makes me focus on something else
Liked by: Idda S. maya Tori Zak

Hey it's Kendall and I wanted to ask you for some riding advice. For sitting trot my trainer says that I need to open my hips and sink my seat bones under me. Any tips?

Kendall Smiley
Your trainers got it. You need to just let your hips go loose and melt into the saddle and follow with the rhythm!
Liked by: maya Kendall Smiley

Yeah your dad sounds awesome. Is your mom also involved with horses or is she like just less than your dad? :)

More so my dad
Liked by: maya

I've been at my barn for a month now and all we have done was dressage work and let's just say its really boring. So I went to jump my horse which it's been like two or three months and I fell off him ? I always land on my wrist. I feel like I'm going to break them one day.

Omg noo dressage and flat work are the building blocks of all riding! If you strengthen your legs and increase your balance then you'll be less likely to fall off and be careful hahaha ??

I asked the getting popped over jumps question- thanks for your help! With the getting left behind I kind of mean my trainer will tell me not to jump up his neck and stuff and sometimes I over correct a bit and wait too long haha. But I will definitely try all your tips at my next lesson! Thanks!!!

Oh you're welcome! Also think about letting the horse come up to you when you jump, like go into your regular two point then wait for their front legs and neck to come up to your body that will help you to not "over jump" :) godlike
Liked by: maya

Your dad seems amazing! so committed to the horse world :) And he's awesome bc pancakes and bacon obviously lol :')

Omg i actually love my dad!
Liked by: maya

Do you think its to late to change the name of a seven year old horse (im buying him and i dont like his name )

Hmm idk it's your call. If he already knows the name and comes when called etc then i wouldn't but if the name you want to change it to has similar syllables then why not haha
Liked by: maya

Do you have any tips on getting my horse more supple and easy on the right rein he's so sticky on it!

Ride around with your reins slack so he can lean on anything! Also it would help lunging him in his bridle and side reins if you know how to use them properly it can help with him figuring out how to deal with a light steady contact himself if he leans hard in them get him moving more forward! Goodlucckkk
Liked by: maya

I need advice, I am at a barn now where I lease a horse I love him but am growing out of him :( do I stay and look for another lease or move to another barn with the opportunity to compete regularly and have two lessons a week??

Whatever you prefer! If you can try both out briefly and see what you like best
Liked by: maya

Can you pick whatever show name you want or does it have to have something to do with the horse? :)

If it has bloodlines that are related to somewhat successful show horses then out of respect the name always has a connection to one of both parents! The barn name (what you call it) can be whatever you like though! Same with if your horse doesn't have show parents or if you are unsure the breeding history
Liked by: maya

Do you think that your bit would be good for my horse? He's a tb that I do western on and I currently have rode him twice in an argentine snaffle which is way way way too harsh, my parents bought it but my horse just can't handle it and I want a soft bit for him so he's comfortable.

Just throw a regular snaffle in and see how he does if he doesn't do well just keep changing it up until you get the perfect one :)
Liked by: maya

Hi Lauren, I am a huge fan of your channel! I was wondering if I could ask you a question or two :D Anyways..... 1. Does your barn offer summer camp programs? 2. Do you have any siblings? 3. Who is your favorite character on heartland? P.s. Give Ralph a hug for me!You and him have such a great bond

Our barn does offer summer camp :) im an only child and hmmm i've always loved jack and badger when he was on it! And will do ❤️
Liked by: maya

On the horse I've been riding lately, my heels always pop up over the jumps and my leg slides back. He jumps up a lot and kind of pops you out of the saddle, so you either get left behind or your leg shoots back. Any advice on how to fix this issue? You have such great eq so...???

Literally practice and close your leg around the barrel. If your upper body is getting left behind them gran that mane to keep yourself down over the jump you'll get it with time! And thanks but mine isn't where I want it to be yet
Liked by: maya

Tips on keeping your horse from dodging the jump? My horse always switches leads after jumping so when I go to my next jump I have to switch leads then go back into the canter and by that time she has already decided to dodge even if we are set up perfectly!!! Help!!!?

Either jump it on the wrong lead or focus on just one jump and landing your leads correctly off of it :)
Liked by: maya

Are you good friends with Daria? I feel bad because it looks like you are a little excluded :( (not trying to sound rude at all, I love you ❤️❤️)

Yea I am
Liked by: maya

I want FOAL breeches so bad but I live in the USA ;( Is it pretty much impossible to get them because ordered across the border is poooop expensive or no? Do u have any ideas lol I LOVE them they look amazing but I don't live in Canada :(

Go online and see how much shipping would be to your housee
Liked by: maya

I just started a fan page for you its Lauren_Mckinnon_Fanpage I hope you like it and follow me on it ILY LAUREN

aww thankyouuu!
Liked by: maya

Wait so will you just pick a good answer to your giveaway or will it be at random? Also can you answer once or as many times as you want?

Just answer once and I'll pick someone at random :)
Liked by: maya

How do you get Ralph's head tucked in? My horse always has he's head up high but I've been working on framing it and he holds it for maybe 30 seconds tops and then puts his head up high. I don't know how to leave it tucked it. His old owner had it tucked in the whole time.

Their heads fall into place once the rest if his body is moving from behind just do a ton of flat and dont focus on his head focus on his hid
Liked by: maya

How do you trim or cut your horses hair evenly? And when you said the length should be your hand sideways are you including your thumb or no?

I pull his mane and about the width of a mans hand so i include my thumb because my hand is tinnyyy
Liked by: maya


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