
Lee Jindalle

Ask @leejindalle

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Do you play an instrument? Which?

Haha... I used to play the violin horribly. Then tried playing the guitar...until now to no avail. So I guess none... I don't think instruments are my forte. When I was in primary we had this music class and we played the flute but I was never interested in it. We also played the pianika... I think that's the only instrument I'm closest to actually play well. But that's also like, below average skill. But if there's one instrument I'd like to master it's definitely the guitar, and everything similar to it like the bass and electric guitar.

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Post a picture of your favorite movie!

Has to be either The Five-Year Engagement or The Great Gatsby. Oh or ummm The Guilt Trip! :D
....Grown Ups isn't so bad as well. Never getting bored of any of these movies~
Post a picture of your favorite movie
Liked by: Veronica Ong

But, anyway will you be sad if I tell you Edison a lot of Tesla's idea and make a lot of sums of money out of it for himself? :(

Hello? Whats this? hmm. It's not that...isn't it?
In 1884, a 28 year old Serbian-born inventor named Nikola Tesla immigrated to America from Paris. As he passed through Ellis Island, Tesla's entire worldly possessions consisted of a book of poetry, a letter of recommendation and exactly four cents in American currency. That letter of recommendation was addressed to one of the most famous businessmen in America at the time, Thomas Edison. Edison and Tesla collaborated for a short time, but their partnership eventually soured. Over the next decade, their heated rivalry set off an electrical revolution that drastically changed the lives of every human being on earth. Tesla's electrical innovations blew Edison out of the water and are still the standard today, more than 100 years later. Tesla's 300 different patents brought him fame and incredible fortune in his lifetime. At one point, the royalty payments on his Alternating Current patent were worth the inflation adjusted equivalent to hundreds of millions dollars. By most estimates, Tesla's royalties were so valuable that he easily should have become the world's first billionaire and the richest person on the planet, by a long shot. But none of that happened. Unfortunately, not only did Tesla burn through his entire personal fortune on failed projects, he also threw away away his most lucrative patent and subsequently his chance to become a billionaire. When Tesla died in 1943, he was bankrupt, alone and teetering on the verge of insanity.
[source: http://www.celebritynetworth.com/articles/entertainment-articles/in-1897-nikola-tesla-tore-up-a-contract-that-would-have-made-him-the-worlds-first-billionaire/]
This page should sort of answer the question. I hope?

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Do you prefer vintage or new?

Idk it depends. Vintage, why not? If you can still use it nicely. And uh...if not then absolutely new.

What is your favorite sport to play?

Hmmm badminton actually... Or swimming? But now I feel swimming is so much work. Like, the stuff you need.
Then um.. OH! DODGEBALL HAHAHA! Running in general. Not really a big fan of volleyball, or basketball...or even soccer... Too harsh for me. Bad experiences T_T #zeroskill

What do you splurge on?

FOOD. I used to splurge on stickers&notebooks...until I realize I never use them....
Idk actually wow I never thought of anything I splurge on......
Oh. Hats. But affordable and good quality ones... :'D #collegebudget

Where do you fall asleep besides your bed?

On his arms... #hahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha
I don't usually fall asleep easily, even when I'm on my own bed... Probably when I'm reaaaally tired I can sleep in the car. Or any other comfy beds really...

If you could have one superpower what would it be?

Control time....... Or levitate stuff. So I don't have to walk here and there, grabbing food or tidying the room..... :'D #thedream. Oh wait, reading people's mind have been one thing I sort of have always wanted.
CONTROL THE WEATHER??? Who said it can't snow in Indonesia?!!?? :'D

What's on the top of your birthday wish list?

Every single one of my big family members are present on that day to celebrate. Or atleast I can celebrate it back in my hometown. Couldn't make that happen this year. I mean like, we could have a had gathering, have fun, be together, dine together(grandma makes real good food hmmmm), have a good laugh. With grandpa and grandma. Or we can go to one of the many water springs there. Priceless. Hands down, best birthday ever.

What worries you the most?

Time. Time freaks the crap out of me, every single time. It's scary because its like you're chased by your future and you have to do well for it to be good, in a particular amount of time given.

What makes someone powerful?

Someone who has skills are powerful. In my plain opinion. You basically need them, and they can reject you if they don't want to help. So.

What is your favorite children's story?

I don't remember all the children's books I've read but I do remember I liked Matilda and The Call of The Wild, which are books I got from school.
The Giving Tree is also very touching, it's sad and not many children would understand but if you read it as an adult...it's sad.
Oh, not to miss out King Midas & The Golden Touch.

When do you feel the most comfortable?

When it's not too cold nor it is too hot.
When it's not too crowded and not too quiet.
When I'm wearing loose clothings and there's no one to judge.
When I'm wearing tight clothings and there's no one to judge.
When friends are ok if I'm not being my nicest self once in a while.
...sometimes, when I'm just alone.

How do you usually express your emotions?

Mostly by talking with a lot of movements, gestures... Or crying, or laughing. Pretty normal.

