
Lauren McKinnon

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Difference between running and standing martingale and their purposes?

This is just what I think but I'm pretty sure the running is used to somewhat keep the horses head down/to add more pressure to the bit because it's attached to the reins. A standing just connects to the noseband and again I believe it's to keep the horse from throwing it's head up :) correct me if I'm wrong lol

this isn't horse related but i've just noticed recently how long and healthy your hair is and i was just wondering what you do to keep it so long and healthy? its really gorgeous:)

I do absolutely nothing to it that's why it's healthy hahah! it hasn't felt a curling iron or straightener in moonntthhhssss plus I rarely ever blow dry it unless it's winter LOL but thank you very much

when i try to canter i can't kick the horse up because if i stop posting while in the trot i bounce around and can't kick them. what should i do?

Well I learned to canter by sitting trot first so go a couple rounds in the sitting trot and theeeeeennnn go and ask for the canter :)

so my horse just got back from stall rest for a few months, and i taught him how to stand still while mounting but now he won't do it anymore and his owner has a bad hip and i need to fix it fast. how can i teach him again? he's been really lazy too for being back, but is there anyway to fix either?

just reinforce it just like you taught him before :) he'll remember

trying to decide whether i want the ecogold cool fit jumping pad or the flip half pad. I can only buy one at the moment because they are very expensive, but i will get the other one later. Which pad do you recommend to start with and what else do you ride with when using the pad?

I love the jumper pad ?


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