Before and after kenal doooong:3

Before: cool mysterious senior yg memiliki suara indah yg kyknya gaakan bisa diajak kenalan :'D
After: woles&friendly abis. HAHA! (Suaranya masih indah :'D)

yah cobain aja sebelom belo bb cream lol sama aja caranya kyk pake cc cream. gratis ni gw kasi kl mau bsk bwain

Bolebole thank you loh OuO

How can you tell that someone is lying?

From what I've read, they don't make eye contact and they touch their nose or even face a lot, and they can't stay still...
But usually people who's not lying use hand gestures a lot when telling a story, whereas those who are lying don't.

babe, do you wanna try etude's CC cream (the glow one) ? i'll put it in 5gr jar. let me know bby

What is it for? IDK HOW TO USE CC CREAM haha....... And how much is it?

impersonate n desc i jiiin hhhaa

HAI GLEN semoga kabar indah(?)
I shall try......
"Ih dalle kok u tinggi sih"
*sapa(teriak) orang tiba2*
*paling suka teriak di/dideket kuping orang*
"I tuh dipanngil Grinish ji!"
*senyum2 sendiri sambil kedip2* ;;)
"HAAAI MISSS~" ke ms roshan
"Miss ini gimana"
*nempel ke adeline*
*nempel ke erika*
*cubit* *cubit lagi kalo ga respon*
*isengin andhika*
"Eh kangen andhika ya"
HAHAHA bikin kangen...sekolah.
- KECIL HEHE imut ;;)
- kulit putih bersih bagaikan ....beras
- berduaan sma Adeline menjadi Dewi Dewi Accountings
- gapernah makan(?)
- jalannya lucu
- sering squeal/(sok) imut gitu
- resenya ngangenin </3
- suka numpang tidur dirumah
- paling suka tidur di pantat/paha orang
- abis tidur langsung pulang hahahahahahahahahhahaha :)
- setiap malem gw doain biar gendutan
- kenal semuanya, termasuk OB2 mgis
- populer
- giginya bagus (?)
- idolanya Faris
- dendam sama Heidi
- anak angkat ms roshan(?)
- rambutnya coklat asli bagus gitu tapi di cat lagi, kenapa? Gw jg bingung.
Udah ah makin engga2 aja.......... Banyak deh tentang Glenys ;) Mau tahu? Ketik r- *signal putus*
Wo Xiang ni cantikkkkkkk

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What are the benefits of being famous?

Hmmm let me $ee.....$$$$$$$$$ ye$?
And you're significant or even mean the world to someone, out there.
You exist. You die well-known.
But you can choose, are you famous because of a good thing or a bad thing? Idk, when I hear the word 'famous' I think of celebrities, Hollywood.. But hey, even Bin Laden was famous.
Liked by: Veronica Ong

How do you surprise other people?

Surprise pie sih. Hmm personally I'm not very fond of surprises jahahahahahhahahaha ........
So I don't know. It's not like they're not expecting it, IM BAD AT SURPRISES ACTUALLY I always end up giggling and looking suspicious hhhhhhhh by this question is weird

What personality trait do you admire in other people?

I'm not used to being dependent on others, well actually I try not to, but once in a while its nice to know that a person is reliable. But reliable can mean a lot of things, the most common is when you need help, you know the person will be there, or actually help with the things you asked for. Being emotionally stable counts...doesn't it? Think about it. An emotionally stable person is...wow. #respect. Nuff said. A person can be reliable when he/she's intelligent :'D When you need help satisfying your curiosity in something. IDK..... They can also be reliable because they're hardworking. THE LIST GOES ON BROH so yeah, reliable. #respect
P.s as long as you don't take advantage of those humble people.

How do you relax at the end of the day?

Watch YT videos or look at Pinterest, while laying on the bed, when it's quiet and everyone's sleeping, with a blanket, after a good night shower.

What to do on a rainy day?

STAY INDOORS AND DRINK GREEN TEA(or anything warm) OR EAT YOUR FAV SNACK OR MEAL WHILE WATCHING YOUR FAV SHOW OR TUMBLR aaaand cover yourself with blanket aaaandd wear your favorite hat aaaand wear your favorite sweater ha ha ha ha ha oh god
Liked by: Veronica Ong

First three songs in your favorite playlist?

In my music app. But I usually listen to the mp3 downloaded app. Idk it doesn't have top played songs feature.......and I always put it on shuffle....so....... He he
First three songs in your favorite playlist

Who is the happiest person on the world?

The one who sees the good in every situation. Usually laid back people, in my opinion.

If you could witness any historical moment, which one would it be?

The day Indonesia got its(?) independence. WEEE!
Or actually when Julius Caesar was murdered.......... Looks so unreal. Out of plain curiosity.

What is the meaning of the life in one word?

A riddle! Or a game? With few basic rules. It's fun at one point then it gets annoying but still, figuring it out together with the help of family and friends may take off some loads off your shoulders. Ups and downs, climaxes, etc. If you take it TOO seriously, you're not really enjoying what's actually meant to be fun.


Language: English